I am the Alpha - Part 28

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“Erin, I’m not okay with watching my sister dance half naked in front of all the guys in the school.” He growls back. Half naked, fuck it’s not like I was in a bikini.

“Jack, it was a one time thing. You just jealous of my skills, cause from what I last saw…you can’t dance for shit.” I tell him getting a response of laughter from a lot of the guys.

“Erin, since when can you dance? It’s not like you do dance at school” Chase asks curiously.

“Oh contraire, I have been doing dance at school since 7th grade” I tell him matter of factly.

“No you haven’t! We would have known” Mitch chimes.

“Apparently not, I just usually stop in football season. This year bring the exception. In fact, I’m dance captain as well as sports captain.” I tell them watching their faces contort into annoyance.

“Anything else you feel like telling us that we don’t know?” Jordan growls playfully. Anything else, anything else…. Hmmm.

“Nope, can we go now or do I have to dance for ya first?” I smirk looking straight at Jack who looks like he would kill anyone who agreed. Everyone else had also noticed Jack’s expression and kept quiet but it didn’t stop their thoughts from going a little crazy.  “Guys I’m flattered but epically disturbed by the things in your heads right now…” I tell them innocently getting a lot of embarrassed looks back.

“Erin can you see our thoughts too?” Seb questions making me automatically delve into his thoughts. He is imagining me sitting in the middle of a room with a massive force field around me holding back all the guys and their horny thoughts. I start rolling around on the floor laughing much to everyone’s shock and Seb’s amusement.

“Dude, that is hilarious!!”

“It came in a moment of inspiration” Seb told me sighing dramatically which results in me laughing even harder.

“Erin? You can calm down now” Matt tells me serenely standing over me looking down with a bemused expression on his face.

Ignoring him I turn to Seb who is a few metres away explaining to some of the guys what I’m laughing at. “ That’s actually I good idea, last time I was so focused in cutting myself away from everyone… maybe all I need is a force field preventing everyone to get to me!”

“Huh?” The confusion on his face can only mean one thing….

“You didn’t tell them did you?” I ask guys in the pack demandingly who automatically look horrified at my realisation.



“Not in so many words…”

“Are you fucking kidding me guys? What did you tell them?” I ask bewildered and a little pissed getting myself off the ground to face them. Have they even told dad exactly why I blacked out and went into some sort of coma the other day? Searching their face they all were looking rather uncomfortable while the rest of the team watched bewildered as I was.

“Erin, what do you mean? What happened?” Seb asks curiously

“You know when I blacked out for a few days last weekend?”


“What did they tell you caused it?”

“Experimenting with your Alpha powers, why?” Oh my god, they did not!! They made it seem like it was my fault, being careless and stupid when really it was their over active dicks. Turning to Jack and looking him in the eyes I ask “Will you tell them, or shall I?” His face is emotionless but his eyes and the endless stream of ‘crap, crap, crap…’ running through his head gives him away. Coward.

Looking up at the rest of the team who all look back curiously I decide to just tell them instead of listening to Jack squirm. “Well, Jack decided to invite Katrina and the slut herd” some of them give me strange looks, have they really never heard me say that… I must use it more often. “… oh um I mean cheerleaders. Then you can guess what this lot ends up doing,” I turn to glare at my pack of dumb-asses. “So I mentally block them out by severing the Alpha link.” I get a few gasps for that one… had Jack left out that part to? “Well four hours later and I’ve got the worst fucking migraine in the world because I don’t want to feel, see or hear their thought about the sluts they’re banging. Then when my brain literally almost explodes I tell them to fuck off letting out all my anger on the dimwits who impaled my innocent head but before I can finish I black out”

I finish to silence utter silence, well unless you’re me and you’ve got about a zillion different thoughts and images playing through your head. Some were angry, some shock, some thought it was hilarious… bastards.

“Are you serious?” Seb finally asks me quietly

“Yup, I could have died because they wanted to add another number to their tally” I sigh dramatically before bursting out laughing. I don’t even know why I find it so funny but I do. This has gone on long enough though and I want to go to that party.

“Come on!!! Let’s go get trashed!!!” I yell hoping they might listen to me this time. To my surprise they all start jogging to cars yelling and laughing… let the fun begin!!!

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora