Chapter 16

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***Sifiso's POV

I decided to study Bachelor in Accounting in University of Zululand since it's closer to home. Home is in KwaMakhutha but my father's kingdom is in Hlomohlomo. KwaMakhutha is the homestead where big ceremonies are performed , it is where my father , grandfather, and great-grandfathers where born and bred. I also don't understand how my father could rule in a village that he wasn't born in nor raised in.

Anyways I've been having dreams lately , weird dreams and it sometimes seems like signs of something but I'm not sure what. My mother has been planning on getting me a place of my own and change schools since I've been very sick. I've been sick since I started schooling around here and weird things have been happening.

Mom : "Get your bags fast."  She says barging in my room. I check the time and it's 22:30 which means everyone is asleep.

Me : "at this time mah?"

Mom : "Eh sana suba is'denge man! Khawenze ukhawuleze futhi."  Yoh! I don't need to be told twice cause when she speaks her mother tongue I know she means business. One of the guards help us with my bags to the car. Mom drives out.

Me : "Mama does baba know about this?"

Mom : "Nxx your father is pussywhipped so he won't listen. Usis'denge naye."

Me : "Okay I don't need to know that."

Mom : "At the moment I don't know what is happening with him but I intend to find out."  I keep quiet cause I don't get anything she's saying plus I'm sleepy.

Mom : "Sleep baby." 

After I don't know how many hours , cause I would wake up then fall asleep again , mom wakes me telling me we have I arrived. I then notice that we are in some hood , I wonder how she knows this place or who she knows around here. It's already morning by the way. 

Me : "Sikuphi ma?"

Mom : "We are in KwaMashu. Come."  I don't even notice the house she's parked in front of. We walk inside the yard and a woman welcomes us.

Mom : "Baby this is my cousin , Amile and you'll be staying with her."

Me : "It's nice to meet you aunt."  She smiles warmly and hugs me.

Aunt : "Oh kudala bendifuna ukwazi fanos."  We follow her inside where we find a girl in her uniform.

Girl : "Kazi.." she runs to mom and they hug each other. She turns to me.

Girl : "You must be my brother , Yanga. I'm your small sister Liyana."  She shakes my hand.

Me : "Pleasure to meet you Liya. You beautiful little sis."  She smiles widely. She's a beautiful little girl and she is albino.

Liya : "Mama cela ungayi eskolweni."

Aunt : "No Liyana."

Liya : "Ndak'cela torho."

Mom : "you'll find him here when you come back baby. He's staying." 

Liya : "really?"  We all nod. She starts screaming while jumping around then throws her little body at me with tears in her eyes. Her reaction warmed my heart so much , I think I'm gonna love being here.

Mom : "You will be resuming your course in DUT."  She says then walks off to one the rooms. Aunt had taken Liya to school using mom's car.

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