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"You wanna grab lunch after class today?"

"I can't," Jimin shakes his head. "I'm meeting Jungkook for mini golf. He found this really cool place downtown. It looks so cool."

"Another date?" His friend eyes him.

"Hoseok! No, you know it's not like that," Jimin gives him a scolding tap on the arm. "Jungkook and I are just friends. Why is it weird we do things together?"

"Movies, picnics, long walks on the beach," Hoseok lists. "All couple-like things the two of you do together. I don't understand why you guys don't admit you like each other. You're already going on dates."

"We're not!'

"Then you guys won't mind if I join?" He asks.

"W-well, I don't think Jungkook would like that..." Jimin trails.

"Exactly. You guys like it just the two of you," The older points out. "Everyone knows you guys are in love with each other."

"Everyone is wrong. You can't look into Jungkook's brain, you don't know," Jimin sighs. "I'm not messing with things. I'm not going to ask him out unless I know he likes me. For now, I really just like spending time with him."

"What if you did know?" Hoseok inquires. "Would you date him then?"

"W-well yeah..." Jimin blushes. "But it's not like that. Jungkook and I are friends. I'm the last person he'd be interested in. I'm not like anyone he's dated in the past."

"He's not like anyone you've ever dated in the past," Hoseok counters. "Which is probably for the better. I was worried you had a type."

"What? No, I-" He stops, thinking. "Nevermind. Please, just drop it. Call me a coward, whatever. I'm happy being friends, and I really don't want to ruin anything. Let me golf in peace."

"Oh fine," Hoseok huffs playfully. "You know I'm just messing with you, right? Your love life has literally nothing to do with me. I am just honestly surprised the two of you haven't started dating. That's all."

"Uh huh," Jimin rolls his eyes. "Focus on yourself getting a date. That's more beneficial than pondering over who likes who."

"Ooh, ouch," Hoseok pretends to be hurt. "Low blow."

"See? Doesn't feel good when other people talk about stuff like this," But he's smiling—there's no animosity between the two of them.


"Okay, no more stupid talk. We're going to be late," Jimin quickens his pace.



"Don't mess up!"

"Damn it!" Jimin, startled by his loud voice, hits the ball too hard. It flies right over the hole. "You asshole!"

"Oops, sorry~" Jungkook laughs.

"You're too competitive," Jimin pushes playfully. "It doesn't matter though. I'll still win anyways."

"In your dreams~" He hits his own ball into the hole effortlessly. "I'm too good, you don't even have a chance."

"Oh, so you invited me out so you could win?" Jimin gives him a look. "Is that why?"

"Well, I couldn't have invited Taehyung," Jungkook shrugs. "He'd actually be some competition."

"Listen here," Jimin grabs the taller's shirt, shaking him. "For that alone, you are going to lose. Mark my words, Jeon Jungkook. You are going down."

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