Chapter 46

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He laughed.

The moment the shock wore off that he'd got caught, Renzo laughed. Which made me embarrassed once again. He was laughing at me catching him cheating all because I did one stupid thing last night. It may have been a rather large stupid thing, but it was only one. The tears pressed against the tips of my eyes once more and my bottom lip trembled.

"You promised." I whispered as they spilled over my cheeks and he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, no longer laughing. He held me. Tightly against his body, his fingers running through my hair, caressing the back of my head and I cried. I was so tired of being hurt. "I thought you loved me. I thought you told me you wouldn't ever cheat. You promised me." I breathed into his chest, the front of his nice black t-shirt slowly became soaked.

As he continued to hold me.

Then he finally spoke. "I do love you. I did promise you that and I haven't broken that promise." 

Another lie.

I threw fists at his chest. "Stop lying!" I screamed and he held me even tighter.

"That wasn't me in the shower, tesoro." He said, the words bouncing with humor and I froze.

"What?" I shakily said against his chest. He chuckled as I let my hands fall to my sides.

"That wasn't me." He reiterated.

I pushed away from his chest and looked up at his face, his eyes brimming with humor and that softness that always encompassed his body when I was around. "I saw you with a girl, kneeling down between your legs." I said, the image flashing through my head.

"You saw the silhouette of a man with a woman kneeling down between his legs." He cupped both of my cheeks and raised my eyes a little higher.

"Well, yes, but it was your shower." And then I gasped and clamped a hand over my mouth. Renzo raised that ever present eyebrow and bit back a laugh. "Please tell me that wasn't your dad and that bimbo from last night." I groaned out and then let my arms go limp to my sides once more.

He shook his head. "No, I wouldn't let them use my personal shower. That's my really nice shower that you and I should take a spin in next."

"EWW! It better be sanitized first." I whined and he kissed my forehead.

"No need. James says she swallows like you." Renzo replied and I smacked him on his arm. "What?" He rubbed his shoulder mockingly at me.

"You need to get that out of your head because maybe next time I'll spit it at you. You never know." I said and leaned back against the wall, relaxing just a little bit.

He stepped towards me and tilted forward, sliding one arm around my waist and bracing against the wall with his other. "I am sorry for the rude things I said about you last night. I have acted crazier and more possessive towards you before."

I smiled, timidly. Unprompted he had apologized and even made me feel less crazy about my actions. "I didn't mean to ruin things with your dad." I whispered and he kissed me gently against my lips.

"I just didn't want you to be on his radar. I'll figure out what he's up to when they ultimately show back up here so it's really not that big of a deal. I just need to protect you." He kissed me again.

"I'm not worried." I said against his mouth. He tasted sweet in the morning, a little more honey with that citrus.

"You should be, he's unlike anyone you've met." He gently answered as he kissed me again.

"Well, I've met you and survived being kidnapped. Twice." I kissed him and remained near his mouth. "Besides, isn't he retired?"

He chuckled and then kissed me again. "I guess at some point you were bound to meet him. All I ask, and I'm asking as nicely as I know how, is that you never end up alone with him."

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