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Katsuki was reeling from what he just learned and witnessed. Izuku was going to have a baby, his baby. And he wanted Katsuki to play no part in the child's life. 'There's no fucking way I'm letting that happen. That's my kid, and I'll be damned if I'm not in it's life.' Katsuki thought.

Toshinori pulled Izuku from the chair he was seated in, engulfing the smaller male in his muscular arms. "I would never have let that happen." The tall blonde said. "I... I know I'm s... sorry." Izuku stuttered, his eyes brimming with tears as he held tightly to his papa. Toshinori ran one of his hands in small circles on his son's back to sooth him.

The spiky blonde was just close enough to hear Izuku's reply to his step fathers question, and was shocked by the answer. 'Fuck, is he really that afraid of me and the hag?' Katsuki thought. A small wave of guilt and shame filled him but it was gone a second later. 'Maybe I can use this to my advantage. Get him to come home to me.' Katski thought with a smirk crossing his face.

The quiet of the room was interrupted by a throat being cleared. "Can we get on with this? Some of us have better things to do. My son won't be signing those papers so we might as well just end this now." Mitsuki Bakugo snarled out. She was helped back into her seat by the black haired lawyer.

"Oi old hag you need to go, you're just causing problems." Katsuki told his mother. "What?! Hell no!" Mitsuki stated. "I said leave, NOW!" the blonde side looking his mother dead in the eye. "Fine," Mitsuki said with a huff. The blonde woman then gathered her things and left. "Izuku, is there any way I could talk to you alone for a few minutes." Katsuki asked. "Uh, I... I don't know," Izuku said, playing like he wasn't sure if he should or not. "Please?" the blonde man said, Izuku's eyes went wide. Katsuki never said please, ever. "O... okay I guess," Izuku replied. "Izu, are you sure about this?" the green haired man's mother asked. "You'll be right outside, I'll be ok." Izuku told her, and with some shuffling all the others left the room. Now it was just Izuku and Katsuki. "Are you ok?" Katsuki asked Izuku. "Um, yeah I think so." came the smaller male's reply. Katsuki stood and took a few steps around the table, he reached out to take Izuku's hand. Izuku flinched, pulling his hand back before Katsuki could take it. "Are you really that afraid of me?" Katsuki asked his soon to be ex-husband. "No, but I can't help but be a little jumpy when I'm alone with you." Izuku replied. "Seriously?" Katsuki said with one eyebrow raised. "You spent the last eight months beating on me and then raped me, so what do you expect sunshine and rainbows." Izuku said, his pregnancy hormones getting the better of him. Katsuki had flinched at Izuku harsh words.

Katsuki didn't like where this conversation was going so he changed the subject. "So you're pregnant? How long have you known and were you going to tell me?" the blonde asked as he leaned on the table. "Not long, about a week. And no I wasn't planning on telling you. Tenya said it would be safer this way so you couldn't find out later and try to take them away from me." Izuku said honestly. "YOU REALLY WEREN'T EVEN GOING TO TELL ME I WAS GONNA BE A DAD!" Katsuki screamed, slamming his fist down on the table. A loud thud rang through the room and Izuku flinched. The door was then opened and in came Toshinori followed by the others, even Akaguro looked concerned for the green haired man. "What is going on here?" Tenya spoke with concern. "It's ok everyone, Katsuki just lost his temper as usual and hit the table." Izuku told them then ushered them back out of the room. Once it was just the two of them again, Izuku looked Katsuki straight in the eyes. "Look I'm sorry Katsuki, but I can't have my baby around you. One because I won't let you hurt my child like you hurt me, and two because I won't allow another you into this world." Izuku stated flatly. "I would never hurt my own kid." Katsuki growled, angry at the implication. "Just like you would never hurt the person you claimed to love?" Izuku asked with a bit of spite. Katsuki opened his mouth to say something but then closed it. He got up from where he was leaning against the table and began passing in a small circle, his hand going up and through his hair.

Katsuki then smirked and went back to his seat. "You know what it doesn't matter what you say. I know now and I'm not going to sign those damn papers. That means it won't be your decision if I get to be with my kid." Katsuki stated smugly. "Um see that's where you're wrong Katsuki!" Izuku said standing from his chair and going to stand in front of where Katsuki sat. "Real and whys that." the spiky blonde replied. Izuku pulled his phone from his pocket and fiddled with it for a moment, before handing it to the blonde. "You're going to sign those papers, ALL of them." the green eyed male said with a flat emotionless tone. Izuku used his finger to press play on the video he had pulled up on his phone. Katsuki watched as a recording of the night Izuku left him played on the screen of the phone, the blonde's heart dropped into his ass at that point. "If you refuse to sign the papers, when I leave here I'll be taking that video and all the others I have straight to the police." Izuku told the blonde. Katsuki stood dropping the phone to the floor, he lifted his foot to stomp on the phone. "HAHAHA" the sound of Izuku's laugh rippled through the room. Katsuki stopped in the middle of bringing his foot down on Izuku's phone to look at his ex as he laughed. "Go ahead, my best friend is one of the world's best hackers. Do you really think that's the only copy?" Izuku states, pointing at his phone on the floor. Katsuki was floored by this information, he hadn't thought about there being other copies. Katsuki put his foot down and flopped back into his chair, sweat building up on his forehead and upper lip. Izuku retrieved his phone, placing it back in his pocket. "Now, are you ready to sign the papers?" Izuku asked the blonde. Katsuki didn't say anything, he just nodded. Izuku felt a little bad for the blonde, I mean he did love him at one point in time, and he was acting really out of character right at that moment. "Kacchan! I'll make you one promise, for the good years we had together. When our child turns eighteen, I'll give them the option to meet you. Okay?" Izuku softly stated. "Th... Thank you Izu." Katsuki mumbled. Izuku then called the lawyers and his parents back into the room. Katsuki signed the divorce and parental rights termination papers. Tenya explained that he would make an appointment to have them signed by a judge and then make copies and mail them to every important part. With that all handled and done they all went their separate ways.

Izuku's parents pestered him the entire drive home as to how he changed the angry blonde mind, but the green bean just told them it wasn't anything to worry about and that was the end of it.

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A week had passed, it was now Friday June eleventh, Izuku, Eijiro, Mina and Himiko were all seated in the living room discussing what they should do that weekend. The Riots would be leaving for their tour in just twelve days so they had been spending a lot of time doing things as a group. The two who were leaving behind their significant other had been lavishing them in love, cuddles and dates. The sound of someone knocking on the door brought them out of the conversation. Mina stood and went to see who was at the door, when she opened it a teenager with black spikey hair with bright orange tips stood there. "Hello, is this the residence of Izuku Midoriya?" he asked. "It sure is let me get him for you." Mina replied, before turning to call for the greenette. "That won't be necessary. I have a delivery for him, if you could just sign here." The teen said holding a pen and clipboard out to Mina. "Um, yeah sure." Mina said then took the pen signing where the teen pointed out. Once that was done the orange spiky haired teen pulled a large yellow envelope from the satchel on his side and handed it to her. "Have a pleasant day, goodbye." the delivery guy said before exiting the porch without another word. 'Well that was random' Mina thought before closing the door. She went back to the others in the living room. "Hey Izu, you got a package." the pink haired woman said, handing him the envelope. Izuku accepted it, and got excited when he saw the Ingenium law office seal in the corner. He ripped the envelope open pulling the stack of papers from inside. "What is it?" Himiko asked. "I'm officially and legally divorced from Katsuki." Izuku said with the biggest smile on his face. The two girls cheered, while his redheaded lover pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.

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