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Eijiro came down dressed in a plain whit shirt, blue jean shorts and white and black tennis shoes, his tattoos visible and damn did he look hot. 

Izuku stood from the couch, taking his boyfriends outstretched hand

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Izuku stood from the couch, taking his boyfriends outstretched hand. "Ready?" the greenette asked. Eijiro nodded and the two said their goodbyes to the others and headed out the door. They climbed into Izuku's car and headed to their first destination. As he drove Izuku thought about another conversation he had, had over the weekend.


Sunday morning around seven am Izuku walked down the stairs quietly so as to not wake any of the other occupants of the house. He himself was extremely tired having only gotten a few hours of sleep that night. The fight between Eijiro and Kyoka, and then his talk with Mina was heavily weighing on his mind. He went to the kitchen first fixing himself a bowl of vanilla yogurt with cut strawberries, bananas, and some granola. He scarfed the food down quickly as he waited for the coffee pot to finish brewing. Izuku did not normally drink coffee but today he needed it.

Standing with his back against the counter facing into the kitchen. The green haired man was startled by the sound of a throat being cleared behind him. He turned to see the one person he wasn't sure he wanted to see. "Good morning Kyoka. What's got you up so early?" Izuku asked curtly. The purple haired woman felt a pang in her chest when he called her full name instead of the nickname he had given her. "Um, I was hoping to catch you actually." she said. "Why? So you can blame me for something I didn't even know about: Again." he said flatly. "N... no. I... I wanted to apologize. I was angry and I took it out on you... " she said. "Is that so?" Izuku said, looking at her with incredulous eyes. "Look I didn't mean any of what I said, it's just Kirishima is being so pig headed." Kyoka said. "Yes, maybe a little but so are you. Neither of you are thinking about what this means for the other." the green eyed man says to her as he takes the coffee pot and fills his travel mug. "Huh, yes I am. There is no reason why he can't go. You can take care of yourself." the purple haired woman said, getting angry again. "Koko, hear me out, please?" Izuku said more like a question than a statement. The woman raised one eyebrow, then sat across from Izuku at the counter. "Okay, I'm listening." she stated. "Well, I understand your side of things. Your career, the band, it was all originally your idea and you pulled the others in. I understand how important it and your music is to you." he said to her, leaning on the counter. "Exactly and Eijiro is trying to ruin it all, by refusing to go on this tour." came Kyoka's reply. "Okay but you're not seeing it from his side, and not just his Mina's as well. Going on this tour means that they have to leave the ones they love behind. Denki is part of the band so you never had to deal with that. How would you feel If Denki wasn't your guitarist and you had to leave him for months?" Izuku presented the other side. The woman contemplated that for a few minutes before answering. "He's an idiot, but I would miss him. Mina doesn't have a problem with it like Eijiro though. He flat out said he wasn't going. Mina at least said she would think about it." Kyoka said to him. "Well my situation is making it a bit harder for Eijiro. The night I told you all about my condition, Eiji promised me he would be there by my side to help me through the pregnancy, and to be the baby's daddy after. So if he agrees to go then he'll be breaking that promise. Now do you understand why its harder for him?" Was Izuku explaining to the woman? "I didn't know. That was really sweet of him." Kyoka said. "Yeah, I really wasn't expecting it. I didn't realize when he said he had loved me since high school it ran that deep." Izuku said with a smile. "But you know you're right too. I am grown and will be fine on my own for a few months. I already told Mina that I would talk to him." Izuku told her. "Izuku, I really am so sorry about last night." The woman said, standing and holding out her arms for a hug. Izuku stepped around the counter and hugged her. "I know and I forgive you. But you need to apologize to the others as well." he said to her. "I will, I swear." she replied with a nod, and pulled him in for a second hug. "Well I'm gonna be late, I'll see you later tonight. We have a bunch of people coming tomorrow." he said with a laugh. "UGH don't remind me." she sighed. They both chuckled. Then Izuku left.


Izuku was brought out of his musings, when they finally arrived at the cinema. The two made their way inside, got snacks, then watched the movie they had come to see. After the cinema was a trip to a nice restaurant where they both talked and cuddled in a booth as they ate dinner. Izuku finally drove to the final destination. It was one of Izuku's favorite places. They parked in a spot on a secluded beach, and walked across the sand. There was a pier-like structure that led out to the water with a thatch roof gazebo-like area at the end. 

Izuku removed his shoes and sat with his legs hanging over his feet just barely reaching the top of the crystalline blue water

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Izuku removed his shoes and sat with his legs hanging over his feet just barely reaching the top of the crystalline blue water. The sun had started to set and the sky was a mix of beautiful pink's, purple's, and blue's. Eijiro removed his own shoes and sat next to the man he had loved for longer than he could remember. Izuku's legs moved back and forth slowly, his toes just grazing the top of the water. Eijiro wrapped his arms around the smaller man's waist pulling him in close. Izuku snuggled into Eijiro side, his head placed on the red head's shoulder and they just watched the beautiful sunset for a short time. Izuku then looked up at his boyfriend and spoke.

"Ei, don't get mad but, I talked to Mina, and Kyoka. I know what's been causing all the tension and the argument from the other night." the green bean said to his boyfriend. "Mhm, I figured as much when Kyoka, and Denki apologized. They used too many big words to have come up with it themselves." the red head said, turning so he was now looking down into Izuku's eyes, as the shorter peered up at him. Izuku giggled, his hand raising to cover his now reddening cheeks. "Don't be mad at them, I ambushed Mina at three in the morning, and then Kyoka the next morning. They basically had to tell me." Izuku said. "It doesn't matter, I'm not going to change my decision." Eijiro started with a no-nonsense tone. Izuku sat up off of his boyfriend, he pulled one leg up and turned so they are now facing each other directly.

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