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Mina had blocked Katsuki's number and all contacts from Izuku's phone, while Eijiro calmed the small greenie down. The pink haired woman and red haired man pulled Izuku from the kitchen into the living area. They shooed the cuddling pair of Denki and Kyoka over to a chair, before sitting on the couch pulling Izuku with them. Mina placed a pillow in her lap and prompted Izuku to lay his head down which he did without hesitation. He hadn't had much sleep and the episode from a few minutes prior had exhausted him. "Shh just rest Izu, we got you." Mina cooed as she softly corded her fingers through Izuku's immensely soft green curly hair. Eijiro pulled the small greenette's legs up onto his lap, smiling to himself. Izuku made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, completely content and enjoying the feel of Mina's fingers in his hair. Pain filled his heart and a few tears fell from his closed eyes onto the pillow. A memory flashed through his mind of Katsuki doing this exact thing for him when he was upset about something, but that had been years ago. It seemed to have been going downhill for Izuku and Katsuki since about a year after they had gotten married. Once he thought about it; that was when Izuku came to the realization that he no longer loved Katsuki, and with how the blond man had been treating him as of late, Izuku was sure that the same could be said for Katsuki.

Once Izuku's tears had stopped and his breathing evened out Mina and Eijiro assumed he had drifted to sleep which in truth he hadn't he was just very comfortable. "So what are we going to do about him?" Mina asked in a whisper to her best friend. "What do you mean, we're going to keep him here and keep him safe from the peace of shit we used to call our friend" Eijiro replied with a hint of anger. "Does that mean we are no longer friends with Bakubro any more?" Denki asked from the chair he was sharing with Kyoka. Mina, Eijiro, and even his own girlfriend Kyoka looked at him incredulously, not believing he actually said those words out loud. "What! I was just asking for clarification" Denki said to them, causing Kyoka to facepalm her boyfriend really could be stupid some times.

Izuku couldn't take it any longer so he sat up from Mina's lap, pulling his feet from under Eijiro's hands. "Hey, now leave Denki be. If he wants to continue being Katsuki's friend that should be his choice, not any of yours." Izuku stated flatly. The greenie stood from the couch "I knew I shouldn't have come here, I..." Izuku began to cry. "I... I'm really sorry, you shouldn't stop being his friend because of me. I should just go" Izuku cried then turned to head to the stairs intending to leave. Izuku's wrist was grabbed by Eijiro, and the back of his shirt grabbed by Mina. They pulled him back down between them on the couch. "Hey, Mina and I haven't been Bakugo's friend for a while now." Eijiro said, looking directly into Izuku's green eyes to show the small man he was being completely honest. "Yeah it's more like acquaintances for a while now" Mina piped in. Mina and Eijiro both wrapped their arms around the small male and rested their heads on his shoulder. Izuku sighed and placed one small hand on each of their cheeks, Before looking over at Denki and Kyoka waiting to see what they have to say.

From Despair to Delight (BakuDeku)-(KiriDeku)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon