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Izuku leaned back and closed his eyes, but he could feel the four people in the room with him staring. "So what was all that about?" Denki asked in a I really have to know voice. Izuku sighed "So umm I guess Kacchan..." Izuku stopped himself there, closing his eyes again. "Hey, it's ok. You've been calling him that since you were four years old. That's not gonna go away overnight." Eijiro said, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking him in the eyes. Izuku smiled at Eijiro, thanking him with his eyes as he pressed his cheek against the hand on his shoulder for just a few seconds. The others just watched without saying a word. "Well as I was saying. Bakugo showed up at Tsu, and Fumikage's house looking for me. That was Tsu calling to check up on me." He finished what he had started to say, his eyes scanning over them to see their reactions. "OH really, how is Tsu? I haven't talked to or seen her in ages" Mina exclaims, effectively taking Izuku's mind off of Katsuki.

Izuku perked up at Mina's question leaning closer to the pink haired woman. "Oh she and Fumikage are doing great. They both work as zoologists at the big museum that's downtown." Izuku told them excitedly. "Wow that sounds so chill," Kyoka said from her place on the chair to Izuku's left. "Yeah, Fumikage specializes in ornithology, which focuses on birds. And Tsu specializes in herpetology which focuses on amphibians." Izuku states. "Damn they must be hella smart," Denki said looking sad. "I guess, I never really thought about it. Oh, they just had a baby a few months ago. He is the cutest little thing." Izuku told them with a very big bright smile on his face. "Whoa that sounds super awesome. Izuku, could I maybe go with you next time you go visit them?" Mina asked the greenie sitting next to her. "Well sure Mina. I bet Tsu would love to see you. Ochaco too I'm sure." Izuku said, beaming at her. "You could come to Kyoka if you like," Izuku said, looking over at the purple haired girl. "Uh I don't know, I'll think about it," came her reply. Izuku just gave her a smile like always, then yawned.

"Haha, guess I'm more tired than I thought. I think I'm gonna take a nap before I have to go out again" Izuku told them as he stood from his seat. "Wait, what do you need to go back out for?" Eijiro asked him, slightly concerned. "I made a list while I was cleaning the kitchen. Plus how am I supposed to cook you all dinner with no food in this house" He laughed out loud. The other four laughed as well. "You don't actually have to cook, you know," Eijiro stated. "Dude if he wants to cook then let him" Denki says kicking Eijiro in the ankle. Izuku burst out laughing even harder as he witnessed Denki's actions. "Wait, how are we supposed to pick when we don't know what you can cook?" Denki asked. "Huh, well that's easy. I can cook pretty much everything."Izuku told the yellow blond. "How?" Kyoka asked. "Uhm well when I was proposed to at the dinner celebration after high school graduation. Mrs Bakugo thought it would be a good idea if I was a bit more.... Er domestic." Izuku said, rolling his eyes when he said the last word. "She signed me up and paid for this class over the summer that taught the basics in cooking, cleaning, sewing, and anything remotely wifely. I hated the whole class except for the cooking. So when I went to university I added a few extra classes." Izuku told them. "Wow even Bakugo's mom is an ass," Mina said. Izuku laughed before continuing. "Yeah well anyway when I graduated I had a husband, a bachelors in art history, and a minor in culinary arts. And so I can pretty much cook anything." Izuku finished yawning again. "Wow you truly are amazing Izuku" Eijiro said. Mina smirked at her friend's words. "Anyways, good night for now" Izuku said, then walked away from the group and towards the stairs. "Goodnight, see ya later" The four said to their newest companion and friend.

Izuku made his way back to the room he was using and crawled into the bed and under the covers. He laid his head on the pillow, closed his eyes and was asleep in a matter of minutes.

The Riots watched as he left then went about their normal daily routine of playing video games and just hanging out.

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