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A half hour passed, when there was a knock on the door to Shoto's office. "Enter" Shoto said, the door was open and in walked a grinning Hitoshi. "Hey babe. What's got you so smiley?" Shoto asked his boyfriend. "I'm just so proud of you. I wish I could have hit that jerk myself of course but still you did a great job." Hitoshi said as he walked across the room. "Did you alter the video in case he does something stupid like report it to the police?" Shoto asked, already knowing the answer. "Well yeah, and it's so good no one will ever know it was tampered with." the purple haired man says as he pushes Shotos chair back and sits down in the other man's lap. Shoto's instantly go around the shorter male. "Now that that's done shall we go home and have some fun?" Shoto asked with a mischievous smirk. "Mhmm, sounds like a plan." Hitoshi said leaning in and kissing his lover, long and passionately. The two soon broke the kiss, then left to go back to Shoto house.

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Katsuki passed out in the elevator on the way down. While he was passed out the two security guards, Mezo Shoji, and Rikido Sato bribed the paramedic. They were informed to not say anything about what they saw or where they had picked Katsuki up. He was taken to a local hospital.

Katsuki woke up hours later a bit dazed. He opened his eyes just to close them again because of the blinding lights above him. He was lying on a bed cover with a white sheet. He could feel someone touching his arm, when he looked it was a nurse taking his vitals. "Wh...where am I?" He asked. "You're at Washington memorial hospital, in the emergency department. You were brought in by some paramedic who said they picked you up off the side of the road in a bad part of town." the nurse said, as she continued with her check up. "Wait what?" Katsuki blurted. "Do you not remember what happened to you?" The nurse asked. Katsuki thought for a moment, he remembered exactly what happened. He had been fired then had the shit kicked out of him by his X-boss. He also remembered what Todoroki had said just before he passed out and knew not to mess with him. "A little. I was walking along and then got hit hard in the head. Everything after that is fuzzy and unclear." Katsuki lied, bringing his hand up to his throbbing head. He felt a bandage above his left eye. "Well that's to be expected." The nurse stated. "I'll fetch the doctor and the police that have been waiting for you to wake up." she said before heading out of the room. About fifteen minutes later a short, elderly woman with gray hair styled into a netted bun with a long white coat and two police officers entered the room. Katsuki sat himself up in the bed. "Hello Mr. Bakugo, I am Doctor Chiyo. I have been seeing to your care." She said with a gentle smile as she extended her hand to him. Katsuki took her hand and shook it. "So when can I get out of here doc?" Katsuki asked her. "Well you have a slight concussion, and abrasion over your left eye that we put three stitches in, some busing around your lower back and stomach, and lastly three cracked knuckles. You should be able to leave first thing in the morning." Doctor Chiyo said to him. She pulled out a flashlight and shined it in each of his eyes before nodding. "These men would like to speak with you. Once they're finished I'll send in the nurse with some pain killers and a meal for you then I need you to rest." She said to him before turning, nodding to the officers and leaving the room. "We just have a few questions about what happened to you?" One of the detectives said stepping closer to Katsuki. He pulled out a pen and notepad "First you full name please?" The detective asked. "Katsuki Bakugo, I'm 23 before you ask. My address is xxxx Mayfield ave apt 6c." Katsuki said. The man nodded "alright thank you. Now can you tell us what happened to you?" The other detective piped in. "It's all a bit fuzzy, I was just out for a walk. And then suddenly something or someone hit me hard in the head, after that i don't remember anything." Katsuki lied. "You're sure that's all you remember?" the detective asked, looking a little angry. "Yes sir, I'm sorry I wish I could remember more!" Katsuki said, groaning painfully and holding his head. With that the two men just nodded and left the room. About ten minutes after the police officers left the same nurse from before came in and gave Katsuki a tray of food and some pain medication. She instructed him to eat then take the pills then rest as it was quite late. Katsuki nodded then did exactly that.

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Izuku had spent the entire afternoon with Teny at his law firm. They went over every single delta, and every thing that the couple owned. Izuku didn't care about most of the stuff, there were just a few things he wanted. Tenya and two other assistant lawyers kept track of what Izuku told him and the things he wanted and didn't. They discussed the bank account and Izuku explained what he had done, which Tenya had told him wasn't actually legal but they would come to that when the time was right. Izuku decided what he wanted done about the condo and made many, many more decisions about things he and Katsuki had owned. They broke around three thirty for a late lunch early dinner then got right back to it. It was around seven at night when the three lawyers and Izuku were finished. Teny told Izuku it would take a few days to finish up and file the papers, then they would have someone serve them to Bakugo. Teny told Izuku he would inform him when Katsuki had been given the papers and they could go into the litigation process. They said their goodbyes and Izuku left the office exhausted.

When Izuku made it back home all he wanted to do was relax. He walked in and waved to the riots who were in the living room playing video games. He took off his tie, shoving it in his pocket, unbuttoned the top three buttons on his shirt then plopped down on the couch between Mina, and Kyoka. Just as he was about to lay his head in Mina's lap his phone began to ring. "AGHH" he sighed aggressively, ripping the phone from his pocket. When he saw the contact he began to panic a little. Just great I bet Ochaco called him and told him, Izuku thought to himself. He hit the green accept button "hey Sho?" he says more like a question than a greeting. "Hello little brother," Shoto says in a happy tone. This took Izuku by surprise, he was expecting anger, disappointment, or worry. "What can I do for you? I thought you were on a business trip?" Izuku asked. "I was but I finished early, so I came home. I'm calling because I brought you a present home with me and wanted to know if you were free for dinner tomorrow?" Shoto said. "Oh so you're home early then? A present? You know you don't have to bring me back things all the time right? Oh and yeah I can have dinner with you tomorrow night." Izuku stated. "Yes I know, but well your present want's to say hi." the duel haired man said with a bit of a laugh. "Huh!? How can a present say hi?" Izuku asked, confused. "That's because this present has a mind and a mouth of its own." A new voice said through the phone. Izuku recognized it at once. He got super excited all of the sudding, jumping up from the couch. "SUSHI IS IT REALLY YOU?" Izuku screamed, startling the four people in the room with him. "Yes my little walking broccoli, it is I." Hitoshi said sarcastically with a chuckle. "Mmm I see. So it wasn't just a business trip huh Sho." Izuku stated with a little sassiness, his eyebrows wiggling even though the two men on the other end of the call couldn't see him. The riot's were just watching him confused as all hell. Eijiro, and Denki had even paused their game to watch as the green eyed man bounced around the room in clear enjoyment. "So anyway, you gonna come and have dinner with Sho and I tomorrow or what broccoli boi?" Hitoshi asked. "Hell yes! I could never miss out on a chance to see my sushi! What time?" Izuku asked. "Be here around six thirty tomorrow." the purple haired man told the greenette. "See ya the sushi, Sho. Love you guys, byeee" Izuku said as happy as could be. "Bye" Both Shoto and Hitoshi said before hanging up.

Izuku bounces around once more super excited, while being stared at by his companions. "Um Izubro, wanna explain?" Denki asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh hehe sorry." Izuku said blushing as they all stared at him. "That was Shoto, and Hitoshi. They invited me to dinner tomorrow, which is super exciting because I haven't seen Hitoshi face to face in like a year." Izuku explained. "Izuku, are you by any chance bipolar?" Kyoka asked. "Huh what? No, why?" Izuku replied. "Just... you were like,all tired and meh and then all the sudden you're the fucking energizer bunny." Kyoka said. "Hehe, that's just me, I'm like that. Sorry." izuku said with a little sadness in his voice. "Nothing wrong with it, I was just wondering," Kyoka said with a small smile. "Oh alright, well I'll talk to you guys in a bit. I need to get out of these itchy clothes and take a bath." Izuku said and turned on his heels heading to his room. As the little green-haired male walked away Eijiro watched, wishing he could join him in the bath and practically drooling over his tight perfect little ass. 

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