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The next morning Izuku woke up in his bed, where he stretched, yawned, and rubbed his eyes. He got out of bed heading to the bathroom to shower and do his daily morning routine. He smiled remembering the small snippets of what he had heard last night. Yes, he had lied to Eijiro about when he had woken up during the conversation between Mina and Eijiro. Izuku now knew that Eijiro loved him, and had loved him since high school. Izuku dressed in a white shirt and grey sweats before going down and starting breakfast. His thoughts made him feel both happy and sad at the same time. He was happy that someone could love him that much, but felt sad that he had hurt Eijiro. He wasn't sure exactly how he felt about the situation. He knew he didn't love Katsuki any more hadn't for quite awhile. He was truly happy being here with the riots, and loved being in Eijiro's arms, but did he love him? Izuku was sure. He made sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, and banana chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. He didn't sit and eat with the others once they came down. Instead he prepared sandwiches for them for lunch, and prepped dinner as well. He explained what to do with dinner if he wasn't back in time to do it himself. He also told them what he had going on that day and the others were glad he was getting down to it. They all told him to have a great day and not to get too overwhelmed, it didn't all have to be done in one day.

Izuku then went and changed into nice black slacks, a button down pastel blue shirt, with a black tie. He hated dressing like this but it had to be done. Once fully ready Izuku grabbed his bag which was already packed and ready and headed out of the house.

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Shoto and Hitoshi were awoken by the alarm, Shoto leaning over and shutting it off. "Good morning love" Shoto said as he leaned in and kissed Hitoshi. "Mmm, morning." Hitoshi said yawning, and stretching. The two exited their bed and showered together. The two men dressed and readied themselves for the day. They had a delicious breakfast prepared by the chef. Shoto had his meeting with Katsuki, and Hito had papers to fill out and his first assignment with the tech crew. This was going to be enjoyable for both men.

They got into Shoto's black Bentley Mulsanne and headed to Endevor talent agencies office building. 

They parked in the secure parking garage and headed inside the building

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They parked in the secure parking garage and headed inside the building. They each had to go to a different floor, Hitoshi heading to human resources on the first floor, and Shoto heading to his office on the top floor. They kissed goodbye in the elevator before Hitoshi exited. "Come up to my office once your all finished love" shoto said with a wave before the doors to the elevator closed on the love of his life.

Hitoshi made his way to the human resources office and introduced himself to the man there. "Hello I'm Hitoshi Shinso" he said, putting his hand out to shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Koji Koda, head of human resources" he said as he shook Shinso's hand. Hitoshi was then given a clipboard with papers for him to fill out while the man took and made copies of his photo identification and a few other papers. Once that was finished Hitoshi was directed to the tech department which was in the basement. Once there he introduced himself to the rest of the tech team. "Hello. I'm Hitoshi Shinso, the new head of the tech department" he said to the three people. Each was sitting in front of a large desk with multiple computer monitors and a room filled with computer servers behind those. The one male of the group stood and faced him. "Hello, I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. I go by Real Steel." he said, shaking Hitoshi's hand. "And this is Mei Hatsume, she goes by Gadget" The man said, pointing to the pink-haired girl with glasses on his left. "Hey" She said without looking away from her screens, her hands typing away at an extremely fast pace. "And this one is Itsuka Kendo she goes by Mighty fist" he said again pointing to the orange haired girl on his right. "Sup new boss" She said with a quick glance at him over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you all," Hitoshi said as he watched what the two girls were doing. Mei was reinforcing the firewall and re-encoding the security parameters. While Itsuka was re adjusting the security camera view so as to not miss a single spot of the building. Tetsutetsu showed Hitoshi around very quickly and took him to another desk which was also covered in multiple screens. "Since you're the boss you get your own desk and stuff" he said with a little jealousy. "Oh thank you. You can call me Hypno by the way" Hitoshi said, taking his seat at the desk. Tetsutetsu, Mei, and Itsuka went wide and their mouths flopped open when Hitoshi said that. "NO WAY" Mei yelled in shock. "You... You're that Hypno?" Itsuka asked. Hitoshi just smirked. "The hacker that broke into and took down that senator who was stealing from the government?" Tetsutetsu asked. Hitoshi just shrugged. Tetsutetsu went back to his place and got back to work. The three were in awe of their new supervisor, and wondered why he would want to work for a place like this it wasn't that high profile. "Yeah, that's me. It really wasn't that hard" Hitoshi stated, already upping the security and accessing the feed from Shoto's office like he had been tasked. Now he just had to wait.

Shoto had made it to his office quickly after he left his boyfriend on the first floor. Once there he contacted his legal team and had a short meeting with them. They left all the needed papers and a check that just needed signed by Shoto. He then busied himself waiting for his next meeting, a slightly evil smirk on his face. Finally just before ten o-clock his secretary buzzed his phone. "Yes Toru?" Shoto answered. "Sir, Katsuki Bakugo is here for his ten o-clock appointment" she said. "Oh yes, give me five minutes to finish up then send him in please." Shoto said to the woman. "Yes sir." came her reply.

"You may go in now Mr. Bakugo" Toru told him with a smile. Katsuki didn't reply, he just stood from his seat and made his way over and into Todoroki's office. Once in the office he stood by the open door and waited not knowing exactly what was going on. "Please shut the door and take a seat" Shoto said to him gesturing to the chair across from him on the other side of his desk. Bakugo scoffed before doing as he requested. Once Katsuki was seated Shoto got up and came around the desk. He put a small stack of papers on the desk in front of Katsuki along with a signed check for one hundred thousand dollars. "Hum what's this?" Katsuki asked, looking at the check. "Severance!" Shoto replied in his monotone voice. "Severance? For what exactly?" Katsuki asked in confusion, his anger building. "I've decided to terminate your contract with Endeavor talent agency. You haven't worked in almost a year and keeping you on is only costing us money." Shoto said as he sat on the edge of his desk. Katsuki was pissed now "YOU CANT JUST FUCKING DO THIS!" he yelled "Oh but I can and I am."Shoto said, his voice filled with hatred and malice. Before Katsuki could react to what Shoto had just said, the bi colored haired male grabbed Katsuki by the back of the neck and slammed his face onto the desk. "AUGH" Katsuki grunted. "And let's also not forget that I know what you have been doing to my little brother," Shoto said, bending down to whisper the words into Katsuki's ear. "Get your fucking hands off me! That little bitch deserved everything he got!" Katsuki growled out. Shoto let go of Katsuki pretending to be taken back by what the blond had said. He stood with his back to Katsuki anticipating his next move. Katsuki lurched up from the chair lunging at Shoto, and throwing his full body weight behind a right hook. Shoto smirked to himself, seeing Katsuki's reflection in the glass of a photo on the wall. At the very last second Shoto side stepped Katsuki's fist missed by a mere fraction of an inch and connected with the side of a book shelf Shoto had been standing near. A sickening cracking sound coming from the impact. Katsuki cried out in pain. Shoto took this opportunity to throw a punch of his own connecting with Katsuki's nose. It wasn't hard enough to break it but blood did begin to pour down Katsuki's face. The blond also held his right hand to his chest, his knuckles bloody and maybe even broken. Shoto just smiled at the blood and pain of the man before him. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT, SON OF A BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" Katsuki screamed. "Ah ah ah, all I've done is defend myself." Shoto said. This pissed Katsuki off because it was mostly true. He lunged at Shoto again this time with the intent to tackle the two toned man. Again Shoto dodged and this time Katsuki slammed into the wall. His face and head connecting with a photo on the wall shattering the glass, and cutting his own head open. Katsuki was now bleeding profusely from his head wound. He dropped to the floor where Shoto proceeded to kick him in the back and stomach. Katsuki cried out in pain begging the man to stop. "Did you stop when Izuku begged you too?" Shoto asked the man on the floor. Katsuki knew he deserved what was happening to him, but he would never ever admit that. Shoto then dragged Katsuki to his feet and back over to the desk. He forced Katsuki to sign the paperwork to terminate his contract then shoved the check in his pocket.

"Toru, could you please call security and an ambulance please. Have them escorted up in my personal elevator." Shoto requested of his secretary. "Yes sir right away sir" she replied. Fifteen minutes later, two security guards arrived with two paramedics. They loaded Katsuki onto the stretcher and were escorted out of the building, receiving information and instructions. Just before Katsuki was wheeled away "Don't bother trying to retaliate against me. Iv already had the footage altered so it will look like you started it and did most of the damage to yourself" Shoto said with a smirk. "Oh and if you go near my brother ever again, I will hunt you down, Kill you and they will neve find your body" Shoto whispered to the almost unconscious blond. With that Katsuki Bakugo was taken away.

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