Chapter 1

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It was raining, but I didn't mind. I just kept walking while the water soaked my clothes and my hair stuck to my face. If I felt temperature, it would probably be cold, right?

Maybe not, after all it's early September and most people walk around in shorts during the day. So it was probably more of a kind of 'warm' summer rain. At least for others who noticed such differences. Still, nobody was on the street.

Of course not, it's also in the middle of the night, I said to myself in thought.

I held my head up and opened my mouth, so that the wet raindrops could run to my mouth. I was so thirsty... but of course, normal water would not breastfeed. No, what I wanted, what I needed was blood. Thick, fresh blood. I had at home some blood products, but it tasted so bland, so empty, without any feeling.

Feelings you could taste only proper, very fresh blood, and then only if you drank it straight from the vein. To get such blood in the hope I had dispensed with the canned and had gone to a club.

But God, in these guys there I was afraid that together they unfolded before I started. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration... or not. Most, in fact all the people of whom are a vampire, or drank in my case, a half-vampire, folded together. It really is somehow clear... blood loss to us that way. Therefore, I also took mostly young people around 20 years old. They kept the best form. At least most of them, but not all. And if and when a person which did not stand up, it could happen that they eventually gave up on the ghost. So they died, went to the afterlife or whatever. Not that the accounting for me, as also so completely without feelings?

Although so very briefly after someone was killed by mistake someone I had, at least for a brief moment, even a bit of a guilty conscience. Of course, only as long as that blood in my system and I was feeling so anything could.

Because vampires could not feel anything, they can not even be for something, and only minimally the half-vampires are in a different mood.

I could feel, I could sense, I was able to... I mean I used to.

As a half vampire, someone is born full of emotions and every day it's getting less, very slowly... for me it was gone by the time when I was 15. That's about 2 years ago. Since then there has been nothing. This is how it feels... empty. No sadness, no love, no confidence, no friends. But I couldn't miss it myself, I was capable of that.

With one exception, when I drink blood 'directly'. Because then I can sort of read the emotions out of the blood, I know how my victim feels and can even feel something like emotions myself, well almost. These feelings were very, very vague, more like moods, and they didn't last long. But in contrast to pure vampires I could at least do that. And from a purely objective point of view (I couldn't look at it any other way) I think that was good. Still, I always drank myself from people. They were annoying and clingy. Also, I wasn't allowed to draw too much attention to myself. Because otherwise my father would notice, and even if he usually didn't give a damn about me, it was important to him to be inconspicuous.

Not that anyone now thinks my father is a bad father because he doesn't take care of me. He was just a vampire and vampires... don't do that. And I didn't mind either, at least not anymore. As a child maybe, but those were only murky memories.

At that very moment, as I was trying to recall my so hazy, far-off childhood feelings, still with my mouth open and eyes closed, letting the rain run down my throat, I heard a sound. Somewhere further to the right in the deserted park I had just crossed to get back into my house. It was a laugh, and I immediately clamped my mouth shut and stared intently in the direction it was coming from.

There was a girl about my age, maybe older I guess, hard to tell in the rain. She held something to her, a cell phone, what else?

She laughed again, then said mock annoyed and still with a grin on her face. "Oh my, you really can't be left in charge for half an hour." Then she was silent for a moment, during which there was probably a conversation on the other end of the line. Before she started again. "Don't worry, I'll be right there and save you from certain starvation."

The first thing I noticed was the large plastic bag in her free hand, which was pretty hard to see in the rain, or maybe I hadn't noticed because I was too distracted by what was undoubtedly a pretty hot girl.

That was probably because for the last few minutes my mind had been on how to get her blood. The different scenarios ran through my brain.

I want her now!, spoke the voice inside me.

I should have taken canned blood with me, I could barely control myself.

I turned my gaze back to her, she had slowed down and was almost standing still. She was still smiling though.

"Chinese." She replied to the one on the other end. Seconds later she started laughing again. "Yeah, I'll hurry up, stop stressing." She said and walked a little faster again.

My breathing was uncontrolled, she was not far away and I was so hungry...

At that moment, as I thought about it, she suddenly looked up and her eyes met mine.

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