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Epilogue 2

Fourteen years later

Today was the day most parents look forward to, the day their babies become adults. It was January eighteenth, and Ren and Ryu Kirishim were eighteen today. The Kirishima house was decorated for the upcoming party. There were Blue, Silver, Purple, And black streamers hanging from the walls and all the tables that were set up. There were balloons of the same color all over the place, and a giant happy eighteenth birthday made of silver balloons. 

There were blue and purple cups along with drinks set out on one table

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There were blue and purple cups along with drinks set out on one table. A second table was set with black and silver plates, and silver plastic cutlery, with all of the twins favorite foods and snacks. There was a table covered with presents, and in the center a galaxy themed cake and cupcakes. It was just what the two eldest Kirishima children had asked for.

The invitation said for people to arrive between five and five thirty, dinner would be served at six

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The invitation said for people to arrive between five and five thirty, dinner would be served at six. Come four forty five the first guest arrived a bit earlier. Soon the house was filled with people, adults sat sipping drinks and having conversations, while the kids were in their bedrooms or running around having a good ole time. Izuku and his husband Eijiro were currently in the kitchen finishing up the last of the dinner preparations. Two identical boys came up sitting in seats at the counter. "Momma, dad, when is dinner going to be ready? We're hungry!" Akiro, and Akido said in unison. "It's ready, we are just waiting for the last of the guests to arrive." Izuku replied. "Who? Everyone is here?" the boys inquired. "Well that's a surprise for your brother and sister, so you'll just need to wait and see." Eijiro stated to his sons. The red headed man then pulled his husband in close, and connected their lips in a loving kiss. "I hope this was a good idea." he whispered into his smaller husband's ear. "EWWW! Why is everyone in this house always kissing someone?" Akido asked. "Yeah it's gross." Akiro followed his brother's question with the statement.

"Well when you love someone, kissing is a way to show that." Eijiro said. "Exactly, someday when you're older you'll find the person you want to kiss" Izuku said with a smile at his ten year olds. The two boys looked at each other for a moment before speaking in unison once again. "Does that mean that Miyoko loves Kage, and Misaki loves Sora?" the two boys asked, confused. "Why do you ask?" Eijiro said with his eyebrow raised. "Cuz we saw them kissing each other like fifteen minutes ago." Akido said. "Yeah and Ren is always kissing Tensai, and Ryu was kissing Yami too." Akiro told his parents. The two adults just laughed, they would need to have a chat with their fourteen year old daughters. The relationships between their eldest twins had been going on for some time and they knew about them but the other was new to them.

Izuku was about to say something to his sons when the sound of the door bell distracted him. "I'll get it." Izuku heard his mother call from her seat in the living room. "No, Mom. It would be best if Eiji and I got it." Izuku called, as he removed his apron and took his husband's hand heading to the door. "Alright if you're sure." Inko replied. "Boys, get your brother and sister please." Eijiro said as he was pulled away by Izuku. The two youngest Kirishima kids ran up the stairs to get their siblings.

Izuku took a deep breath before reaching out for the door handle. He hadn't seen the person who was behind it in eighteen years and was a bit nervous. "Hey it will be fine." the redhead said with a reassuring squeeze to the hand he was holding. Izuku opened the door and there stood Katsuki Bakugo, his children's biological father. Next to him stood a small boy around the same age as Izuku's own boys, and who looked just like Katsuki. "Hello Katsuki." Izuku said. "Izuku, Eijiro, It's good to see you both after all these years." Katsuki stated, scratching at the back of his neck. Izuku bent down so that he was at the boy next to Katsuki eye level. "Hello there. And what's your name sweety?" the greenette asked. The boy looked up to his dad for confirmation it was ok to speak to the stranger. "Hi, I'm Katsu Bakugo. Who are you?" the little blondie asked. "My name's Izuku, and I'm..." Izuku started, but didnt know how to finish that sentence. "He's an old childhood friend of mine, bud." Katsuki told the boy. "Oh Okay. Nice to meet you Mr Izuku." Katsu said. "No Mr, just Izuku. Now would you like to come in and meet some of the other kids?" Izuku asked him. The little boy smiled and nodded.

Izuku then stood and led Katsuki, and Katsu through the house, while Eijiro closed the door. No one said anything, they just watched as the group walked past and into the dinning room. Once they were far enough away that's when the chatter and whispers started up. In the dining room stood more than a dozen kids of all ages. Apparently Akido, and Akiro had gathered all of the kids not just his older brother and sister. "All right, kiddos. This is Katsu. Why don't all of you go get cleaned up, dinner will be served in about ten minutes. Kiro, Kido, show Katsu where he can wash his hands please." Izuku said. The kids all then headed to the many bathrooms to clean up for dinner. The two birthday children and their partners stayed. "Katsuki, this is Ren, and Ryu. Your son and daughter. Guys this is your father." Izuku introduced them. The twins knew that they were not biologically Eijiro children, but Izuku had never lied to them about it. They also knew some of what happened between their momma and the man that stood before them.

After a few Izuku left his kids with Katsuki to get acquainted. He served dinner and the night was very enjoyable. Katsuki went around apologizing for his previous actions to every one there, and explained about his life after the divorce. In the end they made up and became friends.

 They all live long and happy lives.

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