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Izuku had a great day. After collecting his check he deposited it into the bank then went to the mall to buy a baby gift for his friends Tsu, and Fumikage. They had just brought home their first child, a little boy. Izuku bought all sorts of baby things, bibs, socks, blankets, and finally four of the cutest little onesies he had ever seen. He placed all the items into gift bags then left the mall and went to his friend's home. Izuku had spent a few hours at their home dropping off the gifts and holding the precious little boy. All the while thinking of how wonderful it would be to have a child of his own. He pushed the thought away, he couldn't bring a child into his home especially now with how violent his husband had become lately. After that he went to the grocery store and shopped for some of the things they need at home, and a few food items they were running low on. He also picked up the items needed to make his husband's favorite spicy chicken curry. Izuku really hoped that Katsuki would be in a good mood after his meeting today.

When he finally made it home it was already half past five in the afternoon. His arms were covered with bags of the essentials and groceries he had purchased. "Katsuki, are you home? How did you meeting go?" He called out. When no reply came he figured maybe his husband had gone to celebrate with his friends. Izuku quickly took the bag into the kitchen putting the food away first, and then the other items. By the time he was finished it was now six o'clock. I better get dinner started he thought to himself. Izuku gathered all the ingredients and supplies, then turned on some music and began cooking.

⚠️ *TW = Abuse, rape* ⚠️

It wasn't long for dinner to be ready, Izuku had just pulled down two plates and set them on the counter when he heard the front door slam. "Kacchan, is that you? Dinner is ready if you're hungry. How'd it go this morning?" Izuku called out to his husband. Katsuki stormed through the condo making his way directly to the kitchen where his green haired husband was. Izuku turned, taking a step back once he saw the look on his blond husband's face.

"YOU JUST HAD TO SHOW UP AT THE AGENCY TODAY DIDNT YOU!" Katsuki yelled, balling his fist then connecting it with the left side of Izuku's face. The force from the blow knocked Izuku to the floor, the pan of hot food spilling down his left arm and on to his hand. Izuku cried out in pain both from being hit and burned. Katsuki then stomped on Izuku's already injured hand before kicking him in the stomach. Izuku again cried out from the pain before vomiting the contents of his stomach along with some blood over the floor. Izuku gagged and coughed trying to get air back in his lunges. "Please Kacchan, stop your hurting me." Izuku cried after getting his breath back, tears cascaded down his cheeks. "You deserve this you ugly, stupid, useless, peace of shit." Katsuki said as he reached down, snatching a hand full of green curls and dragged Izuku from the kitchen into the living room. Izuku kicked and squirmed, grabbing and digging his nails into Katsukis hand and arm drawing blood. Katsuki let loose of Izuku who stood and tried to get away but was caught by the larger man, who proceeded to punch and knee Izuku. Katsuki proceeded to shove Izuku against the wall, slamming his head into the wall not once but three times.

Izuku saw black spot flash before his eyes, falling to his knees once Katsuki released him. He was dizzy and his head was filled with fog, his eyes closed tightly to keep from passing out. Katsuki stared down at the green haired male on the floor in front of him. He reached out grabbing Izuku harshly by the arm dragging him to his feet. Katsuki bent Izuku over the back of the couch ripping his shorts and panties off. He unbuckled his own belt freeing his hard member, slamming into Izuku with no prep or warning. Izuku screamed at the top of his lungs before passing out from the pain. Katsuki finished then left Izuku passed out over the back of the couch, with blood and cum leaking down his thighs.

Katsuki staggered down the hall to the bedroom and flopped on the bed passing out in mere minutes.

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