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He appeared not that long ago. Whether Jungkook drove, walked, or took the bus, Monday through Friday, in the afternoons after Jungkook was done with work, he saw the traffic guard, directing people and cars alike, helping traffic flow in the heart of New York City.

And he was pretty cute.

In the orange, reflective vest, with pretty brown hair and deep dark eyes, was a man simply doing his job. But Jungkook just could not get him out of his mind. He knew he had a crush on him, but what was he supposed to do about it?

Veteran's Day was a couple of days away...and Jungkook's workplace let all non-essential workers off on the holiday. For weeks now, Jungkook thought that maybe that was the day he could shoot his shot.

He went through different scenarios and ideas in his head, what would work or not. He was honestly panicking a bit. This was a random stranger Jungkook saw on the street. What if he wasn't there on that day? What if he wasn't single? What if he wasn't into guys? It was nerve-wracking.

Finally, he decided he'd just go up, and tell the truth. He was cute, Jungkook was interested in him, he wanted to buy him a hot dog at a nearby stand he liked and get to know him.

Oh but was that too forward? Was it creepy? The pressure was too much! So here Jungkook was freaking out internally, waiting for the right moment to say something.

He arrived in the late afternoon, around the time he traveled through, when he knew the man would be there. Sure enough, there he was, small of frame and oh so lovely. Jungkook wanted to hold his waist.

Ah shut up weird thoughts! Jungkook mentally shooed it from his mind. He needed to focus. He sat on a bench, and distracted himself.

About half an hour later, at 7pm, the man walks from the road. Jungkook's eyes widen. This was the right opportunity! It's now or never.


Jungkook stands up, just barely running after him. They're on the other side of the street when Jungkook tapped his shoulder. His mind went bananas when his fingers made contact with the neon vest. "Hey."

The shorter man stops, turning around. "Can I help you?"

Eye-contact is made, and Jungkook loses any tiny bit of confidence he once had. He speaks like a deflating balloon. "O-okay, this is going to sound so crazy, but I've seen you on my commute home every day, just doing your job, right? Well anyways, it just so happens that you're very cute, and I've been psyching myself up to possibly tell you that, a-and I just did. So what I'm trying to say is, there's a great hot dog stand near here. Can I buy you a hot dog?"

"Hot dog, really?" He gives him a look, but doesn't seem offended. "Is that an innuendo?"

Jungkook's eyes go wide with realization. "Oh my God no!" His face flushes into a deep red. He thinks of what to say next. "Listen, I know this is insane, I understand I probably look stupid right now, and you may as well use this as a story to use for cheap laughs with your friends, and that's okay! But it's a widely known fact that dating these days is hard, and I can't go on a Tinder date, I just can't."

"I understand that," The man huffs out a laugh.

"Yes! Exactly!" Jungkook agrees as if he knows at all what his incoherent rambling even means. "So here I am, taking a risk, scared shitless because you are cuter than anyone I've ever seen, and I know that sounds creepy, but my mouth is a faucet and I'm already sure this was a total fail, so I am sorry, please have a good day."

He turns to run, but hears a, "Wait."

Shocked, Jungkook turns around. "Huh-"

"You said you'd buy me a hot dog," He tips his head to the side. "So where are you going?"

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