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Here it was Wednesday morning and Izuku was in the same place he had been every morning for the past three days. On the floor in the downstairs bathroom emptying whatever's left of his stomach contents into the bowel. Eijiro sitting on the floor behind him rubbing soothing circles on his back and whispering sweet words to the smaller man. Eijiro really is a sweetheart, Izuku thought as his stomach convulsed. Unfortunately there was nothing left to come up but bile, and it was nasty. Fat tears slipped from the corners of Izuku's eyes, he really hated being sick. Once he finally felt his stomach relax, Izuku flopped back on his bum in between Eijiro legs. He pressed his back against the bigger male's chests. Eijiro placed one of his big warm hands on the nap of Izuku's neck massaging lightly, the other went round and was placed under Izuku's shirt on his tummy. Izuku used the sleeves on his shirt to wipe the residual tears from his eyes as his body relaxed into the hold of his boyfriend. "Izzy, baby. This has been going on for a few days now. I'm worried, maybe we should go to hospital?" Eijiro said but more of a question. "No! That's not necessary. I'll just call my family doctor and get an appointment." Izuku replied. He began the tedious task of getting up off the floor with Eijiro following right behind. "I'm gonna brush my teeth and then I'll give her a call." Izuku told Eijiro. "If you're sure, then ok. But I could just take you to the hospital." came the red heads reply. "Yeah it's fine, I'd rather see a doctor that knows me." Izuku said, smiling as he reached the stairs. Truth is Izuku is pretty sure he already knows what's wrong and if he's right he would rather deal with a doctor who already knows about his condition.

Izuku made his way to his room and went straight into the bathroom, where he re-brushed his teeth and washed his face. He then pulled out his phone and plopped down on the edge of his bed to make the call. After about five rings it was answered. "Hello, you have reached the offices of Doctor's Hinoma, Mikamoto, and Shuzenji. How may I help you?" The receptionist called through the phone. "Yes hello. I need to make an emergency appointment with Doctor Shuzenji, please." Izuku replied to the overly perky voice that had answered. "Alright then let me just check." The voice said, the sound of a keyboard being clicked coming through the phone. "Okay Doctor Shuzenji has an availability in thirty minutes, if you think you can make it if not the next availability is on Monday at ten am." The woman said. "I'll take the one in half an hour. Please and thank you." Izuku said. "Okay may I have your name and birth date, please." the voice said. "Izuku Midoriya, July fifteenth XXXX." Izuku told her. There were more sounds of typing and mouse clicking. "Alright I see you are a returning patient so we should have all of your information. We'll see you soon then. Have a good day." The voice said. "Oh, thank you. Goodbye." Izuku said and then the line went dead.

Izuku got up off his bed, grabbed one of his mini backpacks, put in his needed supplies and grabbed his keys. He checked to make sure he looked ok then headed down stairs where he found every one in the dining room waiting breakfast for him. "You didn't have to wait on me." Izuku said with a giggle. The five people at the table just smiled at him. "Come on, you need something in your stomach." Eijiro stated patting the chair next to him. "I can't stay, I got an appointment at my family Doctor in like twenty minutes. I'll eat when I get back ok." Izuku told them. He walked over and quickly pecked Eijiro on his lips then headed for the door. "Want me to come with?" Eijiro called to his lovers retreating back. "No, I got this baby. You might want to be prepared for snuggles when I get back though. Especially if they have to take my blood, I really don't like needles." Izuku told him, a shiver going down his back at the thought. The part that sucked was that Izuku already knew they would have to take his blood.

Izuku made it to his car quickly, he got in, started the engine, and drove off in a hurry to get to his appointment. It was a twenty minute driver from his home to the office. Once he parked he ran into the building, and straight to the check in desk. "Hello Sir. Do you have an appointment today?" asked a pretty woman in her early thirties with eggplant purple hair and magenta eyes. "Yes ma'am. Midoriya, Izuku is the name." Izuku told her with a nod. "Ah yes, the young man I spoke with just a short time ago." The woman replied. She gave Izuku a small smile before typing on her computer. "Ok, It's been awhile since you were here last so I have some paperwork for you to fill out." she told him, as she handed him a clip board with some papers attached, and a pen. "Um, ok sure." Izuku said, accepting the things he was handed. "Go ahead and have a seat. Someone will call you back in just a few minutes, if you don't get that finished just do it when you can and return it before you leave, alright." the woman said, as she gestured to the papers in his hands. "Yes Ma'am" Izuku said, then went and sat in one of the chairs waiting to be called while he filled out the papers.

Izuku only had about a five minute wait when "Midoriya, Izuku." a short male with a black mohawk and a goatee called. "That's me." Izuku said, standing with his belongings in hand. "If you'll just follow me please." the male nurse said. "My name is Daichi Banjou. I'm Doctor Shuzenji's R.N." The man said as he led Izuku down a hallway and to an exam room. "Now if you would take your shoes off and put your things down we need to get your height and weight first," the male now known as Daichi told Izuku. Izuku was then pointed to a scale, with a laser measure in the wall. Izuku stepped on a X on the floor and the nurse pressed a button in front of him. Moments later an electronic voice was heard. "Patient is five foot five inches tall, and weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds." The disembodied voice said. Daichi quickly typed the information into a laptop on a table that Izuku hadn't noticed in the corner of the room. The black haired man then to Izuku's pulse and blood pressure, typing the information into the laptop as well. "Alright, Doctor Shuzenji will be with you in just a few minutes." the male nurse said before nodding to Izuku and leaving the room. Izuku sat on the exam table waiting.

Another five minute wait and there was a knock on the closed door to the room. "Come in," Izuku called out. The door then opened to reveal a tiny woman, even shorter than Izuku. She had thick grey hair pulled back in a tight bun on her head with what looked like a pen sticking out of it. The woman wore pink shoes, leggings and a white dress with red and yellow accents. She also had on a long white doctor's coat. "Well Hello Izuku dear. It's been awhile since I've seen you in my office." The doctor said to him, "Yeah It sure has. How have you been aunty Chiyo?" Izuku asked with a smile for the older woman. "Oh I've been quite well, thanks. How is your mother and that idiot cousin of mine Toshinori?" she asked him. "Last I talked to them and they were doing great. They had stopped at this resort that had a healing hot spring." he said with a laugh. "Ah yes, it sounds like they are enjoying the road tripping." Chiyo said. "Yep sure does." Izuku said with a giggle. "So what brings you in to see me today sweetie?" she asks, looking directly at him. "You've been my doctor ever since mom and papa Toshi got married and so you know about my condition." Izuku said, not exactly sure how to refer to his secret. "You mean your genetic disorder?" she asked. "Yes ma'am," he replied. "Are you having pain or discomfort?" she asked him, looking concerned. "Oh no, it's nothing like that." he said. Doctor Shuzenji then looked at him confused. "What is it then Izuku dear?" she asked. "Well lately I've been feeling extra tired, even when I barely do anything. Like something is just taking my energy. Also for about a week now I have been nauseous, and for the last three day whenever I smell something sweet cooking, I've been having emesis." the green haired man explained. "Sounds to me like..." the doctor began but was cut off by Izuku. "Yeah that's what I've been thinking too." he stated. "Okay then let me get my nurse in here to take some of your blood and we'll find out." the small woman said with a grin. Doctor Shuzenji called for Daichi to come and take a sample of Izuku blood and ordered the test she wanted done. Now normally the test takes a few days but the doctor put in a rush order to get them back in just a few minutes. Daichi came in and did what was needed, taking a vial of Izuku blood, the green eyed male whimpering and holding Chiyo's hand the whole time. Izuku hated needles, he had gotten better as he grew up but when he was little, he would have to be restrained to get shots or have blood taken. Once that was finished Izuku was left alone in the room, while they waited for the test to come back. Izuku finished his paper work, and watched a few tictoc videos while he waited.

Thirty minutes later and another knock on the door. "Come on in auntie," Izuku called out, putting his phone away. "I have your test results right here, are you sure you're ready?" the little woman said, holding a paper in her hands. "Not really, but It's not like I can avoid it right." Izuku replied with a gulp and a sigh. "Okay here goes." she says looking over the paper in her hand. She then looks up at Izuku "According to this you were right. Izuku You're pregnant!" Chiyo said with a smile. Izuku looked at her for all of thirty seconds, then fainted.

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