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Izuku groaned as he rolled over in his bed, his eyes coming open slowly. As he sat up a deep yawn caused him to close his eyes and place his hand over his mouth. He chuckled at himself before stretching, and deciding to see what time it was. Izuku reached over, taking up his phone, seeing that it was just after two in the afternoon. Wow I slept for two and a half hours, only a month along and you're already kicking my but huh little one, he thought. His hand subconsciously went to his tummy as he sat there in his bed. Izuku sat there looking down at the hand that rested on his stomach for what seemed like forever but was truly just a few minutes. He was brought back to reality when his stomach rumbled at him. "Alrighty then" He quietly said to himself.

Izuku then got up out of the bed, going down to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. Once he was down stairs he noticed the ever present hum that came from below his sock covered feet. E and the others must be practicing, I wonder where Miko is, his thought asked him. That was when he looked around finding the blond girl sitting on the couch in the living room alone. He quickly grabbed what he needed from the kitchen, grabbing extra for the girl. "Hiya Miko!" he called out to her as he got closer. Himiko turned in her spot when she heard the voice call out to her. "Hey Izu, you have a nice nap?" she asked. The green eyed male nodded, then sat beside her on the couch. He offered her the extra water and goldfish crackers he had brought. "Oh thanks, you must be psychic. I was just thinking I could go for a snack." the blond said with a giggle. "Psychic huh, I don't think so but it would be pretty chill." Izuku replied, smiling at her. "Wacha watching?" he asked her. "Vampire Knight! It's one of my fav's" Himiko replied. "Omg yes, Zero is so sexy!" he exclaimed. "Um not really my type but sure. I like Rima because she is so me." she said, her yellow eyes sparkling. The both of them looked at each other before laughing. "Well I have a skype call to make so I'll see ya after, kay" Izuku told her as he stood back up. "Yeah later Izu." Himko replied, waving as he left.

Izuku took his cracker, and water back up to his room. He grabbed his laptop and got comfy on his bed, then got to his call. The laptop sat open on his legs as he rested against the backboard of the bed. After hitting the call button he waited for his mother to accept, once she did her face popped up on his screen. "Oh Izuku, my baby." The green haired older female version of himself said through the screen. "Hi mom. Sorry it's been so long between calls." Izuku said as he waved to his mother Inko through his computer. "Is that Young Izuku I heard, Inko my dear?" a male voice said from off screen. "It sure is Toshi. Why don't you come sit with me so we can chat." Inko replied. There were some sounds of shuffling and the camera being adjusted, then suddenly a skinny yellow blond haired man was sitting on the screen next to Izuku's mother. "Hi papa." Izuku said with another wave. The man chuckled. "It's good to see you son." Toshinori, Izuku's step father said. "I've missed you guys. How's the vacation going?" Izuku asked. "It has been wonderful. We are currently at a RV park with a healing hot spring. Izuku hunny, it is so wonderful." Inko gushed to her son. "Yes, it has been very enjoyable." Toshinori said as he wrapped an arm around Inko's wait and smirked. Izuku got the hint. "Alright papa get it." the green hair male said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Inko gasped, looking from her son on the screen to her husband at her side then back again. "You two are a couple of perv's" Inko cried, her face becoming bright red with flush. The two men just laughed. Izuku looked at his parents and how happy they were together. A flash of Katsuki flashed in his mind, but then turned to Eijiro.

Izuku took a deep breath before speaking again. "So momma, papa there is actually a reason it has been so long since I last called. There are some things I need to tell you about what's been going on here." Izuku says. His eyes averting from the screen to his lap. "Alright baby, we're listening," Inko said in her motherly tone. "So um. Well I...." he started but cut himself off looking down at his hands in his lap as he picked at his thumb. "Yes son? You know you can tell us anything." Toshinori's spoke. Izuku gulped, he could almost feel the concern coming from his parents. "Okay here goes. I've left Katsuki and have filed for divorce." the green eyed man blurted out. "Wait what?" came from Inko while "About damn time." came from Toshinori. Inko and Izuku both stared at the blond man who just shrugged. "Sorry, but I never liked that Bakugo kid, or his mother." the blond male said. Inko looked at the man by her side incredulously, while Izuku was smiling from sheer happiness that his father was on his side. "Can you tell us why baby?" Inko asked her son. "Um yeah but you're not gonna like it." Izuku said. Both of his parents looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "So this is kinda hard to talk about but, all my friends and stuff know so I guess you as my parents should know too. Katsuki has been... hurting me." Izuku said the last words barely above a whisper. "EXCUSE ME!" they both screeched. "Um yeah so it's been happening for nine, ten months now. It uh~ started with a single slap and has gotten worse and worse." Izuku told them not looking at the screen, afraid to see their reactions. "Baby why didn't you tell us, or Shoto or anyone?" Inko asked. "Well, at first I hoped he would stop or that it was an accident like he said. The first few times he apologized the very next morning and said it wouldn't happen again, but then it would. After a while I was just afraid." Izuku said, looking up to see that his father was no longer sitting next to her. His mother had tears streaming down her face. "Oh my poor baby. I should have been there." the green haired woman cried. Izuku shook his head. "Don't think like that mom, It wouldn't have made a difference if you had been here" he tried to reassure the small woman. "Um mom, where did papa go? Is... is he angry at me?" Izuku asked with worry. "Huh? No, of course not. He's gone to prepare the Rv for travel. We're coming home." Inko explained to her son. "Ah no mom you guys don't need to end your vacation on my account." Izuku said feeling even worse now. "It's fine baby, we've been on this vacation as you call it for over a year. It's about time we came home for a while." Inko stated.

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