Chapter 78

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***Mihlali's POV.

Somehow it's like my pregnancy has vanished because if how flat and soft my tummy is when you see and feel it but when I'm alone , I feel pregnant - I don't know what is happening but it is shit scary and confusing. On other news I've been very sick , like bedridden sick ; my whole right leg is swollen and painful. It's been a week now and Gogi left for three weeks with her man and I was left with my father's sister , she doesn't like me this one so I'm not surprised that she hasn't called Gogi and my phone has miraculously disappeared. 

I was sooo hungry and knowing this woman , she wouldn't even give me supper so I'll have to wait until morning.  Just as I close my eyes she bursts in through the door.

Dabawo : "What happened to your pregnancy?"  Okay where does it concern her again?

Me : "I did an abortion."  I silently pray that she believes me.

Dabawo : "What? Why?"

Me : "Dabawo , I'm too young to be a mother and a baby will only set me back and won't let me pursue my dreams."

Dabawo : "Nxa! You exactly like your stupid father man rha !!!"  She walks out banging the door.

The next day when I wake up , my leg is like three times bigger and it has blisters and bleeding , smelly sores that make me cry. I couldn't move , my whole body ached.

Dabawo : "Ay ay ay! You smell man!"  She shouts walking in. I try responding but nothing comes out , she chuckles and holds a mirror in front of my face.

Dabawo : "Look at yourself! Ohh poor thing."  My tears pour out as I see my horrific face , my face is filled with big pimples and it looks disgusting , I'm disgusted myself.


***Landokuhle's POV.

I've been staying out of Calvin and his crew's way including Taylor too. Taylor still made fun of me and I'm so close to beating her up. On other news , my other half is staying with her mother now and she seems happy ; apparently their bond is becoming something beautiful and I'm happy for her even her grandma was happy to see her that happy.

Taylor : "I heard your Lando's sister or niece well whatever she is , is oh no was pregnant and her parents couldn't handle the shame so they shipped her off."  I hear Taylor tell her friends behind me , we were in class but there wasn't any teacher in class.

Girl : "You talking about Mihlali , that girl who thought was the ish?"

Taylor : "Yup! Girl wanted to abort , baby daddy dumped her oh no replaced her with my bestfriend."

Girl : "Yoh!"

Taylor : "I guess it's a family thing thou , it's like falling pregnant at a young age is in that Dlamini family so now we wait for 'the virgin' girl who's nudes were trending."  They laugh. I stand up and stand before her desk , she turns to me with a mocking smile.

Me : "Girl what is your problem?"

Taylor : "With what perhaps?"

Me : "What is your fucken problem with me or my family?!"  She rolls her eyes.

Pamela : "Honestly Landokuhle , you are not all that. You and your sister used to think , y'all are the next thing since white bread and now when y'alls skeletons come out y'all wanna act like saints?! Kahle bo!" 

Me : "If we weren't all that then y'all wouldn't be all up in our business , surely y'all wouldn't be sitting here discussing us as if siyazana instead of focusing on your books."

Taylor : "Oh I'm tired of you acting all supreme and shit wena." She says standing before pushing me and I almost fall. Mom will have to forgive me. I swing my hand and slap her across her face before slapping the other cheek , she tries slapping me back but I get hold of his arm and twist it before shoving her to her desk. When she kicked me , I started punching her wherever I can but I was mostly aiming for her jaws and her face.

Voice : "Hey hey hey! Why are y'all fighting in class?" I shove Taylor and she falls on the floor crying. The voice belonged to Mrs James , our Lige science teacher.

Pamela : "Landokuhle started the fight mam!"  She shouts.

Mrs James : "I don't care who started what. You girls , follow me."  I already know it so I pack my things and take my bag with me. While walking to the office , Stha runs to me and hugs me.

Stha : "I heard that you were fighting. Why?"

Me : "Taylor had it coming bruh and I'm not done with her , trust me."

Mrs James : "Hey!"  We giggle.

Stha : "I hope you left her with a blue eye and next time we will be both hitting her , iyeyisa lenja emhlophe."  She whispers and clicks her tongue. She hugs me goodbye before running off.

Mrs James : "Sit by the benches and I'll be calling your parents in." I nod.

After twenty minutes or so , both mom and dad walk in. Mom rushes to me first when she sees me and dad follows. Dad looks at me in the eye then his eyes move to Taylor then back to me and he starts laughing.

Mom : "Muzi kodwa yin ehlekisayo?"  (Muzi what's funny?) Dad shrugs.

Ms Francine : "Mr S.O.mar is waiting for you."  We all stand up and walk to the principal's office , we find Taylor's parents already sitted with Taylor next to them.

Mr Osman : "The Dhlamini's. Please take a seat."  He says pointing to the chairs on the other side , dad chuckles

Dad : "Why can't we also sit on that desk or is it reserved for whites only? And it's D-L-A-mini."

Mr Osman : "My apologies sir. The kids can seat over the couch and the adults around the table please."  Dad sits with mom next to her and I sit on dad's lap. 

Dad : "Now , may we please be informed why we are here cause we left work to be here and we losing money."

Mr Osman : "I'm sorry. Uhm we called you here because your daughter hit Ms Smith here a...."

Mom : "Wait wait , so what you saying is my daughter is at fault?"

Mr Smith : "Yes! Your daughter acted like a hooligan and she decided to hit my daughter!"  I can't believe they blaming me on this alone!.

Mr Osman : "I think we should let the kids explain themselves. Ms Dlamini , you may go first."  I clear my throat and start telling my side of the story exactly how it is.

Mr Smith : "Taylor! Is that true?"  She quickly wipes her tears and nods , I'm shocked I never thought she'd tell the truth.

Taylor : "Yes father."

Mom : "I have some questions for the young lady."

Mr Smith : "Please , go ahead Mam."

Mom : "Tell me here Taylor so wena all this time I knew you as one of my daughter's friends , you'd laugh , joke and do everything together only for you to use that against my daughter at her lowest? Not only that but you insulted us , her parents in the process , busy talking about my family's business as if you knew what was exactly happening. Is that how much you respect elders? Is that how you were raised maybe? Cause I'm seriously shocked by your actions. I really hope that you change your attitude before it causes your downfall and please stay out of businesses that don't pay you."  She gets up , dad follows and I too , we walk out.

Mr Osman : "Mr Dlamini but you haven't heard the decision I made."

Dad : "And I know you'll make a fair decision , send me an email."  We continue walking , leaving Taylor being shouted at by her parents. Dad loads my bag in the car and we drive off.

Dad : "I'm proud of you baby , you sure can throw a mean one."  I laugh as I fistbump him , mom shoots a dagger stare at dad before turning to me.

Mom : "Baby , I understand you were standing up for yourself but please violence isn't always the answer."

Dad : "Aibo baby , if someone is getting out of control , beat them back to their senses."  Mom rolls her eyes.

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