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Two months have passed since Izuku's baby shower. Everything was all ready for the arrival of the twins. The nursery Is all set up and ready, all the clothing Izuku either bought or was gifted has been washed and hung up or put in the dressers. The changing stations at the end of each crib are stocked and ready. The car seats have been installed in Izuku's Suv, along with a set in Eijiro's jeep. There is a stroller and pack-n-play in the back end of each car as well. The hospital bags were packed and ready. Doctor Chiyo and Izuku discussed and had set up for him to have his C-section on January the twenty third. Chiyo had explained that twins almost never make it to 40 weeks, they would also be a bit smaller than average single birth babies. Izuku was super excited. It was currently January eighteenth, and his precious babies would be here in five days, or so that was the plan. Of course Izuku's twins had other plans.

Izuku sat next to Mina at the kitchen counter while Himiko was making Grilled cheese and Tomato soup for lunch. The three were having a conversation on who was going to be the baby's godparents. Izuku couldn't decide if it should be Shoto and Hitoshi, or Ochaco and Tenya. The blonde, and pinkett were arguing that it should be them. Himiko sat a plate with a sandwich and a bowl of soup in front of the two, before setting a third next to the greenette, and a fourth for herself next to her girlfriend. "Eiji, babe lunch is ready." Izuku called his boyfriend. It was just the four of them Denki and Kyoka having gone to visit some other friends that morning.

Eijiro came in and climbed into the stool next to his lover. "So? What are they arguing with you about this time?" the redhead asked. "Oh, just the baby's godparents. I can't decide between Sho and Toshi, or Tenya and Ochaco. They think it should be them." The greenette explained to his boyfriend pointing in the two women's direction. "What do you think, Kiri babe?" Mina asked, automatically assuming her bestie would pick her. "To tell ya the truth. I think it should be your brother and bestie, babe." Eijiro stated, leaning over and pecking Izuku on the cheek. "Hehe. Sho, and Toshi it is then." the green headed male said with a giggle. "Seriously Ei! You suck." Mina shrieked.

Izuku flinched a little at the high pitch of Mina's voice right beside him. He then felt a warm sensation in his lower reagan. Once everyone quieted down the sound of dripping water was heard. "Um guys." the greenette looked from his boyfriend to his two female friends. "Either I just peed my pants.... Or my water broke." Izuku stated calmly. "WHAT!?" all three of the others yelled at the same time. Izuku pointed down at his wet lap and the puddle formed below him on the floor. "Holy shit! Alright. Mina the hospital bags are in the entryway closet, take them out to his car. Himiko take Izzy's phone and start calling everyone." Eijiro gave orders. "What about you?" the blonde woman asked. "I'm gonna help Izzy get in dry clothes and call the Doctor." the red head replied. Izuku groaned in pain, his hands grasping his stomach. "Shit that hurts." the green eyed boy said.

Fifteen minutes later Izuku and Eijiro were in the Suv and headed to the nearest hospital. Mina and Himiko were following behind in Himiko's car. In different places all across the city people were leaving their homes to head to the hospital to be there for Izuku. It was only a ten minute drive from the house to the hospital. After parking Eijiro jumped out, speeding around to the opposite side and helped Izuku out of the vehicle. Mina ran inside, while Himiko helped Eijiro and Izuku. "HEY, somebody my friends in labor." Mina yelled once inside. "Oh, you must be the ones Doctor Shuzenji called about." a nurse with short light brown hair and eyes said more than asked, as she headed toward Mina and the door. The nurse was pushing a wheelchair in front of her. The two women made it outside to see Izuku slowly waddling in their direction. He held his hands under his tummy supporting it, while Eijiro, and Himiko supported him. Mina and the nurse ran over to them, helping Izuku to sit in the chair, before hurriedly heading back into the hospital.

After reentering the nurse wheeled Izuku towards a set of trouble doors, the three following close behind. The nurse stopped just before swiping her ID card. "Sorry, guys. Only the husband gets to come inside. You two will have to wait out here for now." she said to Mina and Himiko. "Okay. We'll come see you as soon as we can." Both women say before kissing Izuku's cheeks and waving as he and Eijiro were let through the doors. The nurse took the two men to a room that was being prepared for Izuku's Cesarean section. Another nurse with orange hair and red eyes walked over to them. "Hello, you must be our patient, and you must be his husband." The orange haired nurse said looking from Izuku to Eijiro. "Um well, boyfriend. We're not married.... Yet." Eijiro told her his fingers fiddled with the little black box that has been hidden in his pocket for the last week. The last word makes all of them smile slightly. "Well I'm gonna need you to change if you're planning on staying with him." The red eyed nurse said. Eijiro just nodded and followed behind the orange haired nurse. She handed him a package with blue hospital scrubs in size large. "Change into those and put your regular clothes in the bag" the woman told him. Eijiro did as he was told. While that was happening the original brown haired nurse helped Izuku remove his own clothing and put on a hospital gown. He was then helped to sit on the hospital bed to wait for the arrival of the doctor.

After changing, Eijiro joined Izuku. The two men waited ten minutes before doctor Chiyo and another doctor entered the room. The other doctor was a male with short styled auburn hair, a beard, and hazel eyes. "Bug, Red, this is Doctor Hurima." Chyio told them. "Hello." both men replied. "Nice to meet you. I'm an anesthesiologist. I'm here to do your spinal block, so you wont feel anything during your delivery." The auburn haired doctor explained. Both Eijiro and Izuku took turns shaking the man's outstretched hand, and introduced themselves. "Okay let's get to it then. Mr Kirishima, could you stand in front of Mr. Midoriya please. Hug each other tightly, Mr. Midoriya, you need to stay as still as possible, otherwise I would do you more harm than good." Doctor Hurima told them. The two did as they were told and a few minutes later Izuke was done, he could feel his lower body begin to go numb. The hazel eyed doctor left, and Eijiro helped Izuku lay back into the bed.

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Out in the waiting room Mina and Himiko had just been sitting waiting for others to arrive. The first to arrive was Misheru, and Emiri Kirishima, the two women who lived the closest to the hospital and were already about to go out to get something for lunch. The two mothers sat with the blond and pinkett, chatting as others began to arrive. Next came Inko and Toshinori Yagi, Izuku parents, followed shortly by Shoto Todoroki, and his boyfriend Hitoshi Shinso. After about ten minutes all of Izuku's closest friends and family had arrived. They were all sitting around, talking, and debating on which of the many names Izuku had decided on. There had been at least a dozen different names going through the greenettes' head over the past month.

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