Chapter 23

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***Khensani's POV

We were sitting with Lando and Mam'Nolu in the lounge. Mnqobi had called to say he was coming. A knock erupts on the front door

Me : "I'll get it."  I go open and I'm met by Mihlali's boyfriend's friend that was nerdy in school , he's with two women and the other one is already crying. 

Mam'Nolu : "Qondi who's at the door kanti?"  She says coming to the door.

Mam'Nolu : "You standing la when you should be letting them in."

Me : "it's strangers mos mama."  She shoots me a stare.

Mam'Nolu : "I'm sorry. Please do come in."  They all walk in following Mam'Nolu to the lounge, I close the door. As I start to walk up the stairs , she stops me.

Mam'Nolu : "Come back here wena!"  I go back and settle next to her. Lando walks in with a tray that drinks and a plate of choc chip muffins , she places it on the table and then walks out. 

Mam'Nolu : "baby like I told you. This is Amile on your right , Thandeka next to her and then Thandeka's son Sifiso. They here to talk to you so I'll be in my room if you need me." 

Me : "Please stay mama."  She sighs. "Please." She nods.

Amile : *clears throat* "Uhm like MaDlamini has said ndinguAmile and I'm Thandeka's sister. We are here because we think , no we know that you are my sister's daughter and Sifiso's twin sister we thought had died." 

Me : *scoffs* "and I'm supposed to believe that?"

Sifiso : "Dude. My friends last year used to nag me about how much I look like you and all that but I never paid any minds to it because I never knew that I had oh well have a twin until a week back since it was my birthday."

Me : "Excuse me , when was your birthday?"

Sifiso : "Last week on the 28th of March."

Me : *clears throat*  "oh no mine is on the 27th of March."

Sifiso : "as I was saying , growing up I'd always notice how mom would lock herself up in her bedroom every year on the 27th and she'd only come out on the 28th which is my birthday so I asked her last week and she told me a lie then I kinda showed her a picture that y'all took with aboBanele last year and she cried then she told me everything."  I keep quiet looking at my supposed mother as she's crying. She wipes her tears then sits up.

Thandeka : "Baby. Uhm when I found out I was pregnant we were happy with your father. Your father and I are married and I'm not his only wife. So when we found out , your father was ecstatic when we found out it was twins. Now baby , your father is a man and men are stupid sometimes , he told everyone that we were getting twins and that was dangerous it self because you never announce your pregnancy like that. I had too many complications with my pregnancy with you guys. It happened that I wasn't really anyone's favourite in your father's kingdom so I left to go stay with my sister uAmile. She took care of me yena and I was alright, everything seemed okay with my pregnancy until I got into labor. I was in labor for a whole month which meant I carried you guys for 10 whole months. Around 23:50 I was prepared for the maternity ward and you came first then your brother here came out around 00:20 so y'all are 30 minutes apart. The doctors came back to me after two hours carrying only Yanga *sniffs* when I asked about you they told me that you had stopped breathing so you were dead. I cried , I cried because I never got the chance to feed you , change you and I'd never see you say your first word or take your first step. After you guys I never had any kids."  Mam'Nolu is holding me as I weep. Mnqo comes in just as the sombre mood thickens in the room. I run to his arms and he holds me tight. He picks me up as I hold on tight to him. He greets then goes to the kitchen with me in his arms. I calm down after a while.

Mnqo : "I hate seeing you cry like this sthandwa sami."  I give him a small smile. I have hiccups now.

Me : "I couldn't help it."

Mnqo : "Want to talk to me?"  I nod.

Me : "Those people in the lounge are my family. I don't know how to feel about all this."

Mnqo : "Don't worry we'll get through it together okay?"  I nod. He kisses me then my forehead after breaking the kiss.

Me : "I missed you futhi"

Mnqo : "I missed you more Qondi wami."  I blush.

Me : "Let's go back and get it over and done with." We walk back and settle next to Mam'Nolu who pinches Mnqobi.  I also start telling them how I grew up in an orphanage , everything and they crying.

Thandeka : "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that sanalwami."

Mam'Nolu serves lunch and we all eat chatting and laughing. The mood is now lighter.

Thandeka : "Thank you so much for your hospitality and good heart MamuDlamin
Mam'Nolu : "It's a pleasure sisi. Y'all are welcome futhi."  She hugs them walking them to the door.

Thandeka : "I'd really love to go back home with you but I'll wait. Know that I love you okay? Call ne anytime if you miss me."  I smile and nod. Amile hugs me too even the nerd.

Me : "I never thought we'd be this close bruh. I always saw you as this nerd nje"  he laughs and shows me his middle finger. We hug tightly and I feel my shoulder get wet and that triggers me , I start crying all over again. We break the hug and wipe each other's tears then we laugh. Mnqo clears his throat.

Mam'Nolu : "Ay Mnqobi!"  She says smacking his shoulder. Everyone laughs. I look at Mnqo in the eyes then he nods. It's so crazy how he gets what I'm saying by just looking at his eyes.

Me : "Mama. Can I please go with them?"  I whisper in her ear. She chuckles.

Mam'Nolu : "Of course baby. I understand how you feel honestly. I love you okay?"  I smile and nod. She pecks my lips then my forehead. I go over to my mom and tell her that I'm leaving with them , she just squeezes me in a tight hug. I go up to Mnqo's room upstairs cause I know he'll be here just now. He enters and locks the door behind him. He grins and walks to me as I'm sitted on the edge of the bed. He attacks me with a kiss and pushes me to lay on my back. He leaves my mouth and starts kissing my neck.

Me : "Mnqo no!"  He exhales while his face is pressed on my neck and that sent tingles on my body.

Mnqo : "I just missed you baby."  He lays on top of me for a while.

Me : "Babe."

Mnqo : "Let's go pack your bag."  I nod and we go to the room I use and pack a few clothes.

Me : "I'm seriously nervous babe."

Mnqo : "Don't be. You know I'm a phonecall away so call me if you want me to come okay?"  I nod. We kiss for the last time before going downstairs.

Mam'Nolu : "that took decades!"  She says with her one eyebrow raised , I just giggle. I bid goodbyes to everyone then we leave.

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