Awkward (Continuation to Birth)

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Jungkook tapped his foot, anxious. Why on earth did he decide to do this? There were so many reasons this was a bad idea.

He was meeting up with his enemy—well, former enemy, that is. The son of his mother's best friend. The two had a lot of history. Rumors, fist fights—and scars to prove it. For their entire adolescence they hated each other.

But things were different—kind of. At a Christmas party, Jungkook and his enemy, Jimin, got locked in a shed. And they made up...kind of. The thought of Jimin brought back that deep rooted grudge he carried for him—it still does to this day. But they had agreed to try to change for the better, to become friends, even.

Well Jungkook thought that was impossible.

They exchanged numbers at the party, trying to be cordial. But once they got inside, things became awkward. Jimin was still so easy to yell at, and every little thing he did was so annoying. Jungkook realized while getting snacks that he was no longer trapped in a small space with Jimin. There was absolutely no reason to talk to him. So after a bit of useless small talk, he booked it.

The two haven't talked again since then. That is, until Jimin texted him weeks after the party.

Dumbass: Are we gonna do this, or are you the coward I always believed you to be?

Obviously that got Jungkook's attention.

So here he was, at a coffee shop near his campus, feeling absolutely stupid. It was his idea to do this. It would have been so much easier to have not said anything, but no. 'Meet me on campus sometime,' he had said. What an absolute fool. Was this really worth the pain Jungkook knew he was about to endure?

But then he pictured his mom and Mrs. Park in his mind. And he scowled to himself. Because it really was worth it if it meant it was for them.

"There's practically a rain cloud floating over your head," That slightly familiar, awful voice came from the right of him. "Glad we're feeling the same."

"I'm already excited to go home," He tells Jimin.

"Likewise," Jimin huffs. "If this doesn't show my mom how much I love her, I don't know what will."

If only they didn't see their sons getting along that night. The two could've just pretended nothing was ever said.

"Well, let's get this over with," Jungkook turns to enter the coffee shop, not waiting for Jimin to follow. "I'm buying because I was dumb enough to suggest this. I owe you nothing."

Jimin scoffs.

They order coffee and sit down. It's tenser than Jungkook first could've imagined. He knew he had no reason to hate Jimin, technically. In fact, he did more harm to the smaller. But he was still so angry.

He didn't want to like Jimin. It was so much easier to keep on hating him. But he remembered how happy his mom was on the car ride home from the party. He drowned in questions about him and Jimin that he wasn't able to answer. She was so excited. Jungkook really wanted her to be happy...

He sighs. "Listen. As much as we both obviously hate this, we both have a common goal; to make our moms happy. So we need to really try. They can't be mad at us if we gave it a real go. It's no one's fault if we really did try."

"Then we need rules," Jimin looks him in the eye, deadly serious. "Or I will kill you."

Jungkook laughs incredulously. "You took the words right out of my mouth. Well then. First, no arguing in public. That's beyond embarrassing."

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