Chapter 17

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As soon as the limo dropped me off at home, I climbed the stairs as tears crashed down my cheeks. I was in pain. Not just physically but now emotionally. So much for trying something outside my comfort zone and I pulled open the door to my shared bedroom to find it empty. Pulling off the necklace, I shoved it into my small jewelry box sitting in my suitcase and walked over to the rack of clothes.

I stripped out of the dress as quickly as I could, wanting any remnant of him gone as fast as I could get him gone. Stepping into the shower after hanging the dress up, I let the hot water run down my body. Then I scrubbed. I scrubbed so hard that my skin was turning red and raw from the vigorous pressure of the loufa. I wanted his smell gone, his touch gone. I wanted it to all be gone.

All of that desire and pleasure made me angry. I was angry at myself for feeling those things towards someone who had only ended up hurting me. But I was more angry that I still felt those things. That despite what he just said, what he just admitted to, I still wanted him. And I tried to scrub that away.

Slowly, the water turned cold and my skin couldn't take anymore washing, so I stepped out and dried off. Dressing into my unmatching pajamas I brushed my teeth and then flicked the light off before exiting the bathroom. A knock on the door pulled my attention, and I stopped moving.

"Aedlin, please let me explain." I heard through the door and felt another stream of tears crash down my face. Oliver had followed me home and was outside the doorway. "Please." He softly whispered out but I didn't say anything in response. Instead I painfully stumbled towards the door and flicked the light off before laying down in bed.

I waited. Waited for his shadow to leave the doorway, waited for the footsteps to recede from near me and after maybe an hour, they finally did. I turned onto my side and shoved my face deep into my pillows as I trembled. Tears sliding down my cheeks created a salty pool of a damp mess against my face.

At some point I heard giggles and the door opened. Lily stepped into the room and stopped. "Aedlin?" She said but I remained motionless in the bed, pretending to be asleep. I didn't want to explain to her what happened or how hurt I was. She would want details since it had been my first time, she would want to celebrate like we had for her, but I didn't want any of that. I didn't even want her to know. I heard her tiptoe to the side of my bed and could feel her hot breath against my face.

She didn't say anything more however, and slowly left me lying alone in my bed. After the shower turned on, I let out a small cry. All I wanted was for sleep to finally come and take me away. Take me away from this night filled with the biggest mistake of my life. I had been such a fool for thinking he was really into someone as plain as me.

Another wave of warm tears crashed down my face, eventually lulling me into a fitful and restless night of sleep. I let myself succumb to the inviting darkness.


Morning came all too quickly, light piercing through my eyelids that I was squeezing tightly closed. Lily was already up and moving around, and I felt her stop beside my bedside for just a split second before sighing and finally leaving the bedroom. Once I heard the door click shut, I opened my eyes and rolled over to find her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

She stepped towards me and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Did you really think you could fake asleep to me?" Lily let her eyes flop towards me and pursed her lips accusingly.

I groaned and rolled over, covering my head with my pillows and buried myself deeper into the covers. "I don't want to talk about it." I said to her, muffled through the pillows. She ripped them off of my head and I glanced back up at her.

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