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"Yes, it's about fucking time" was heard by the two men from the entrance of the kitchen. Then the next second Mina, and Denki came tumbling into the kitchen, having both been smacked upside the head by their girlfriends. Izuku and Eijiro just chuckled at them. Eijiro placed Izuku back down though he didn't let go of the other man. The others then got up off the floor and they rushed their friends, pulling every one into a group hug. Off to the side stood the newcomer feeling a bit out of place. The hug broke apart and Mina reached a hand out to the blond girl who took it.

"Hey Izu, so this is my girl." Mina spoke up even more excitedly. "Oh, hello." he said to her, as he looked her up and down. She had her blond hair pulled up into knotted buns on the sides of her head, with pretty bright golden yellow eyes. She was dressed in black ripped skinny jeans, black and white high top tennis shoes, and a tie strap halter top with skeletal hands on it. 

"I'm Izuku Midoriya

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"I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's lovely to finally meet you." he said as he extended his hand to the blond woman. "Toga Himiko, I'm glad to meet you too." she said as she shook his offered hand. The two smiled at each other and giggled. That was when Izuku remembered dinner. "I almost forgot about dinner" Izuku screeched as he scrambled out of Eijiro's arms and ran behind the counter. They all laughed at his reaction. "I still say he is bipolar," Kyoka said, chuckling as the entire group got up and followed the green eyed man.

Izuku moved to grab his apron then went to the fridge and started pulling out the prepared foods. "Whatcha doing there?" Toga asked, as she watched him dance around the kitchen. "Uh, oh. I'm about to start cooking dinner." He said with a smile. "Oh so you're the adorable little cook? Mina is always raving about your food but never actually told me which of her friends was the one doing the cooking" Toga said with a laugh. "Yep that's me, I really enjoy cooking." Izuku stated as he continued to work. "Izzy, can I help?" Eijiro asked. "Thanks Eiji but there isn't actually anything for you to do. I prepped everything this morning. It's just a matter of putting it in the oven" Izuku said as he continued to prepare the food to be cooked. The pink haired woman placed her head on the blond's shoulder. Izuku was now washing his hands after prepping the beef wellington for cooking, and preheating the oven.

The group stayed in the kitchen chatting and getting to know Toga better while the food cooked. Forty Five minutes later and everything was almost ready. "So what are you making for dinner tonight Izubabe?" Mina asked. "It smells delectable, whatever it is." Toga said with a deep sniff. "Oh um, I made beef wellington with roasted brussels sprouts. And a french lemon tart for dessert." Izuku answered the two women. Izuku pulled plates from the cupboards and set them on the counter. "Could someone set the table with cups, and utensils please?" Izuku asked. "On it" Denki said and went to grab the glasses. "I'll help," Kyoka said, grabbing the silverware from a drawer. The two set the table making sure to put out one extra for Toga. Izuku cut the wellington's and plated them beautifully along with the brussel sprouts. Everyone was sitting at the table when he started to bring the food out. He set the first plates in front of Toga, and Mina, then went back for two more. Once all the food was served he brought a bottle of wine to table and offered it to everyone, only the girls excepting. The others noticed that there was no plate at Izuku place. "Hey Izzy, why don't you have any food?" Eijiro asked. "Haha, I just had a three course dinner with Shoto and Hitoshi. If I eat anything else I might explode." Izuku told them with a laugh. He retrieved a beer for both Denki and Eijiro before sitting down and just sipping his glass of wine as they rested, ate and made small conversations. "Oh my god! This is fabulous. You guys eat like this every night?" Toga asked, looking around the table. "No, this was special for you, but everything Izubabe cooks taste awesome." Mina replied to her girl friend with a giggle. "Special? For me? Why?" Toga asked with a small blush. "Well Meme talks about you a lot, and we really wanted to meet you. And I want your first impression to be a good one so I planned a special dinner." Izuku said to the blond girl with a sheepish smile. "Wow you didn't have to do all that on my account. I've heard lots about all of you as well and have wanted to meet you as well." Toga said. They all laughed and continued to eat. Eijiro took hold of Izuku's free hand intertwining their fingers. Once it looked like everyone was near to finishing, Izuku went to the kitchen and brought the beautiful lemon tart he had made for dessert. "WOOHOO" Denki yelled, putting his fist in the air. He was super excited; he loved Izuku's homemade desserts. Izuku just smiled and laughed at his enthusiasm, cutting and serving every one a slice of the tart.

When everyone was finished with dinner Denki, and Eijiro cleared the table and offered to clean up. The three girls, and Izuku all went to get comfortable for the night. Izuku changed into a green silk shorts and t-shirt pajama set. 

As he looked at himself in the mirror he glanced at the bandage on his arm

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As he looked at himself in the mirror he glanced at the bandage on his arm. Shit I almost forgot about that, I wonder if Sho and Toshi noticed? he thought. He shook those thoughts from his mind then went to his bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face then went back to the living room to hang out with his friends/family. Kyoka, and Denki were cuddled up in their normal spot in the chair. Toga was all cuddled up in Mina's lap, they were wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket. The two girls were having a whispered conversation, and would kiss occasionally and blush. Izuku didn't see Eijiro so he sat on the couch next to the two cuddling women. Ten minutes later Eijiro came down in a red hoodie, and black basketball shorts. Eijiro walked to the couch scooping the green eyed male up and sat with him in his lap. He wrapped himself and Izuku in a blanket, and that's how the six of them spent the rest of the evening.

Around midnight they all said their goodnights and headed to their rooms. Eijiro walked with Izuku, their hands clasped fingers intertwined. They stopped in the hall between their door's. "So... uh. Would you want to go on a date this Saturday?" Eijiro asked the smaller man. Izuku smiled, "That would be really great, I'd love to." Izuku said, going up on his tiptoes and kissing the other man on his cheek. Eijiro blushed, then pressed their foreheads together. "Good night Izzy," Eijiro said but didn't move to go to his own room. "Goodnight Eiji" Said Izuku, not moving either. The two men stood there for a short time just staring into each others eyes. Eijiro, the back of his hand over Izuku's cheek, pecked him on the lips quickly then turned and entered his room. The two men finally went to bed, both thinking of the other as they stared up at the ceiling before drifting off into pleasant dreams.

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