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"You have to GO! If you don't, your fan's will be disappointed, your manager will be angry, and it could mess up not only yours but the whole group's career and friendship. I...I don't want to be the cause of my favorite band breaking up let alone my new family. " Izuku said sadly. "Hey it's my dec..." Eijiro started to say but was cut off by a hand over his mouth. "Yes it's your decision, but if I wasn't here with you then you wouldn't be making this decision. If you hadn't made that promise to me, you wouldn't be making this decision. Kyoka's right, I'll be fine without you for a few months." Izuku tells him, with a small sad smile. "But I can't... I need to be here with you. To watch over you and make sure the two of you are taken care of. I don't want you to be alone." Eijiro replies, reaching out and running his thumb over Izuku's exposed tummy. Izuku moved climbing onto the taller man's lap, straddling him. His small arms wrapped tightly around Eijiro's torso, his head nuzzled into his neck as the tears began to fall from his eyes. God I don't like these pregnancy hormones Izuku thought. "Ei, when I'm with you I feel so safe, happy, and protected. Kinda like when my mom would tuck me into bed at night, or when papa would pick me up and carry me home after getting picked on by bigger kids. When I'm in your arms I feel like the world could come crashing down around us, but everything would still be ok because I have you. And the truth is I don't want you to go, but that would be selfish of me. That's just not who I am. You have to go!" Izuku said. "It's ok to be selfish and put your own happiness ahead of others every once in a while, Izzy." Eijiro stated. He put one arm around the smaller man's waist, his free hand coming up to cord through Izuku green curls. "Eiji you have to do this, if not for yourself, and the others then do it for me." the green eyed man said. "I just don't like the idea of you being alone, in your condition. I mean what if something happens?" the red head replied. "Is that what's got you so worried, me being alone? I won't be. I have my mom and papa, Himiko and all the others. Sho, Toshi, they are all only a short drive away." Izuku said, sitting up in Eijirou lap looking at him. "Yeah but they still would take time to get to you if something happened. And what if you're out of the house and something happens, and you're all alone and scared, what then." Eijiro said his voice filled with worry. "So, if I had someone to stay by my side at all times, would that help you feel better?" Izuku asked him. "Not completely, but it would help. They wouldn't have to be directly with you but at least in yelling distance would be nice." Eijiro said to him. "Well that's easy to fix. Is Himiko an excitable companion for me?" Izuku asked his overprotective boyfriend. "Yeah, but what about when she has to work?" the red eyed man asked with suspicion. "Oh, that's easy to fix." Izuku said with a small smile. "Does that mean you'll go?" Izuku asked. "If it's really what you want, but there will be conditions." the red head relented. Izuku closed his eyes, leaned in and connected their lips for a long love filled passionate kiss. The two men stayed in that position, only stopping for a few seconds to breathe before going straight back to kissing. It was full on dark when they finally stopped and walked away from the water, hand in hand and headed home.

The red and green haired couple continued to talk and discuss the conditions of Eijiro agreeing to go on the tour. By the time they reached home everything had been discussed and concessions had been made. Eijiro had agreed to go on the tour, but for only three months no more. They would text each other, and Izuku would video call and say good morning to Eijiro at ten am every day. Izuku was not allowed to leave the house without at least one person with him, which Izuku had a plan for. Whoever went with Izuku to his doctor's appointment was to record them so Eijiro did not miss anything. Izuku could buy baby things but he was to leave anything that had to be assembled for Eijiro when he returned. There were a lot of little things that no one but the two of them needed to be concerned with.

The two arrived home shortly after ten to see that the others had gotten take out Thai food for dinner. Izuku just shook his head and chuckled, the one time he forgot to prepare a dinner for them and they went straight back to take out food. Izuku picked up one of the containers and scrunched his nose at the smell. The others looked at him sheepishly. "So how was your date?" Denki asked. The blond was always good at changing the subject. "It was wonderful." they both replied at the same time smiling.

"Hey Miko, could I talk to you about something in the kitchen?" Izuku asked the blond woman. She nodded and stood from beside her pink haired girlfriend. As the two left the living room to the kitchen, Eijiro took her spot and began a conversation with the Riots. "So you should all thank Izzy." Eijiro spoke. The others looked at him for a moment when Mina got it. "He convinced you to go?!" Mina questioned. "Yeah, he did. And I'm sorry for being a stubborn ass and letting my emotions rule my decision." the red heads said looking mostly at the purple haired women. "Yeah me too." Kyoka replied. All four of them laughed and then hugged.

In the kitchen Izuku grabbed two bottles of water out of the fridge, handing one to his blond friend. "If this is about the take out It..." she started but Izuku cut her off with a hand gesture. "It's not that. Old habits die hard, right." Izuku said, chuckling and taking a drink from his own water. "Himiko, how much do you make working at that café?" the greenette asked of her. "Uh not a lot, why?" she replied. "I have a proposal for you and I need to know." Izuku said again. "Between six fifty and eight hundred every two weeks. But again why?" the blond asked, confusion clear in her words. "One of the things I had to agree to, to get Eiji to go on tour, was to have a constant companion. I would like that to be you, but you would have to take time off work to be with me all the time. Oh... uh that is if you want to of course." Izuku told her. "So what you're saying is that he only agrees to go, if you have someone with you all the time?" Himiko asked. "Well not like right with me but in yelling distance, you know just in case something happens. He's being a little over protective." Izuku said with a giggle. "Yeah I would love to be able to just chill and hang out with you all day. But what about my apartment and bills?" the golden eyed woman said. "Well that's why I asked how much you made at the café. I'm want you to either quit, or take time off of working at the café, so I'll pay you to be my companion. Is two thousand dollars a month good enough? The second thing is, You spend most of your time here with us. I think you should talk to Mina, and Eijiro about just moving in like everyone else." Izuku said with a knowing smile. Izuku had already spoken to Eijiro about Himiko moving in if she was going to be his companion for the next few months. The red head agreed, but thought it best to make sure Mina was ok with it as the pink haired woman might not be ready to take their relationship to that level yet. "Two... two thousand do... dollars a m... month, just to hang out with you." Himiko sputtered, choking on her water. "Well there would be some work involved. For instance I'm supposed to combine mine and Eijiro's rooms, so we can turn the one I'm in into a nursery." Izuku told her. "O... okay. That's not hard. I would be happy to be your companion. When will I need to be off work?" Himiko asked. "Well they most likely won't leave for a few weeks so If you give notice tomorrow, it should be fine." Izuku explained. "I can do that. You got a deal." Himiko said, and pulled the green haired man in for a hug. They both giggled before going back out to join the others.

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