202. Demon's Eye

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Back to Ben's battle with Hades which hasn't progressed yet. Both of them have realized what happened in the Fairy Tail camp. Ben knows it through his clones while Hades gets information through one of his Mages' magic.

"Hahaha, it seems the battles on other locations have started. Your guildmates will get wiped out soon by my Mages," says Hades haughtily.

"Ho, you seem very confident," says Ben.

"Of course, I have taught them different kinds of Lost Magic for years. They all are strong," says Hades.

"Lost Magic, huh? Now I'm interested. I really need to check your ship thoroughly and maybe your base too after this. But I don't think they are as strong as you say. They purposedly avoid Master and Gildarts," says Ben.

"They aren't ready to fight those 2 yet. But I have someone who can do it," says Hades while grinning.

"Heh, that guy on the ship that has just left, huh? He sure has a good amount of Magic Power, but it's just around Master's level. Gildarts will pummel him in no time," says Ben while smirking.

"Hmph, the amount of Magic Power isn't everything," says Hades.

"I know, I always say that, after all. But I still think that he doesn't have a chance against Gildarts. Unless he receives some kind of help," says Ben.

Ben doesn't want to resume this conversation and rush to attack Hades. He moves very fast and appears in front of Hades in less than a second. Then he immediately attacks Hades with a strong straight punch.

However, his punch is blocked by an invisible pushing force. Ben knows it's not a barrier made of magic because it's pushing him away from Hades' body. So he assumes that it is caused by Hades' Demon's Eye which releases the pushing force.

'It must be the Demon's Eye ability because he didn't use it before when I beat him up. But why doesn't he move? He can't or doesn't want to?' ponders Ben.

Ben tries to attack again using his punches and kicks at a very high speed. But all of them are repelled by the pushing force from Hades. The force is strong enough to counter his powerful attacks.

In Devil Force mode, Ben's physical stats raise a lot and so are his magical stats. It causes his attack power to increase exponentially too. So it surprises him that Hades can easily counter his attacks that have been enhanced a lot.

'As I thought, this old man has a secret skill or tools. His Magic Power doesn't reduce at all even after using this strong force to block my attacks,' ponders Ben.

While Ben ponders about it, suddenly a tentacle comes out of Hades' back. It moves fast to attack Ben from his right side like a whip. Ben who is focusing to attack Hades doesn't realize it and gets hit.

The hit is strong and it flings Ben until he crashes onto some trees, breaking them in the process. Such an attack will injure him in normal condition but he is in Devil Force. His durability is enhanced a lot and he doesn't receive any damage from that attack.

"So you can make tentacles too like those demons that you created. You're truly a creepy old man," says Ben while walking back toward Hades.

"I don't want to hear it from someone that looks like a real demon," says Hades.

Hades extends his right hand forward and uses his Chain Magic. He shoots a pair of chains to attack Ben and now the chains move faster than before. But it's still not a match for Ben's speed who can evade it easily while moving closer to Hades.

Ben covers both his hands with Devil Slayer's red solar energy. His claws are glowing bright red as he starts to attack Hades with them. The glowing claws hit the force and push each other as Ben keeps attacking.

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