Chapter 18

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Lethukuthula's pov

I haven't been sleeping well these past few days , I think it's something to do with helping bhuti's girlfriend Qondisile. I've been having visions about a woman trying to kill her kids but it's really not clear. I don't even want to tell my parents cause mom will overreact nje like always. Mom always worry about my gift and the tasks that I get. 

I walk to the lounge to watch some soccer and I find my little sister giggling on her phone , even her cheeks are red.

Me : "You have a boyfriend?"  She startled and switched her phone off then shove it somewhere on the couch.

Lando : "Bhuti. Uhm no."

Me : "come on , I'm not uptight like Bhuti'Mnqobi."

Lando : "Well true. And no I don't have a boyfriend but a friend." 

Me : "Could have fooled me."

Lando : "you don't have classes?"  I shake my head no. I'm doing Dip in Business Technology in UP and I do travel everyday because mom never wants me out of her sight because of my gift. Having this gift can be a nightmare sometimes cause I sometimes get really sick and dad will have to burn incense for me to make it a bit better. My life is just boring seriously , I don't have friends other than my siblings , no girlfriend nothing. Well I once was so inlove during high school to a girl named Hleloluhle. We were so much in love with each other and it happened that I impregnated her. Our parents did the necessary things and our baby was gonna stay with my parents but on the 4th month of our pregnancy , Hlelokuhle miscarried. Thats when I lost her. I tried everything to be there for her or support her but it was all in vain since her parents shipped her off to the bundus and we lost contact like that. I've never had a stable relationship since then and I do believe that we'll meet somewhere in the future and rekindle our love cause true love never dies.

Mom : "Lethu kamama."  I smile. This woman is my everything and definitely my first love. I know it's weird coming from a boy but I'm serious she is my first true love. Whenever I count my blessing I count her twice. I still remember how she picked me up as dirty as I was and cuddled me in that park.

Mom : "Hey sthandwa sami ukhalelani?"   She says sitting next to me and embraces me.

Me : *chuckles*  "Nothing. I'm just thinking about how you found me , gave me love and became my hero."

Mom : "Ohh mfana kamama. I love you so much boy."  She pecks my lips. I know I probably seem like a mama's boy or a sissy but I really don't care.

Me : "oh mah. Dad should stop looking for Qondi's parents or family. Someone from her family will show themselves to her."

Mom : "Okay love."   I don't know how to say this.

Mom : "Talk." 

Me : "Okay uhm I don't know how to put it."

Mom : "As it is baby."

Me : "okay. Uhm there's a storm coming and I'm afraid it's Sphamandla."  I don't miss the shock and panic on her face.

Mom : "oh my god! Don't worry baby we'll fix this."  She stands up and goes to the kitchen.

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