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A few hours later and Izuku's eyes fluttered open he rubbed his eyes, wincing at the pain it caused. He stretched which also sent pain through his body. After a few deep breaths to calm himself down Izuku took the pain pills from his bag and went into the bathroom for some water. After swallowing the pills he looked at himself in the mirror over the sink. I really do look like shit He thought with a sigh as he ran his finger through his messy curls. With one last look and a shake of his head he left the bathroom, grabbing his phone to check the time. He had only napped for a few hours; it was now half past one in the afternoon. He still had plenty of time to run a few errands and get stuff for dinner. Izuku left the room and went down to see if Eijiro and the others had decided what they wanted for dinner. Once downstairs he went into the living area but no one was there. He wondered where they could be. The house was almost completely silent, except for a slight hum like sound that was just barely hearable. Izuku wondered if they left or maybe went to take naps of their own.

Izuku shrugs it off and heads into the kitchen thinking maybe the riots were in there. Again it was empty but he noticed two large pizza boxes and one small one on the counter. He chuckled to himself, they must have gotten hungry while he slept. At this moment his own stomach grumbled at him. Izuku walked over and opened the first of the pizza boxes, inside was a single slice of pizza covered with Pepperoni, ham, sausage, bacon, and beef. He scrunched up his nose, he couldn't eat that all that greasy meat would not settle in his stomach so he closed the lid. He opened the next box lid and again a single piece of pizza was inside. This slice was covered with veggies, black olives, onions, green peppers, tomato, and mushrooms. Izuku gaged at the site, he hated olives. He closed the lid again with a sigh, his stomach lurching slightly. That was when he noticed a sticky not stuck to the top of the smallest box. Izuku removed the note and smiled as he read it.

Hey Izu 💚

I remembered from high school that your favorite pizza was four cheese. None of us like that kinda thing so I ordered this just for you.

                                                                       E ❤️️

Izuku set the sticky note back on the box before opening it. Inside was a small personal four slice four cheese pizza. He closed his eyes and took a deep sniff of the pizza and his stomach growled instantly. With a grateful smile he sat in one of the stools and pulled the first slice from the box, it was still slightly warm. Izuku bit into the pizza and a soft sigh left him it was delicious, and he ended up eating the whole thing. Eijiro's face was in his mind the entire time as he could not believe that Eijiro remembered from so long ago. When he finished he put the leftovers of the other pizza in the refrigerator before heading back up to the room he was staying in.

Once in the room Izuku dug through his stuff to find a pair of sunglasses and a bunch of makeup. He applied the make up the best he could without causing himself too much pain. He placed his sunglasses on and checked the mirror. "Well, I guess that's the best it's gonna get." He said to his reflection. He grabbed his wallet, keys, and note pad with his list then heads down again. He wrote a note to the riots to tell them he would be gone for a few hours but would be back. He then left Kirishima's house, with a lot on his mind.

His first errand would be the easiest, Izuku searched banks in the area and went to the first one that came up. He went inside and talked to a lady and twenty minutes later he left having opened a new savings and checking account. Then the next part would be fairly easy as well. He went to a local branch of the bank he and Katsuki used. Once there he had a worker transfer exactly half of the money in their savings account to the new one he just opened. Two hundred fifty thousand dollars for each of them, him and Katsuki. Then the balance of their checking account which was three hundred twenty eight thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars. Izuku withdrew eight thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars in cash, then transferred two hundred thousand to his new checking account. Leaving one hundred and twenty thousand for Katsuki. Izuku then had his own name removed from the accounts. The worker explained that it could take five to seven business days before he had full access to the transferred money. Izuku nodded at the worker and left the bank with the cash he withdrew now in his bag.

From Despair to Delight (BakuDeku)-(KiriDeku)Where stories live. Discover now