Chapter 43

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I was livid. But there was a small part of me that couldn't help but agree. He wasn't entirely wrong. Maybe deep down, I felt that I wouldn't be enough for him, that in the end, after everything got tricky again he would leave just as my family had done. Maybe, he knew me better than I knew myself.

But I couldn't let him see that he was right, so I stuck my bottom lip out as far as I could and pouted. He grinned, laughing at my reaction. "That has nothing to do with this situation." I grumbled at him which only made him laugh harder. So I attempted to shove him away and slide off of the top of the desk. But he didn't budge and instead, shoved himself closer to me.

"Sttooooppp." I whined and shoved at his chest again.

He tilted his head, grinning widely and then leaned against my ear. "Whatever you decide in the end, whether it's to stay or to not, just know you have always been and will always be enough for me, tesoro mio." He nipped at my ear and I closed my eyes, sighing. Tipping forward, I placed my forehead against his body and felt his heartbeat.

The sweet smell of citrus, whiskey, and smoke caressed my nose again. I slid in tighter against his body, the contours of his muscles easily felt beneath the thin fabric of his regular t-shirt that he made look so elegant. "Renzo?" I breathed against his figure.

"Hmmm?" He hummed back, the deep chested reverberations vibrating against my body.

"What will happen if my family goes to the cops? Or my roommates? Wait, do they even know I'm ok? Or Lily?"

He stood up straight. Fingers began stroking through my hair, calming me. This felt like home, felt safe and exciting. Empowering. "We should probably sit down with your family tomorrow and discuss things. Lily actually attempted to come with, but one of my men made sure she didn't get herself into trouble. And your roommates and Lily know you're safe and fine because I had them contacted."

I nodded against his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. Seeing my family tomorrow seemed overwhelming, everything was extremely overwhelming. But I also couldn't imagine how they were feeling and no matter how horribly they had treated me or dismissed me or blamed me for something that wasn't my fault, I worried about them.

Fingers pressed against my chin and I moved away from the warmth of Renzo's body. He tilted my head to look up at him and then leaned forward, closing the distance between my lips and his. Hesitating just half an inch away, he waited for me.

And I diminished the gap. His kiss was warm, sweet. I sank into the kiss, into the embrace and brought my arms up around his neck. He pulled away for a moment to shove me closer with his hands against the small of my back and then crashed his mouth against mine once more. He sucked in my bottom lip and nibbled before releasing and I threaded my fingers through his hair.

And kissed him harder.

I wrapped my legs tighter around his body and pulled him closer to me, bumping the desk in the process and several pens clattered to the floor. He smiled against my mouth and kissed me again and again. Maybe choosing him wasn't as scary as I thought it was. But I had to choose him simply for him while being completely aware of the lifestyle changes it would mean for me.

That was the terrifying part. I was grateful he would be giving me the time I needed, but I didn't know how long that was going to be. "Aedlin?" He whispered against my lips.

I pressed into his mouth for a moment before answering. "Yeah?"

"Does waiting for whenever you decide mean no... uh..." He stopped talking. His heart was racing in his chest, beating hard against mine and I giggled and shook my head.

"Sex?" I finished for him and he nodded. "It depends."

He pulled away from me, shocked. "Depends on what?"

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