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Izuku and Himiko sat in the green haired man's car in complete silence for ten minutes before the blond woman began to worry. Izuku was off in a daze of his worrying thoughts. 'Two babies. What would Eijiro think? Would his redheaded lover still want to be a part of his baby's life.' All these thoughts and many more floated through Izuku's head as he sat staring at the steering wheel of his car. "Iz... .zu.. IZUKU!" Himiko yelled after fifteen minutes of silence from her green eyed friend. Izuku's head snapped to the blonde woman sitting beside him. "I've been calling your name for like five minutes." Himiko said. "Wha... what? Shit sorry." Izuku said in a hushed tone before looking back at the wheel. "Hey, look at me." She said using her pointer finger to turn his head in her direction. "Hmm" was all the reply she received. "Listen here. I know what's going through that head of yours. You're thinking that Eijiro is not going to want to be with you and these babies now that there are two, right?" The woman said. She received a small nod in confirmation from the man at her side.

Himiko shook her head sadly at him before speaking again. "Do you seriously think that little of yourself? No better yet do you think that little of Eijiro. I know I haven't known you all as long as each other but, I don't believe that. Mina has told me so much about all of you. That idiot redhead loves you. From what I've been told he has loved you since the first time he saw you back in high school. He loved you when you dated that asshole blond, he loved you while you were married to the same asshat, and he'll continue to love you no matter what. You love him, right?" The blond woman explained. "Yes, very much. I... I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as I love Ei." came Izuku's reply to her question. "Well then stop doubting your or his love for each other." she stated flatly. "I don't know why I always think the worst. Th... thanks Himi. I would be so lost right now without you." Izuku said, reaching over and pulling the golden eyed woman into a hug. Himiko hugged back, and ran her hands in soothing circles on the small man's back. "Now, I think we should go get something for lunch, and then go visit your parents and tell them about their grandchildren." the woman said with a chuckle as Izuku's stomach growled in agreement.

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A few hours later, Izuku's car pulled into the driveway of his childhood home. They had not called to warn his parents of their arrival but knew they would be home. Himiko and Izuku exited the vehicle after parking and went straight inside without knocking. As the two made their way from the entry to the living area Izuku called out to his parents. "Mom, Papa, are you guys home?" the greenette called. The two heard shuffling and muffled speech including a few curse words. Izuku and Himiko entered the living room. "Ahhhhhhh." the two younger people screeched at the same time, turning around to face the opposite direction. 'Eww, Eww, Eww. Bleach, I need to bleach my eyes. I'm never going to unsee that.' Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku and Himiko had walked in on his mother and father making out. The older couple had been nude from the waist up. Lucky Inko had grabbed her shirt and covered herself in time, so that her son did not see anything inappropriate. "Aren't you two too old for that stuff?" Izuku asked, his back still turned as he waited for his parents to compose themselves. "Hell no! Your mother is one exquisite creature, I'll never be too old." Toshinori husked out. "Izuku dear, I am only forty five, not eighty." Inko explained. "Whatever just, not in the living room." Izuku complained. "I will do as I wish in my own home. Maybe you should learn to knock." the green haired woman stated sternly. "Well maybe you should lock the door." Izuku said sassily back at his mother. The two greenette's bickered back and forth for another five minutes. "Alright you two, enough." the gruff voice of his father said. Izuku slowly turned to see that his parents were now clothed and sitting side by side on the sofa.

"So, why exactly brought you kids over?" the blonde man asked. Izuku opened his mouth to tell them but was interrupted before he could even speak. "Today was Izu, doctor's appointment." Himiko blurted out. "Oh I see. How did it go?" Izuku's mother asked. "Well, how about you just see for yourself." Izuku said as he handed a copy they had printed, of the ultrasound photo to his mother. Both Inko, and Toshiniro's eye widened when they saw the twins. "YOUR HAVING TWINS!?" Inko screeched in happiness, jumping up from the couch. "Yep there's two little people growing inside me." Izuku said with a chuckle as he was tackled into a hug by his mother. The shorter green haired woman was crying, tears of happiness of course. "Oh my gosh. I'm gonna have two grandbabies. This is so wonderful." Inko cried in her son's ear. Izuku hugged his mother back. "I love you mom, but could you let go. I can't breathe." The green eyed male said, trying to get her to release him, which she did. "Congratulations my boy. I'm so proud of you. You're going to be a great parent." Toshinori said to him as he too hugged his son. "Thanks papa. I really hope so." Izuku replied with a slightly worried smile.

The four visited and discussed baby things for the rest of the afternoon. Inko insisted that she would organize a baby shower for her son, which after a bit more bickering between the two Izuku finally agreed too. Inko had them stay, and she cooked dinner for them all. It was around nine when Izuiku and Himiko finally made it home.

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