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Morning came and Izuku woke with the sun as always. After spending ten minutes untangling himself from Eijiro without waking the red head, Izuku looked at the time on his phone. It was just six thirty in the morning. He had plenty of time before he needed to leave for the meeting with Shoto and the clients. Izuku gathered his clothing for the day and went to do his morning routine in the bathroom. He washed and scrubbed his face, brushed his teeth then put on a face mask. He waited ten minutes for the mask to set then started the shower waiting until it was the perfect temperature, then got in. Izuku layered his hair with his favorite strawberry scented shampoo, then did the same with conditioner. He washed the face mask off before scrubbing his body from top to bottom with strawberry scented soap. Izuku noted that he was still feeling a bit tired but the queasiness in his stomach had gone which he was happy for. After exiting the shower he covered his body from head to toe with lotions and skin cream. He then added a product to tame his hair before brushing and styling it a little.

Izuku then dressed in dark blue jeans, a pale yellow long sleeve button up shirt, and black sneakers.

 He left the bathroom to find a still sleeping Eijiro, stretched out on his back with his shirt lifted just enough to show his abs

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 He left the bathroom to find a still sleeping Eijiro, stretched out on his back with his shirt lifted just enough to show his abs. Izuku blushed profusely but quickly got his phone and snapped a picture setting it as his home screen. 

It was now seven thirty so Izuku headed down to start on breakfast

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It was now seven thirty so Izuku headed down to start on breakfast. He put the bacon and sausage on a pan and into the oven like always, then mixed up the batter for the waffles. That's when it happened, the smell of the bacon and sausage mixed with that of the first waffle. Izuku's stomach lurched, and he couldn't help it. Izuku made a run for the bathroom, his hand coming up to cover his mouth, making it just in time to be sick in the toilet. His small body shook with the force of it. He continued to heav what was left in his stomach from last night's dinner, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead, tears slipping from his eyes.


The other occupants of the house were abruptly awoken by the loud sound of a fire alarm going off. Eijiro, Mina, and Himiko were the first up and running down the stairs. Kyoka and Denki followed shortly after. Eijiro made it to the kitchen first, he saw smoke as it spewed from the waffle maker on the counter. He quickly pulled the plug as Mina, and Himiko began opening a window and fanning the smoke out. "What's happening? Where's Izuku?" Denki called out. That's when the others noticed his absence they had been preoccupied by the smoke and burning food. "IZZY, WHERE ARE YOU?" Eijiro yelled out to his green eyed love. They all stopped and listened for a reply, none was heard but they did hear soft sobs coming from the bathroom. Eijiro rushed from the kitchen to where the sounds had been coming from. There crouched on the floor with his head resting on his arm on the edge of the toilet was the small man. "Izz, you ok?" Eijiro asked as he got down on his hands and knees next to the smaller male. "Yeah, I'm okay." Izuku replied weekly, throwing up had taken a lot out of him. Eijiro pulled the greenette into his lap, rocking him gently and running a hand in soothing circles on his back.

Mina came into the two men's view checking on them. "There's food in the oven, Mimi could y..." Izuku went to say but was cut off. "Don't worry about it Izu, Himiko's got it." Mina told him with a soft smile. Izuku sighed it was nice to have someone else in the house that wasn't completely helpless in the kitchen. "So what happened?" Mina asked. "I... I'm not really sure. I had just started the first waffle and then the smell mixed with the bacon and sausage and all the sudden I had to be sick." Izuku told her. "Think you can get up?" Eijiro asked, with a soft kiss to the top of Izuku's head. "Ye.. Yeah I think so." Izuku replied. Eijiro moved and then got up, helping Izuku up with him. "I seem to be fine now but I don't think I can finish breakfast." Izuku stated. Eijiro and Mina could both tell he was upset by this. "No worries babes, Himiko can finish up for you. I think she already started anyway." Mina said. "Thank her for me. Um... I need to go brush my teeth again." Izuku said as he tried to get out of Eijiro's grip. "I'll come with you just to make sure you're ok." The red head said. Mina just shook her head and chuckled. "Eiji, I'm okay I swear. Go eat, I'll be back in like ten minutes." Izuku said blushing at the sheer overprotectiveness that Eijiro was displaying. "Alright but if you're not back in ten I'm coming to check on you." Eijiro stated before walking back towards the kitchen with Mina.

Izuku made his way quickly back up to his bedroom and into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, washed his face and changed from the now messy yellow shirt to a pale blue one of the same type. Just as he was leaving the room to go back down to his friends he ran into a strong chest. "It's been fifteen minutes," Eijiro said with a big grin. "Eiji, I'm fine. Promise." Izuku said as he gave the man in front of him a quick peck on his lips. The two men made their way back down to the living room. "You should eat something." Eijiro says to the smaller man. "I have to leave soon, I'll just grab something quick on the way." came Izuku's reply. It was now nine oclock and Izuku had to leave. He waved goodbye to his friends, kissed Eijiro on the cheek and headed out the door.

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The drive to the Agency wasn't long, about twenty minutes at most. Izuku parked his car in the garage and then hopped on the elevator going up to his brother's office. "Good morning Toru. Can you let Sho know that I'm here please?" Izuku asks the secretary at the desk. "Good morning Izuku, he's expecting you. You can go right on in." she says with a smile. Everyone who worked at Endeavor talent agency who knew Izuku loved him. He was the sweetest person on the planet. "Thank you Toru. Have a great day." the green haired male said as he walked toward the office's big double doors. Izuku knocked before entering. Shoto motioned for him to come in and have a seat while he finished the call he was on. "Morning Izu. Are you ready for the meeting?" Shoto asked once he was finished with his call. "Oh, yes. I'm always ready." he replied with a little laugh. "Alright then let's go down, I've already had a bunch of your previous photos set up for them to view. And the T.V. is set up to play a selection of the commercials you've been in, but I don't think we will need all that they seemed quite interested in you, when that saw you the first time." Shoto told him as he headed out of his office. This confused Izuku, the client had already seen him. I mean who hasn't he was Endeavor talents top model after all but still. Izuku just shrugged it off, it didn't truly matter. "Sho!? Um..." Izuku started. "Hum? What is it Izu?" Shoto asked, looking down at the short man at his side. He could tell something was bothering his little brother. "I... D...did you by chance..." again Izuku started to say what was on his mind but stopped, he bit down hard on his bottom lip in frustration. "Izu, I think I know what's got you all upset." Shoto said as they stopped outside the meeting room. Shoto opened the door and ushered his brother inside. "Yes, Hitoshi and I noticed the burn on your arm at dinner the other night. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset you. You have nothing to worry about." Shoto told him with a reassuring air to his voice. "B...but" Izuku began but was cut off by Shoto. "I've already come up with a few suggestions. We can try to cover it with cosmetics. Or make sure that arm is covered by a prop or another model. Long sleeves will cover it, or there is always photoshop. Then again it may just be good to show it, to make you seem more regular. These days a model with a scar or a flaw is more relatable. I mean look at me, no one ever even seems to notice my scar any more." Shoto said. Izuku gave his brother a big smile, pulling the taller male into a tight hug. "Thanks Sho, I really need to hear that. Love you." Izuku said the worry was gone from his face and voice.

The two chatted and prepped for the meeting. Once the client arrived they discussed lots of different things including the scar on his arm. No one seemed to be too worried about it. By the end it was set for Izuku to be on the shoot from nine am to nine pm both Friday and Saturday. Then from one pm to six pm on Sunday, he would be paid twenty five thousand dollars. Hands were shook and contracts were signed, and every one went about the rest of their day.

It was now eleven thirty and Izuku was starving. He decided before going home he would stop at the mall to get a gift for Himiko and grab something to eat in the food court. 

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