Chapter 91

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***Samukelisiwe's POV.

Arriving in EHlomohlomo , my father sure was surprised and obviously happy to see us. It was like these ancestors waited for to come back here because since I arrived I've been having scary dreams and worst thing is that they aren't clear enough , I've prayed , ngaphahla , fasting ; I'm still in fasting and it's much easier and bearable since mom is helping me , we fast together. I was totally ready to give up until I remembered that there's an ancestral rondavel that's at the back yard that I hadn't attended to so today that was my mission. My phone rang and it was BabuNkomo.

Me : "Hello?"

BabuNkomo : "When you get there , pray. While doing everything else in there , pray. You are about to finish your end of the task."  I nodded.

Me : "I hear you Mkhulu." He dropped the call.


I wore my shoes and said a short prayer to get strength in facing this. I walked out with a bottle of water and phone and passed my parents cuddling , those two sure don't know what they want. I opened the rondavel and I swear I almost died , there was a huge ass snake that had rolled itself around a big box ; I started praying while shaking the bottle of water. I didn't stop , I continued even when I heard a small hiss ; I only opened my eyes and saw the snake rolled into the other side not moving. The box was now by the door , my phone rang and it was BabuNkomo again.

BabuNkomo : "Get your parents here and put me on speaker."  I called out for mom and she appeared running with dad behind her , I called them over.

Me : "They are here now Mkhulu."

BabuNkomo : "Good. Sizwesakhe , why are you careless?"

Dad : *clears throat*  "Uhm I'm not sure if I get you."

BabuNkomo : "Why are you careless? That place was given to you by your ancestors to do something great for people but wena you did the opposite! That place was given to you so it could be something good and pleasing but you forgot all that and went after women! Women who just wanted power , women who are witches! The same women you ran after are the same ones who wanted to see your downfall , they are the same ones who made your kingdom lose everything man! Anilaleli inkinga yenu!" (Your problem is that y'all don't listen.)

Dad : "What women?"

BabuNkomo : "Your stupid wives that you got after impregnating my dau- after impregnating uMaRhadebe. You are stupid marhn."

Dad : "But those women were given to me by the councillor nje."

BabuNkomo : "That was your ancestors testing you! They wanted to know if you could truly be a leader but you ruined it. You were not a great leader from the start because you do not stand firm on your word , you always allow people to order you around and that shall end soon. Maybe what's coming will open your eyes."

Dad : "Couldn't it be something that would've been avoided or something."

BabuNkomo : "if it was what were you to do? But anyway your ancestors were blinded. Your doings are now terrorising your kids , your daughter now had to leave her duties behind to come rescue you , nx niyangicika ngoba anifuni ukulalela. Open that box Sizwesakhe." (Y'all irritate me cause y'all don't want to listen.)

Dad : "okay."  He opened it and inside were five small jars.

BabuNkomo : "MaRhadebe and MaNxumalo keep praying while uSizwesakhe opens the jars."  Me and mom continue praying and we watch as dad open the jars. Each jar had black muthi , izintambo , small papers with names on them , some even had money.

BabuNkomo : "Now don't close those jars , empty them inside that rondavel and leave everything scattered lapho." Dad did as told and I was quite surprised when there was no snake.

Me : "Mkhulu ayisekho that snake that was here."

BabuNkomo : "oh no Mzukulu it's there. It's just ready to attack since you caught it off guard at first. MaRhadebe go get paraffin and matches."  Mom went inside the house to get it.

Dad : "There's a snake?"

BabuNkomo : "Yes. It's one of those wives of yours. They both dead by the way but the other one just wants to continue being in this land of living and keep on destroying everything."  Mom came back with the things and dad took them from her.

BabuNkomo : "Now Sizwe , pour that paraffin in that room and set it alight. It has no use anymore." Dad poured the paraffin and set it alight as BabuNkomo's instructed , we stood back and watched it burn.

Me : "What was that in the jars for?"

BabuNkomo : "Those women bebabophe abansi. They had trapped the ancestors souls just so they could continue with their shenanigans. The voices you always dream of were those ancestors." Yoh! Dad exhales exhaustively and sadly.

Dad : "What's next."

BabuNkomo : "Now I'll be there to cleanse y'all and you have to do a ceremony for the Radebes , apologising for ill-treating their daughter."  Dad nods.

Me : "when will you get here Mkhulu?"  He laughs.

BabuNkomo : "Take care."  He hangs up.

We all walk back inside the house quietly.

Izintambo - it is basically known as intambo yokhalo (in singular form) or inceba. It is wool strings twisted to make it a waistband.


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