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Midoriya's face paled at Denki's question, his smile left him and his eye went to his lap. The small green eyed man fiddled with the hem of his shirt took a deep breath then looked up. "Um so I'm n...not really r...ready to talk a...about what h...happened, especially l...last night" Midoriya stuttered out. "That's fine Izu-babe you don't have to tell us if you don't want to. Kiri and I are already with you" Mina pipes in. Izuku sent a soft grateful smile to the pink haired woman. "W...well I p...promised I would t...tell you." Izuku said, taking a deep breath to settle his nerves before continuing. "Just um... put your p...plates in the sink a...and meet me in t...the living room p...please" He says. Kirishima moves closer to Izuku placing his hand on the smaller greenets shoulder. "Hey, calm down Izu you're ok. You don't have to tell us anything you don't want to." Kiri reassures him.

The others all look at him confused but do as he asks, taking their dishes to the sink then heading into the living area. Izuku heads up to the room gifted him to stay in by Kirishima. He grabs a notebook, pen, his phone, earbuds, laptop and cords. "Oh goodness I really don't know if this is a good idea or not" he whispers to himself before heading back down and into the living room. Izuku places some of the items on the kitchen counter then goes to the living area where the others await him. He sits on the floor with his laptop on the coffee table where he opens and begins to work away at the laptop. The other just sits quietly watching him as his hands dance across the laptop keys. After about fifteen minutes Izuku looks up at the group, they can all see the unshed tears brimming his eyes. Both Mina and Kiri are on the floor hugging him between him in just seconds. Izuku hugged them both back, the tears finally spilling down his cheeks as the two spoke soft words to him.

Izuku wiped his tears away before releasing the two from the hug. "Thanks so much guys," Izuku said, turning from one to the other. He plugged the cords into the laptop then into the television. "So I... I don't think I c...can talk about what's b...been going on, yet but I had an idea." Izuku said as he tugged at the sleeve of his shirt. "J...just hit the spacebar when you're ready" Was all he said before getting up and leaving the room. He went into the kitchen and put his earbuds in then turned music on his phone. Izuku began putting the leftover food away and cleaning the kitchen and dishes.

⚠️ *TW = Abuse, Domestic violence* ⚠️

The group of four watched Izuku leave the room a look of confusion on all their faces. Kirishima looked at the other quickly before turning his attention to the television and clicking on the spacebar of Izukus computer. The screen was white for a moment until the clip began to play. The small group of friends watched as a living area came up on the screen sitting on the blue couch was one Katsuki Bakugo, a few seconds in a door was heard being opened then closed. The sound of a voice was just barely audible when Izuku's small frame came on to the screen. He was speaking to Katsuki explaining how he had just signed a new client. He held a bottle of champagne in his hand and had a large smile on his face. The group watched as Katsuiki stood from his seat on the couch, screamed "STOP RUBBING IT IN YOU BITCH" and slapped Izuku hard across the face before storming off the screen. The Image of Izuku just stood there holding his cheek where he had been struck. After a few seconds the screen went white again before another clip started to play. The next five or six clips were similar to the first. Katsuki would scream at Izuku about something or another then slap or back hand him then storm away. The names Izuku was called got more derogatory and the blows had more and more force behind them.

Mina and Jiro would gasp and turn away or close their eyes when then a new blow was about to connect. Kirishima's body shook with the anger that was filling him. Kaminiri was staring at the screen, his mouth agape not wanting to believe what he was seeing his friend do. The next clip was when it got even worse. Izuku was seen dancing around the kitchen singing as he cooked some type of food. Katsuki then came into the scene from somewhere sitting on a stool at the counter watching the smaller male cook. Izuku served up a plate of food sitting in front of Katsuki who took a bite of the food then coughed and spit it back out. "HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE? YOU KNOW GODDAMN WELL I DON'T LIKE SHRIMP." Katsuki screamed standing with the plate in his hand. "You never had a problem with it before," Izuku replied. That's when Katsuki came round the counter and threw the plate at Izuku, balled his fist and punched the green haired man with his full strength. Izuku fell to the floor with a cry of pain. Katsuki then proceeded to kick Izuku in the stomach, the force pushing him across the kitchen's tiled floor. "Please Kacchan stop hurting me" Izuku could be heard crying before he was kicked again this time in the chest. "YOU REALLY ARE A DEKU. A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT." Katsuki yelled before stomping down on Izuku's hand. Izuku screamed out in pain. Katsuki dumped the rest of the food on the floor. "GET YOUR ASS UP AND CLEAN THIS... OH AND MAKE ME SOMETHING I CAN ACTUALLY EAT" Katsuki yelled then exited the screen. Mina reached over hitting the spacebar stopping the play back on the screen she couldn't watch any longer. She noticed that they had only gotten through an hour of the clips and there were still two more hours worth to go.

Jiro was sobbing into Kaminaris chest she felt so bad, having never really cared to take the time to get to know Izuku. Kaminari was doing his best to sooth his girlfriend, whispering sweet things to her as he ran his hand in small circles over her back. He was disgusted by the things he had witnessed his friend do to the man he was supposed to love. Mina had tears streaming down her face, she kept looking from the screen to the man bustling around the kitchen. Kirishima was so angry his hands had balled into fist, his nails digging bloody crescents into his palms. The next time he saw Katsuki Bakugo he was going to rip his head off. One thought was going through all of their heads, how could anyone treat someone they loved that way, especially some one as kind hearted, and sweet as Izuku Midoriya.

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