Chapter 55

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We rounded another corner, the treeline becoming more dense, the buildings long since gone. It was then that I realized there wasn't another car in front of us. Glancing behind, I saw that there wasn't anyone following our vehicle either. We were alone. We were riding into battle alone.

"Antone?" I hesitantly asked.


"Where the he** is everyone else?" My voice quivered, panic rising in my throat. I would be useless when it came to rescuing Renzo. He was the boss, where was the loyalty of his followers coming to his aide?

Antone clenched his jaw beside me and sighed. "No one else is coming, Aedlin."

My blood boiled. "Why not?" I seethed.

"Because, my lady, why would we need to send an army in to rescue Renzo from two people? This isn't the first time he's been taken and it won't be the last. He can handle himself."

The frozen stupor that I was thrown into encompassed both of us. Antone remained silent, driving us around another final bend before slowing the vehicle to a stop and throwing it into park. Down in a little valley, just a mere few feet in front of us a drop off, stood a small rundown warehouse. "So I sat there, panicked like a fool while everyone ran around appeasing me? Mocking me?"

He shook his head, his eyes staring directly at the metal building. "No. It was our annual inventory check. No one was mocking you, Aedlin. You were acting as everyone expected. Worried for the man you love."

"But James took orders from me..."

"Yes and we will always take orders from you. You're not just Renzo's girl, but our queen. Our lady." He paused, his gaze glancing towards me with a glint of pride in them. "You do remember that your final order to James, was you telling him to handle it. Because no matter how angry you were, no matter how desperate you were to get him back, you were smart enough to know that it wasn't your place to handle it."

I bit down on my bottom lip, mulling over his thoughts. He was right. I had known I wasn't equipped to handle this. I hadn't even known that Renzo had been kidnapped before; and more than once. The only thing I had desired was to make sure that I got him back the same way he had always rescued me.

The way he would always rescue me. "Why did James participate in the uh, interrogation of Matteo?" I questioned next.

"Because we did need to know where Renzo was being held. You did amazing, Aedlin. One more reason to confirm Renzo picked the most wonderful woman as his sidekick. And no one likes Matteo. Not even me as his son." He grunted out the last comment and I tilted my head, curiosity coursing through me.

"Antone, Renzo has never mentioned a half brother. Just his half sisters. Besides, aren't you older than him?" I blinked a couple times and he shook his head.

"There's that innocent look again." Antone ran a hand across his chin. "Renzo doesn't know, and I'd appreciate you keeping it to yourself. I don't have any desire to be the Boss, nor do I have the brains for it. Besides, I only recently found out."

I slid in my seat to face him better, pulling my eyes away from the shining building below. "Your mom was another one of Matteo's mistresses?"

A slow nod, hesitant and full of frustration. "I'm glad Renzo is nothing like that man. He's a better boss, calculated, caring, loyal. He doesn't even play with the idea of entertaining more than one woman, even if he's not in a relationship with someone and merely interested."

"I don't think I could take it if he did entertain someone else while with me." I whispered and Antone placed a friendly hand on my shoulder.

"That's a worry you'll never have to have."

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