Mattsun and Maki Request

Start from the beginning

Hanamaki went to reach for the remote but stopped and looked at his hand. There were trails of blood left on his hand that he didn't manage to clean.

"Is that... blood?" (M/N) asked, a little whimper bubbling in his voice. He hated the sight of blood, it made him think of his parents and he made him want to cry.

"No!" Hanamaki quickly said, putting his hand out of (M/N)'s sight. "It's nothing really, it's alright." He tried to soothe the male, but with him hiding his hand he couldn't really touch him or it could cause (M/N) to lock himself in his mind and he didn't want his lover to feel that pain. "I promise it's nothing, right Mattsun?" He strained a smile.

Matsuwaka glared at the pink haired male for being so careless. But he looked down and smiled a comforting smile to (M/N). Rubbing his fingers back on his back and speaking softly to him. "Everything's alright. Maki just gripped a red pen to tightly from the meeting and got the ink all over him." He looked at Hanamaki and saw that he wiped his hand clean from the blood, Matsuwaka cocked his head towards him. "See? All gone, he cleaned it off."

(M/N) looked at him to see the pink haired male holding his hand out and it was clean from red. The lying male relaxed and nuzzled his head more into Hanamaki's thighs, sighing.

"How about we color and watch Nihao Kai-lan? Calm your brain a bit so you can truly relax and feel at peace." Matsuwaka said. (M/N) liked that idea, he liked it a lot. So he nodded  his head and curled a bit, his knees touching his stomach. They both smiled at him. Matsuwaka slowly lifted (M/N)'s feet off of him, hoping to not disturb him as he walked to a drawer they had just for the male. "Maki, do you mind putting the show on?"

"You got it, boss!" Hanamaki mockingly saluted him.

This caused (M/N) to giggle a bit, already feeling so much better from their quiet voices -loud noises/voices freak him out and makes him go into a dark corner- and from them just being there and giving him attention.

Matsuwaka came back with a coloring book filled with animals and a crayon pack that held 64 different colors. (M/N) fully turned on his stomach as he used Hanamaki's legs as a little table for his coloring time. Hanamkai finally founded Nihao Kai-lan and clicked on it as Matsuwaka was back to being a foot rest for (M/N). The said male slowly kicked his feet, back to humming the wheels on the bus as he was coloring his favorite animal with a variety of colors. Hanamaki and Matsuwaka looked at each other and smiled, they were happy to know they had someone like (M/N). They didn't know who they would be without him, he completed them and they loved him with everything in them. To the moon and back a thousand times, no, infinity times.

Hanamaki kissed the top of (M/N)'s head and looked at Matsuwaka, pulling his eyelid down and sticking his tongue out at him for not being able to kiss (M/N). On his forearm was a matching tattoo of a madala tattoo that him and Matuswaka got in order to let (M/N) color it in with markers whenever they worked and brought the male with them. Jealousy coursed through Matsuwaka, he glared at the pink haired male.

"I'll get the markers." Matsuwaka said as he got up from the couch again, when returning he had two laptops and the markers on top.

Hanamaki and Matsuwaka weren't done with sealing the deal. But they just wanted to see (M/N) as fast as possible. They missed him.

Matsuwaka handed Hanamaki his laptop and sat down with his and gave (M/N) the markers.

"Alright (M/N)," Hanamaki gently said, "I'll need to remove the coloring book, but you can color in my tattoo."

(M/N) nodded and sat up, his blanket falling behind him, he felt it would be easier to color in his tattoo when he wasn't laying down. He grabbed Hanamaki's arm and began coloring it in as Hanamaki typed on the laptop with one hand. The only noise in the room was their fingers clicking, whenever (M/N) would open and close a marker and the show Nihao Kai-lan. Once it was fully colored in he move onto Matsuwaka's forearm and began to color that in. They didn't mind when he would randomly pull their tattooed arm to color it in or even just to look at it -because it always had his attention- in fact; they enjoyed it.

Hanamaki and Matsuwaka sealed the deal and shut their laptops at the same time. Leaning back and sighing in relief.

"How'd it go?" (M/N) asked as he finished the last bit of Matsuwaka's tattoo.

"Tiring, so very tiring. But it's done and over with it." Matsuwaka said, rubbing his temples.

Hanamaki was already passed out with his head leaning back on the couch. They both looked at him weirdly. But then (M/N) yawned, feeling a bit sleepy himself. So Matsuwaka carefully picked him and his blanket up and put him in the middle of their shared bed, (M/N) held onto the blanket, then walked over to Hanamaki. Wanting to kick the male awake, but remembered last time he did that (M/N) frowned at him and shook his head in disappointment. Like a kid who watched someone do something dumb. So, he picked him up, putting him on the left side of (M/N), leaving him in his suit as Matsuwaka -himself- changed into shorts and a shirt. Hanamaki would have to suffer because Matsuwaka did not feel like changing him.

Matsuwaka crawled into bed, he was (M/N)'s right side. (M/N) turned to face him, Matsuwaka cupped his face and gently kissed his lips, because that's what (M/N) wanted.

"Unfair," Hanamaki mumbled, wrapping his arms around (M/N)'s back and nuzzled his face into his hair, "Not only am I still in my suit, but now I want a kiss too."

(M/N) turned his head and gently kissed his lips just as he did with Matsuwaka before facing forward and hiding his face in Matsuwaka's chest.

Both of their chins rested on (M/N)'s head as he easily fell asleep from the warmth and protection he felt. Only background noise was the kid show. Matsuwaka wiggled his eyebrows at Hanamaki.

"If you're going to complain then change." He whispered.

Hanamaki scowled at him. This caused Matsuwaka to smirk and Hanamaki to stick his tongue out at him. They laughed quietly and then kissed as they buried their faces in (M/N)'s hair and fell asleep.

~i hope this to your liking. i really tried to get it accurate as possible. i don't really know much about agere, but i do hope my questions and researched helped this one shot. :)

~i proof read it a bunch of times, see a spelling mistake let me know. see something that could be changed to be more accurate let me know. :)

~Nihao Kai-lan is a kids show about Nihao Kai-lan being a preschooler and sharing the chinese and american culture. as well as the mandarin language. the play-along series features interactive exercises and magical stories of Kai-lan and her animal friends. chinese words are introduced as well as life lessons, such as anger management, patience, sharing and being a good group member. it's something i watched all the time as a kid.

~i'm thinking about writing a one piece one shot book just because it's become one of my new hyper fixations, what do you guys think?

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