Chapter 44

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Renzo shoved off her arm as my feet hit the bottom of the stairs and all three pairs of eyes met mine. One eyebrow raised on Renzo, that amused look plastered across his face from my disobedience once again but I barely glanced at him as my eyes locked on Gianna. Jealousy was coursing through my body, something that I had never felt before and towards a married woman no less.

"Who's that?" She said, all of this still in Italian, so I pretended to not know what they were saying.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I started in English and then pointed at Renzo. "He said he would be just a minute and bring me back some water, but I guess..." I halted and took one step backwards. Renzo leaned against the couch cushion and subtly shook his head.

His father gaped at me for a moment before speaking, this time in English with a thick Italian accent. "Why didn't you just say you had company, son? What a lovely young woman." He motioned for me to come over but I hesitated.

Renzo rolled his eyes and answered, in English as well. "Because my personal life is none of your d*** business." He pushed himself off of the couch as Gianna stepped closer to Renzo. "So if you two will leave, I'd like to enjoy the rest of my evening."

"But we just got here and I'm tired." Gianna wined in Italian and latched onto his arm.

A surge of adrenaline and possessive jealousy rushed through me and my frozen feet strutted across the floor. Renzo attempted to brush off her hand, but she dug into his skin harder as his dad grinned at me.

My turn.

I stopped right in front of her, she towered over me but I didn't care and slapped my hand around her wrist. "Well, darling." I started in Italian and ripped her fingers off of his arm. "You won't be getting much rest here since I'm planning to f*** him all night long." I shoved her back, having not let go of her wrist. "Loudly." I finally let go of her like I'd touched something disgusting. "All. Night. Long."

Renzo chuckled beside me. Gianna and his father's faces were priceless, but I stole a quick glance at the man that somehow made me say those things out loud. To strangers. His eyes were brimming with laughter, a massive wicked grin had spread across his face as he bit back whatever he was going to say. Suddenly, he stooped down and threw an arm around my waist, hoisting me off of the ground and tossed me over his shoulder.

He turned and began walking towards the stairs. "You know where the door is. Now excuse me, like I said before, I am going to go enjoy the rest of my evening." He paused and glanced back at the two stunned visitors. "With my girlfriend." And then he bounded up the stairs two at a time.

When we reached the top I giggled until he slammed through the second door on the right and locked it behind him. He seemed angry, frustrated as I studied my surroundings upside down. He headed directly over to the left and threw me down on a plush bed. The brown wooden walls in here were painted a dark, royal blue, the carpet was black. The bedding matched the walls and there was a round mirror hanging against the wall opposite of me.

A black tall dresser rose in the middle of two windows to my left and then another door was just past the window. In the middle of the room were two black leather couches with a glass coffee table in between them. The closet was to my right. It seemed strange, like I'd just walked into another world. We'd left the rustic cabin behind and entered a very modern decorated room.

Even the bed was modern, a California king bed that had throw pillows and everything. "What. The he**. Were you thinking?" He whispered at me, rage seeping off of his words as he paced back and forth at the foot of the bed.

He was legitimately angry with me. "I was thinking that your father was going to incriminate you with the whole Tomasso mess so-"

Renzo whipped around and lunged at the bed, his hands slammed against the foot of it. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY HERE!" He roared at me and I shrunk away.

"I-I-I'm sor-sorry." I choked out, terrified and all the bold jealousy was gone.

He shook his head. "You have no idea what you just started." He muttered and shoved himself away from the bed.

I felt small, timid but I found a way to speak. "I was just trying to help." My voice trembled as I barely had any volume behind those words.

"Help?" He barked at me. "You do not know my father. Which is why I told you to stay here." He began pacing the room. "I wonder what he really is doing here." He muttered under his breath.

I blinked, I don't think he meant to have me hear that. But my big mouth got me into more trouble as I spoke. "To show off his new wife who looks like she's barely even a legal adult."

Renzo shook his head, I was hopeful that the anger was fleeting. "No. He wouldn't come for just that." He kept pacing the room and then stopped at his dresser and opened a dark wooden box on top. Inside were more of those little cigars and he stuck one between his teeth before beginning to pace again.

The wheels turned in his head as I watched him move back and forth across the room, staring at his feet. He only paused to light the smoke and then proceeded to walk and puff and walk some more. I sighed, not sure what the point was to me being here. That had not gone how I'd hoped. I thought maybe he would be proud of me, but instead he'd gotten angry.

"At least they're gone now." I sighed, not realizing I'd blurted that out as I tucked my knees under my chin.

"No, they'll be back in the morning. And wanting to talk to you." He said, finally looking up from the floor and I cowered at his intense gaze. "My father would've told me his real intentions if you'd just given me some time instead of acting like some crazed, jealous, possessive girl." He chided me and I weakly smiled, pulling my knees tighter into my chest.

I couldn't disagree with him or fight him on it. That's exactly how I'd acted. But I'd never felt that jealousy before, that insane attachment to anyone before that I felt for him in that moment. A tear slid from my eye and I quickly wiped it away as he returned to pacing the room.

From the start, I'd continually screwed this up, continually messed things up and overreacted in a way I shouldn't to so many different situations. I needed to leave this room, get out and breathe. Have some space, but where would I go? We were in the middle of the woods and I had no idea where that even was.

Another wayward tear was able to shove past the gates that were holding the rest back. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tucked my head into my knees and took a shaky breath. I was not only embarrassed but ashamed of my actions. Maybe the reason that we were continually torn apart wasn't because of him, but because of me. And had been my fault this entire time.

This idea that I'd created in my head about who we were, what I meant to him was foolish. I had been a fool, I was a fool. Everything that drew me to this man, this dynasty that I thought we'd create together was quickly crumbling before me as the wounds from his words slowly bled. Glancing up from my legs, I found him still pacing and lost in thought so I quietly slipped from the bed and left the room.

Silently, I padded down the hallway and headed back towards the stairs. My legs shook as I walked in an out of body experience down to the living room. It was empty, his father and Gianna having left like Renzo had asked. I laid down on the couch and finally allowed the rest of the tears to escape my eyes. It was here that I found myself finally slipping into an exhausted yet restless sleep.

It was here, laying on the couch, curled up in a ball, where I cried myself to sleep.

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