Chapter 26

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No one moved as I continued to stay on the ground, processing what had just happened. I refused to believe Riccardo but at the same time, there had been instances that had made me wonder about Oliver. And now I felt angry. Something began bubbling up inside me, driving me to find out. Shakily, I stood up and brushed myself off as Shelby moved from Marissa's arms and everyone slowly let out their breaths.

"Aedlin, what was that? Who was that?" Adam asked and I looked at him without a single expression on my face. I wasn't wanting this, I just wanted my normal life back yet suddenly I needed answers more than I wanted anything normal. Cursed curiosity.

"And you speak a foreign language?" Shelby said as she and Marissa slowly walked past me to join everyone else on the couch. "They had guns." She let out in exasperation.

"It was like we were in the middle of an action movie with that dude threatening you and everything. And who the h*** is Oliver Hunt?" Marissa added in and I shook my head.

"I thought I knew." I muttered under my breath and then turned and walked into my room, leaving my companions with all the questions but no answers. Quickly I hung up the dress back in its bag and slid it to the back of the closet once more as the frustration began to bubble up inside me. I felt used and played by more than just Oliver at this point. And I knew where I could get some answers. Yet, it wasn't how I wanted to go about things when I finally decided it was time to approach him again.

Walking back out into the living area, I saw them staring at me with their mouths opened. "I googled the name." Adam said and I turned to look at him, still without a single reaction. I was curious as to what he found because maybe if I had done the same thing when I'd met him, I wouldn't be in this mess.

"And?" I questioned him, feeling overwhelmingly void of much feeling again aside from the anger and frustration.

"There's not much. He's a thirty four year old businessman. They say he possibly owns over fourteen companies and is probably one of the wealthiest men alive, but they somehow don't have any confirmation on nearly any of it." Adam replied, watching me with hesitation and confusion.

"Are you sure you googled the right guy?" I questioned and he nodded slowly. "How do you know?" I stalked towards him and he raised his phone so I could see what he was looking at. It stopped me dead in my tracks. There was a picture of him and I from the Christmas concert under an article stating this was his first confirmed whereabouts in over four years.

I shook my head as I stared at his face, my feelings quite complicated at the moment. "Well, proof you wore the dress I guess." Adam stated as they all continued to stare at me. "Are you going to explain what's happening now?" He boldly stood up and looked at me. I shook my head.

"If I had answers I would." I replied and turned around, heading straight to the door.

"Where are you going?" Marissa called after me as I pulled a pair of shoes on. Standing up I turned to look at four different pairs of eyes watching me, almost for guidance.

"To find answers." I replied and walked out the door. I took the elevator down to the entrance, the little rats in my mind scurrying to every possible conclusion. Hoping that the fears and assumptions that I was coming to were incorrect, but finding more and more evidence that it was not. I needed actual confirmation, confirmation from someone I had thought I could trust.

I flagged down a cab and climbed into the smelly yellow vehicle, giving the driver the address to Marcus and Lily's home. My first time back to the mansion in over a month now where it all began. I blamed myself partially for being so naive to it all, that I hadn't noticed all the warning signs along the way. I also blamed Marcus. He knew, he one hundred percent knew and had neglected to inform me as I found myself unintentionally weaving deeper and deeper into Oliver's world.

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