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"Bye" Both Shoto and Hitoshi said before hanging up. The two men were now sitting in the living room of Shoto's house. "That went better than expected," Shoto said to his Purple eye lover. "Yeah, I thought you said he would be all nervous?" Hitoshi asked. "I assumed he would be and I think he was until I told him about his gift." Shoto said, reaching over and pulling the smaller male into his lap. "So then you just brought me back as a distraction for Izuku?" Hitoshi said with a fake pout. "Of course not! I brought you back because I love you and want to be able to see your beautiful self everyday. The fact that you're my little brother's best friend and that he has missed you a lot since you left is just a bonus." Shoto said as he turned the purple haired man to face him before connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. The kisses lasted a few short minutes before it was broken by the purple eyed man. "I'm really happy to be home Sho. I love you too. I'm also super excited to see Izuku." Hitoshi said, smiling at his duel-eyed boyfriend. "He must have missed me more than he let on!" hotoshi said, feeling a little bad. "You are his best friend. Well besides me that is. I mean he has his other friends, but you were always his favorite person in high school. With two exceptions." Shoto said. "You mean you, and that red head, Kirishima, right?" Hitoshi asked. "Correct," Shoto replied. "Now it's getting late and we have lots to do tomorrow, shall we go to bed?" Shoto asked. "Sounds like a plan." Hitoshi said with a yawn.

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"Hey Kiribro" Denki spoke up. "Hmm" Eijiro said, not taking his eyes off the retreating figure of the green-haired male. "You uh got a little drool there" Denki said pointing at Eijiro's mouth. "Ugg! No I don't, you idiot." Eijiro said, shoving his yellow haired friend. "Yeah sure, keep lying about it bro" Denki replied, shoving Eijiro back. Both Kyoka, and Mina burst into laughter. Eijiro jumped on Denki and began shaking him. "Ahhhh... stop!" Denki yelled. "You're gonna make him stupider if you keep rattling his brain like that." Kyoka said once she stopped laughing. This caused Mina to fall over on the couch, holding her stomach from laughing so hard. Once Eijiro let Denki go he sat back up looking at his girlfriend. "Thanks a lot babe." Denki said with a bit of indignation. "What? I got him to stop, didn't I?" the purple haired woman said with a smirk. "Oh, well yeah. Thanks I think." Denki said to her. Mina was still laughing but only slightly. "So you crushing on Izubro again Kiribro?" Denki asked his friend. "What you mean by again. He didn't ever stop." Mina squeaked out. Eijiro threw the pillow he was using at the pink haired woman. It connects with her face. All three of them were now hyper focused on their red headed friend. "No, I'm not crushing on him. Are you guys really that oblivious? I... I'm in love with him. I have been since the first time I saw him, that very first day of school. He was just... I don't know perfect in every way." Eijiro said with a sad sigh. "So why don't you tell him?" Kyoka asked. "I can't. He... he just left his husband of three years. The guy he dated since their first year of high school. He needs time to get divorced, maybe be single, I don't know. Besides first off what would I even say. And second he most likely doesn't see me that way." Eijiro rambled to his friends, no his family. "Now who's the oblivious one? That boy is so into you, he may not even know it himself but I see it." Mina says. "I also have noticed it. Let me ask you this. When he is having a panic attack, who is the only one to calm him and pull him out." Kyoka asks. Eijiro thinks about it "Me!" eijiro replies. "And though he cuddles with all of us, who does he cuddle with the most?" Mina asked next. Again Eijiro thought for a moment "Me!" he replied again. "And when he's having a bad day who does he look to for comfort first?" came Denki's question. "Me!" again Eijiro answered. "And finally who is the only one who lulls him to sleep?" Kyoka asked. "Me!" Eijiro said. Eijiro was getting more and more excited with every question his family asked. "I still don't know if I should tell him though. I'll wait just a bit longer." Eijiro said, and his three friends shook their heads, sighing. "Izuku, I would move heaven and earth if I could just to feel your lips against mine once, but that will have to wait until I'm sure you're ready" Eijiro whispered, as he stared up at the ceiling, his finger running over his lips.

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Little did Eijiro, and the rest of the riot's know, izuku had heard every second of their conversation. He had left and was halfway up the stairs when he stopped and turned back around, meaning to ask how dinner went. And if Mina had any trouble with his instructions. He had heard the comment Denki had made and stopped at the bottom step, keeping out of sight. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop but once started he couldn't stop. Once Izuku heard Eijirou's last whispered words he cautiously and quietly went up the stairs to his room. He went straight to the bathroom and began filling the tub with steaming hot water, a million thoughts about what he had just heard running through his mind. He lit a few of his lavender scent candles and placed them along the counter, then added lavender essence to his bath. He shed his scratch formal clothes depositing them in his hamper before entering the hot water of the bath. As his body relaxed, his mind raced. Was what each of them had asked really true? Was Eijiro the only one to calm his panic attacks? Was Eijiro the only one he fell asleep on? Was Eijiro the one he cuddled the most? How did he truly feel about Bakugo? How did he feel about Eijiro? Has Eijiro really been in love with him for all this time? How did he himself feel about Eijiro? All of these and many more thoughts raced through Izuku's head as he sat there in the quiet, calming water of his bath.

After about an hour izuku exited the bath, his mind still buzzing with questions. He knew what to do though, he would talk to his best friend about it. It was truly fortuitous that Hitoshi just happened to be at Shoto's house at this time. Izuku knew Hitoshi would listen and give him the perfect advice he always had after all. Izuku would act as if he hadn't heard the conversation from earlier. He quickly dressed in a purple spaghetti strap tank top with a butterfly in the center, and matching shorts with a butterfly on the left leg, then headed back down to the living room. 

When he got there he heard the four and saw that they were in the exact position as when he left

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When he got there he heard the four and saw that they were in the exact position as when he left. "Hiya guys" He said in his cheery voice as he entered the room. He grabbed a pillow from the couch and went and sat on the floor next to Eijiro. "Can I play too?" He asked the two other men. "Sure" They both replied, while Denki grabbed a controller and handed it to Izuku. "I'll start a new race," Denki said. They were playing Mario kart. Izuku smiled. "Good, now I can kick both your buts," Izuku said with a giggle. That is how the rest of the night went, until they all went to bed. 

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