Chapter 40

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***Ndabezinhle's POV

There's nothing I regret more than doing what did to mom , I'm ashamed of myself to be honest. Philani has been very quiet so I guess his hiding since he shot my brother and father into coma. I have been looking for a new place even an apartment would do this time around. The guilt isn't making me feel so good man. Today Sis'Zamo came crying to mom , they were in the lounge and I had been sitting watching tv.

Mom : "what's wrong baby?"

Sis'Zamo : "I'm divorcing Langa."

Mom : "Aibo why? What happened?"

Sis'Zamo : "First of all , uLanga doesn't know what he wants. His mother. That woman hates me for whatever reasons and it's not funny. Langa's mother is always , ALWAYS involving herself in our marriage , she always wants to have a say in our household and Langa doesn't see anything wrong with that , so fine I let it go. Then she started telling me how I must be submissive , stay at home and look after my kids and husband , uLanga still didn't see anything wrong. She went as far as meddling in our arguments all the time. Just two months ago , she called us for dinner in her house only to find that she had invited Langa's ex , I kept quiet then she started sending them everywhere around the house together , totally disregarding me and my presence and again uLanga didn't say nor do anything but listen to his mother. That night I took my kids and went home , leaving Langa behind and he didn't bother following me instead he came back home at almost midnight and gave me some pathetic excuse of how he was catching up with his ex and they lost track of time. That day we had a fight and I told him it would be best if we separated. Now get this , uLanga is ALWAYS using my age whenever we argue , he never gets tired of mentioning it and I'm seriously tired of him. Things seem to have worsened ke because he doesn't even come home now and we sleep in different bedrooms , he doesn't spend time with his kids anymore. He didn't show up for their game in school , he didn't even go to the father's day function im school because he was busy. I'm tired. He doesn't even want to sign the divorce papers."

Mom : "Zamo! And you still left the kids in that house alone? I want my grandsons here in my house tonight Zamo do you hear me? Now , if he doesn't want to sign the divorce papers , you have an aunt who is a lawyer , a brother ; get them to help you woth everything. Most of it all I also want you out of that house cause he'll end up laying his hands on you and I don't want that. When you get home today , get every important documentation and pack them safely and bring my boys here , together with all the documents. I'm happy that you stood up for yourself , it takes great courage to do this. I love you baby."

Voice : "That's exactly what you should've done Ndabe."  Says gogozi walking in. Mom and Sis'Zamo turn to us. Zamo hugs us.

Sis'Zamo : "uhm I'll see you guys later." She leaves. Mom receives a call.

Mom : "I have to rush to hospital mah. I'll be back."

Me : "Can I come?"  She turns to me and stares at me then nods.


***Nomzamo's Pov

I drove in my yard and I spot my husband's car which could only mean he is inside. Getting inside my house I'm met by my sons loud cries , I quickly run to where the sound is coming from and it leads me to their playroom. I find one of my son , Unathi rolling on the floor crying , holding his stomach and Uminathi is crying with him.

Me : "Yini bafana bamama?"  (What's wrong my boys?)

Umi : "I don't know what to do mama."

Me : "Where's your dad?"

Umi : "Angazi."  (I don't know) just in cue , Langa walks in the playroom with his ex wearing his shirt , I ignore them and pick up my son.

Me : "Come Umi."  I drive off to dad's hospital and my baby gets admitted immediately and they tell me to come back tomorrow morning. I leave after giving out strict instructions to not let anyone in. I take Umi and drive with him to my parents house , on the way I call Lando to get Umi by the gate as I won't be getting in.

Me : "Tell mom , I'll be back now okay? Please look after him."

Lando : "okay sis." I drive off to my house , I get there and Langa isn't home with his ex so that gives me time to get everything important I may need. I pack every important thing , even the car keys then I get in the car and drive off.

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