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Izuku gulped down half the bottle of water Jiro had given him, then let out a giant yawn. He was exhausted both in mind and body and was having trouble keeping his eyes open. "You look like shit Mido," Kami said, getting an elbow to his side from Mina just after the words left his mouth. Kirishima took his phone from his pocket checking the time seeing it was almost three am. "It's late. We should all get some rest. Midoriya, why don't you take a show then I'll help dress your wounds and you can get some rest, we'll talk more in the morning" Kirishima says as he stands from the bed. Izuku just nodded in agreement before getting up and rummaging through one of the huge suitcases that had been brought in. He grabbed his first aid kit and clean clothes then headed into the bathroom.

"Mina go get him some towels, I'll get him a blanket." Kiri said to the pink haired girl before head off to fetch a comforter for the man. "What about us?" Kami asked with a hand motioning to Jiro and himself. "Just go to bed or go home" Kiri said as he walked past them. The two nodded, taking each other's hand and walking down to their room closing the door behind them. Mina and Kiri were back quickly with their items. Kirishima spread the blanket he had brought out on the bed then sat down. Mina knocked on the bathroom door and waited for Midoriya's response. Once she had gotten it she quickly put the towels on the counter and exited the bathroom.

"Do you really believe Bakubro did that to him" Mina asked as she sat in the desk chair looking over at her best friend. "Yes, yes I do. For one, we both know Bakugo has a hot temper. And for two when has Midoriya ever been a liar." Kirishima stated flatly looking directly into his best friend's eyes. "Yeah, your right. Even if he did something he was ashamed of he never lied about it. This is really messed up, I kinda just want to smash Bakubro's face in right now" Mina said angrily. "Yeah me too. The difference is I already had reason to be pissed at him; this is all new to you. And what about Kami and Jiro, I'm not sure if they even believe him, like we do" Kirishim chuffed with a sigh to follow. "Well that's completely up to them but I know as for me I'm so done with Katsuki Bakugo" Mina stated in a matter a fact tone. "I'm really glad you're my best friend Mina, and I'm also glad we are on the same page" Kirishima smiled at the pink haired girl.

The two had just finished their conversation when they heard the click of the bathroom door. They both looked over and saw Izuku exiting. He had on a pair of pale pink silk shorts and was holding his shirt in one hand and a first aid kit in the other. 

His green locks were still damp and pressed flat against his head

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His green locks were still damp and pressed flat against his head. Mina smiled at the man and reached out to take the first aid kit. Kirishims heart was racing and his face matched his hair for a moment before he looked away. "S...sorry I took s...so long. Had t..to wash my h..hair twice" Izuku whispered out. "No worries Mido. come sit down so we can get you all fixed up" Mina said standing from the chair and patting its seat for him. Izuku gave her a small smile and did as he was told. Kirishima came over to the two from the bed and they began patching him up. The two started by cleaning his lip, cheek and any other small abrasions on his skin with peroxide, then covered them with antibiotic cream and bandaged them up. Once that was finished the two rubbed his arms, back and stomach with Arnica Bruise Cream. While they worked Izuku pressed on his ribs checking to make sure they weren't cracked or worse broken, lucky they were ok this time. Lastly Mina put burn cream on his arm then wrapped it and his swollen hand loosely with gauze. Kiri got two small ice packs, one for his eye and the other for his hand.

Once his injuries had been tended to, Izuku put on the matching pink shirt to his pajama shorts, and yawned again. Izuku was now feeling much better, he was calmer and even felt relatively safe. "Thank you guys. I really wouldn't have been able to do that alone." Izuku said to the two. "Any time Mido. Now get some rest I'll see ya in the morning. Goodnight" the pink haired girl says before winking at Kirishima as she leaves the room going to her room to sleep. Izuku plugged his charger in and his phone before he went to the bed crawling under the covers and getting as comfortable as he can. "Goodnight Midoriya get some sleep your safe here I promise" Kiri says as he heads to the door. "Kiri, Thanks. And you know you can call me Izuku." Izuku says mid yawn. "Alright Izuku, but then you have to call me Eijiro" Kiri replied with a toothy grin. "Okay Eiji," Izuku whispered back eyes closed half asleep. Kirishima left closing the door behind him with the biggest smile possible on his face. He went to his room and climbed into his own bed, to have dreams of when himself and Midorya spent so much time together back in high school. 

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