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Izuku woke the next morning, his brain in a pleasured out type of bliss. He was laying on top of Eijiro chest to chest, his legs and arms on either side of the larger man's waist. His head was nuzzled into the red head's neck, a content smile on his puffy swollen lips. The small man's entire body held a dull ache, but it was a good type of ache. Izuku could feel the other man's arms one around his waist the other at his side, still clasping his thigh. The greenette was met with a good sized purpling hickey as he opened his eyes. He moved just enough to gently kiss the mark, a small giggle escaping him when he thought about how many of these marks must litter his own body. 'I hope whoever the makeup artist at my shoot on Friday is good,' the small man thought. Izuku sighs when he feels the hand on his thigh begin to caress and message it. The arm that was around his waist moved, coming up to run fingers through his messy green curls. "Good morning baby boy." the gruff morning voice of Eijiro spoke. "Mhm good, so good." Izuku sighed out softly.

In all the years, even the good ones, Izuku had never been this happy and content after sex with Katsuki. Eijiro had made sure that Izuku's comfort and pleasure was the top priority, not his own. Of course the redhead had more than enjoyed himself as well.

"We should get cleaned up. We're already late for check out." Eijiro said, looking to see that it was just after noon. Izuku shook his head. "Paid for a late check out. Don't wanna move yet." Izuku replied. "Hehe, alright, whatever you want, love" the red head chuckled out. He continued to cord the finger of his right hand through Izuku's green curls, while his other hand moved to make soft circular motions on the smaller man's back. The two men layed there in silence, fully enjoying each other's presence. After about ten minutes the peaceful quiet was interrupted by Izuku's stomach growling loudly. "I know your comfy baby, but we need to feed you and the little one." Eijiro spoke as he slowly sat himself and Izuku up. "Fine but I may need some help." Izuku pouted. "Anything for my baby's" Eijiro stated as he moved over to the edge of the bed. With a bit of effort the redhead managed to get up off the bed still with Izuku in his arms. The greenette was now clinging to his lover like a koala.

Eijiro carried Izuku into the bathroom, setting him down on the counter top. The taller man noticed a duffle bag on the floor of the bathroom. "Baby, is that yours?" he asked, pointing at the bag. Izuku nodded, "It's got clean clothes for both of us in it." the small man answered. "Well you really did think of everything huh?" the red eyed man questioned but didn't really expect an answer. Izuku just smiled and nodded again. Eijiro ran the bath water and pulled the clean clothing from the bag. Once the water was half full he took Izuku from the counter placing him into the tub then got in behind him. The two men relaxed into the hot steamy water for a bit before taking turns washing each other's hair and bodies.

After about forty five minutes of soaking, washing, and a bit of making out the two men exited the now cool water of the bathtub. As the two dressed they admired the marks on their bodies. Eijiro had hickeys and bites adorning his neck and upper chest, while Izuku was covered in them. His neck, chest, stomach, inner thighs and even some along his spine that he could not see. The two men were dressed in simple clothing, black ripped jeans and a black muscle shirt for Eijiro, and black leggings, and a mint green tunic like top with a belt for Izuku. Izuku left an envelope with two hundred dollars in the room for the maids as they would have extra to clean up. Then packed up their discarded clothing from the night before.

After checking out of the hotel Eijiro and Izuku decided to get some food and head home. It had been awhile since they had eaten take out thanks to Izuku and Himiko. Eijiro and Izuku spent the rest of the day cuddling up to each other. Every time one of the others saw them or came upon the two they were kissing, making out, holding hands, or some other form of affection. Knowing that the red head was leaving early the next morning had made both very clingy. Their day went by like normal to the others but to Izuku and Eijiro it seemed to fly by in the wink of an eye.

It was now just past midnight and the greenette and red head lay in their bed fighting against the sleep that was trying to take over them. They held each other close, legs intertwined. "Eijiro, I don't know what it was that made me think to come here that night all those weeks ago. But now, I'm so glad I did. I think it was the best decision I've ever made in my life. I love you, and am going to miss you so much while you're gone." Izuku hummed out in a barely audible whisper. Eijiro heard it all though. "I don't know why it happened either, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'll miss you too. Izuku I've loved you since I was fifteen years old, and will love you till the day I die." The red head replied, kissing the small man on his forehead. As hard as they tried to keep fighting, sleep eventually claimed them, so they drifted off into happy dreams of each other.

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The next morning was super hectic, everyone woke up early. The car that their manager was sending was going to be there at nine thirty, and there was much to be done. So at six thirty three different alarms wrang through the house. Izuku wasn't bothered by it one bit, while the others who were not used to waking so early, well let's just say they were not in good moods. Eijiro and the Riots all showered and ready themselves for the car, and plain ride to come. They had already packed and were busy bringing down their luggage. After about half an hour there were eight suitcases, and four duffle bags sitting next to the front door. Himiko had busied herself making breakfast for everyone while Izuku prepared snacks and a hearty lunch for them to take on the plane. He knew from experience air plain food sucked, sometimes even in first class. Soon everything was ready, they just had to wait for the car to come, they ate breakfast and went to spend a few last fleeting minutes together.

Izuku was sitting on Eijiro's lap, his arms around the redhead's neck, and the red head's arms around his waist. They whispered things like how much they would miss each other, and that they loved each other. The two would give each other soft pecks on the lips, or cheek. They would rub their noses together, and Izuku would bury his face in Eijiro's neck breathing in deep breaths of his lover's cologne, while Eijiro's face would be in the greenette hair. Mina and Himiko were in the exact same position doing the same thing. Kyoka and Denki were sitting in separate chairs with their faces stuck in their phones. It was kinda pissing both the other pairs off, but they chose to ignore it.

Soon enough there was a knock on the door, though no one moved to answer it. The knock sounded again and The purple haired rocker chick got up to answer it. There behind the door stood the Riots manager and the limo driver. "Everything's ready I hope?" the manager said to the woman in front of him. "Good to go." Kyoka replied. She stepped aside to let the limo driver inside. He entered, then went to the luggage and grabbed a couple taking them back out to the car and began to load the trunk. The purple-haired woman walked back into the living room. "Babe, guys it's time to go." She said getting everyone's attention. Denki looked up from his phone with a smile before getting up and making his way to the door, not a care in the world. Himiko stood from Mina's lap and the two walked slowly to the door hand in hand. Eijiro on the other hand had a hard time getting Izuku to get up, but after a bit of prompting and promises that he would call every day, the smaller man stood up. Eijiro could see the tears already forming in his beloved's eyes, so he pulled him in close to his side as they made their way out of the house. Denki and Kyoka were already in the limo, while the other four stood on the porch. The driver was still loading the car so they waited, holding their lovers, whispering reassuring words to them. "I love you Izzy. I'm gonna miss you so much. Be careful and take care of yourself. Keep our baby safe." Eijiro whispered to his green eyed love, one hand running over Izuku's still flat tummy. "I... I changed my mind. I don't want you to go." Izuku whimpered out. "I know baby, but it's too late now. You'll be ok and we'll be back together before you even know it." Eijiro said, trying to sooth his small boyfriend. The limo driver had finished and a loud thump was heard by the four people on the porch as he closed the trunk. "We must be on our way, Ma'am's and Sir's" the driver stated. With one last kiss Mina and Eijiro made their way down the porch steps and into the limousine. The door closed, the engine started and the long black car drove away.

Izuku turned to his blond haired companion and they both burst into tears. Their sad sobs could be heard all the way down the block. Himiko composed herself a little just enough to drag Izuku in the house and close the door behind them. They spent the rest of the day cuddling up to each other, crying their eyes out, and missing their partners.

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