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Izuku's eyes began to flutter open, his nose scrunched up, nostrils flaring. "Ugh" he groaned, his head turning away from the foul smell at his nose. "Eee what is that?" Izuku asked as his eye came fully open and he noticed the doctor holding something under his nose. "Smelling salts. It smells of high quantities of ammonia." Chiyo told him. "What happened?" Izuku asked as he moved back to a seated position on the bed. He noticed the nurse, setting up an ultrasound machine next to the bed. "You fainted after I told you the results of your test." the small woman said. The memory of her words flashed in his mind, as tears began to fill his eyes. "Izuku, sweetie what's wrong? I thought you wanted children?" Doctor Shuzenji asked. "I did, I mean I do, but..." Izuku said but cut himself off when a sob left his throat. "But what kiddo?" the gray haired woman asked, patting his hand. "I... I've left Katsuki, we are getting divorced." Izuku finished wiping tears from his eyes. "What, when, why, does your mother know?" she said so fast, Izuku barely caught it. "It will have b...been a month a..ago come Mon...monday. H...he was getting vi...violent." Izuku stuttered out, and pushed up the left sleeve of his shirt revealing to her the burn scar on his arm. "Oh my god! Izuku what the hell happened?" she was getting worried about the boy she considered family. "It was M...may first. Kac... Katuski cam h...home drunk and." Izuku began to explain. It was hard with all the stuttering and sobbing. Chiyo handed him a wad of tissue from off the counter, and urged him to continue. "H...he hit me, a...and I fell sp...spilling the food I w...was cooking." Izuku finished. Chyio went into Doctor mode and began examining his arm, checking for nerve damage and what not. "Well it's healed well. Why didn't you come to me" she asked. Izuku just shook his head. "I wasn't really thinking straight that night. I just wanted to be away. Somewhere he wouldn't find me." Izuku explained, leaving out the part where he hadn't actually seen a doctor after what happened.

Doctor Shuzenji directed her nurse to cancel the rest of her morning patients and if it was an emergency to direct them to one of the other doctors she worked with. Izuku then spent the next hour explaining to the woman who was like an aunt to him all of what had transpired over the past month. About the night he had left and the baby's conception, and Eijiro and the Riots. Lets just say Doctor Chiyo Shuzenji, was contemplating murder, and she could do it with out leaving behind a body. Izuku explained why he didn't go to the police and have Katsuki arrested, which she was not happy about but there was nothing she could really do now. Izuku was now calm, and his tears had stopped. All the talking and explaining was done, so the Doctor turned her attention back to the matter at hand.

"Alright, well Izuku let's talk about your options. With what you've told me I need to know, do you want to keep this baby?" She asked the small green haired male. "I... I'm not sure. I have always wanted kids of my own, that's why when the offer to get rid of my disorder came up I always declined. With everything that's happening in my life I just don't know." Izuku said, looking like he might cry again. "Well you don't have to decide today. You said you're sure the conception date was the first of May?" the little woman asked. "Yea, we had not been intimate for a good three months before that night so it has to be then." the green eyed man replied. "I'm gonna do an ultrasound to check for sure but if you're right you have plenty of time to decide what you want to do." she said. Izuku gave her a small smile and nodded. "Okay let's do this then. Lay back, pull your shirt up and the edge of your pants down so your stomach is exposed please." Chyio said going back to her professional self. Izuku did as he was told, his pale flat stomach now on display. "Now this is going to be a bit cold, but will warm up in just a few seconds." the doctor said. She then squeezed a bit of cold jelly onto his bare abdomen. The doctor then turned the monitor so they could both see it and applied the wand to his tummy. She moved the metal wand around for a minute then finally smiled. "Ah there you are little bug." she whispered. Izuku, who was looking at the screen, giggled. "That's what you used to call me when I was a kid." Izuku said to her. She hit a few buttons on the screen and it froze, then began printing the picture. "I sure did. So it looks like you're about four weeks. That makes you right again and the conception date was around the first." she said to him. Chyio collected the printed out photo, wrote out a quick prescription, then handed both to Izuku.

"I've given you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. You should start taking them as soon as possible even if you are not sure if you want to keep the baby. You'll need to make a decision within the next six weeks. Well set you up with another appointment for then." she told him. "That sounds like more than enough time. Thank you auntie. For everything." he said to her. "No problem. Oh and call your mother, or I will." she told him with a sternness to her voice. "I will later today, I swear." Izuku said as he hopped down from the bed. The two hugged before Doctor Shuenji led Izuku out of the room and toward the exit. Izuku set up for his next visit before waving goodbye then leaving.

Izuku first went to his car, then to a pharmacy to get his prescription. As he sat waiting for the prenatal vitamins he stared at the ultrasound photo the doctor had given him. It looked like a bubble with a tiny bean in it. Izuku laughs to himself when he remembers doctor Chiyo calling it bug. He thought about it for a while then decided he would call it that too for now. Soon enough the pharmacist was calling his name and he stood from his seat to collect his pills. Izuku then made his way back to his car, as his stomach complained at him. He took his phone from his pocket noticing it was just past eleven. He went to his contact and texted the group chat he had with Eijiro, the Riots, and Himiko.

Hey guys. :💚Izzy💚

❤️️Eiji❤️️: well hello beautiful. 😘

💛Denks💛: Hey Midobro. 👋

💜Koko💜: Hello Izuku.

🖤Miko🖤: Izuuuuu.

💗Meme💗: Zuzu.

So I'm done with my appointment. :💚Izzy💚

❤️️Eiji❤️️: how'd it go babe?

💗Meme💗: you ok Zu?

💛Denks💛: What appointment?

💜Koko💜: Is everything good? His doctor visit babe.

🖤Miko🖤: They figure out what up with you?

Yes I am perfectly healthy. :💚Izzy💚

💛Denks💛: Then why you been 🤮 so much?

❤️️Eiji❤️️: Denki bro?

💗Meme💗: That's disgusting dude.

I'll explain later. I was gonna stop and get food. :💚Izzy💚

❤️️Eiji❤️️: What ya getting baby?

🖤Miko🖤: Yeah what you getting Izuuuuu?

Was thinking Pizza, you guys want any? :💚Izzy💚

❤️️Eiji❤️️: Meat lovers please.

💛Denks💛: Hawaiian.

💜Koko💜: I'll share with Denki. Thanks Izuku.

🖤Miko🖤: Bbq chicken would be awesome Izuuuu.

💗Meme💗: Oh yeah that sounds great babe. I'll share too.

Ok I got it, see you guys in like an hour. :💚Izzy💚

🖤Miko🖤: K bye Izuuuu.

💗Meme💗: Later Zuzu.

💛Denks💛: See ya Midobro.

💜Koko💜: See ya in a bit Izuku.

❤️️Eiji❤️️: Hurry home baby, I miss you. 🥰 🥰 🥰

Aww, miss you to babe. 💋 Bye guys :💚Izzy💚

With that finished Izuku put his phone away and left the parking lot of the pharmacy and headed to a local pizza place. Once he had received his food, and dessert, Izuku headed home to his boyfriend and friends.

From Despair to Delight (BakuDeku)-(KiriDeku)Where stories live. Discover now