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Izuku sat on the bed in his room, a worried and frustrated look on his face. He was trying to think of a way to convince Eijiro of something but in truth he wasn't sure how or if he could. His mind brought him back to the scene he walked into when he came home from his shoot that Saturday.


It was late, nearly ten o'clock Saturday night. Izuku was hot, sticky, sweaty and tired from being under all those hot bright lights for twelve hours. Other than that though he had enjoyed his shoot that day the other models that had been hired were really nice and friendly. Izuku just wanted to take a hot shower and snuggle with his boyfriend for an hour or so before going to bed.

Izuku walked into the house, hung his keys on a hook and removed his shoes. He stepped from the foyer into the living room expecting to see his boyfriend and family lounging watching a movie or doing other things like always. When he saw no one was there, he was confused. 'Where the heck could they be?' he thought. Suddenly he heard raised voices from the kitchen and dining room area. Izuku couldn't make out what was said so he went in that direction, surprised by what he found. There standing not two feet apart glaring at each other was his red headed boyfriend and his purple haired friend. Kyoka was being held round the waist by Denki, and Mina had Eijiro round the chest. Himiko was standing in between the two with her hands raised, pressed to the chests of the two. "Wha...what the heck happened?" Izuku asked, feeling his panic rise for some reason. He really didn't like it when his friends argued or fought. All five of their heads snapped in his direction. Eijiro's scowl softened and he visibly calmed. Kyoka on the other hand was still glaring just now at the greenette instead of the redhead. Izuku flinched back from the anger in the purple haired woman's eyes.

"Why don't you ask your stubborn rock headed boyfriend." Kyoka growled at him, yanking herself free from her own boyfriend's grasp. "Hey, don't talk to him like that. This isn't his fault, It's my decision." Eijiro yelled at Kyoka. "Guys come on sto..." Denki started but was cut off. "Yes it is his fault, you're so obsessed with him that you don't give a damn about the others who this is going to affect. The people who have been with you from the beginning. He's a grown ass man, he's not gonna die if you get your head out of his ass and breathe for a minute." the purple haired woman screamed, while pointing at Izuku. "My f..fault? Wh...what did I do?" Izuku asked, he was now on the verge of tears. He had thought Kyoka had gotten over her dislike of him, what had he done, he didn't even know. "You didn't do anything, baby, Kyoka's just being a bitch like always." Eijiro told him. Kyoka scoffed, Denki shot a pissed off look at his friend. "You just don't understand where Eijiro and I are coming from. You get to have the person most important to you with you." Mina spoke up from behind the red head. Kyoka looked at Izuku shaking her head then walked off in the direction of the stairs, Denki following after her. Izuku looked from Eijiro, to Mina, to Himiko waiting for an explanation. "Could one of you please tell me what's happening. Why is she so angry at Eiji, and blaming it on me?" Izuku asked. Mina and Himiko just looked from each other to Eijiro waiting for him to speak. Ten minutes passed and no one spoke. "I see, none of you trust me enough to tell me what is going on. Whatever it is, is causing you all to fight, and seems to be my fault. Maybe I should just go then." Izuku said, his voice cracking.

The green haired man turned and ran, going straight to his bedroom where he slammed the door locking it behind him. Izuku then collapsed to the floor letting the tears he had been fighting free. He sat there on his bedroom floor and cried for a good half an hour. He had ignored First Eijiro, then the girls when they eventually knocked on his room door. Eventually Izuku stopped crying and took his shower. He got ready for bed in an oversized red hoodie that Eijiro had given to him just days prior. Izuku climbed under his covers and hugged one of his many pillows to his chest and tried to sleep. This would be the first night he spent alone since his and Eijiro first date those few weeks ago. The green eyed man tossed and turned for hours, he just couldn't get his mind to turn off. Picking up his phone he saw that it was now three in the morning. Izuku sighed and got up out of the bed deciding to go down and get a cup of warm milk to try and get himself to sleep. It had always helped when he was a kid, so why not now.

When Izuku reached the bottom of the stairs he noticed that the dining room light was on. He cautiously entered the room, seeing his pink haired friend seated at the table with a steaming cup of tea in front of her. He could smell the lavender coming from the cup. "Couldn't sleep either huh?" Mina said more than asked. The pinkette blew on her tea before taking a sip. "Yeah. Guess I got used to having Ei next to me." He replied, rubbing his left arm with his right hand. "There's plenty of water if you want to have tea." Mina told him. "I was going to get some warm milk, but tea might help instead." the green eyed male said. He gave her a small sad smile, then went to the kitchen and made himself a cup of lavender tea. Izuku returned to the table sitting across from his friend, with a sigh. "Zuzu, are you really gonna leave?" Mina asked sadly. "I...I'm not sure. I'm not sure about a lot of things these days. I do know I don't like seeing you guys arguing and fighting, and if Kyoka is telling the truth and it's my fault then, yes I'll leave." he told her. Mina didn't say anything for a few minutes, they both quietly sipped their tea. "I don't want you to go so I'm going to tell you what's been going on. First you need to know that Eijiro made all of us swear not to tell you and this is most likely going to piss him off if he finds out." Mina told him. Izuku nodded, she had his full attention. "On Friday after we finished laying down tracks for the new album, our manager called us over to talk. He... uh. Well he wants us to go on tour at the end of the month." Mina explained to the greenett across from her. Izuku got excited. "Wow, that's great! I don't understand how that could be the problem." Izuku told her excitedly. "Well you see the problem is that we would be gone for at least three months, maybe even more." the pink haired woman stated. "Okay. I still don't see the problem, or what it has to do with me?" Izuku asked, confused. "Eijiro has flat out refused to go. He says he can't leave you alone for that long. Especially now that you're gonna have a baby." Mina told him. Izuku's expression dropped, he understood now why Kyoka was so upset. The purple haired woman loved her music, she was the one who got them all together to start the band. "So that's why she's mad at me." Izuku said, Mina just nodded in confirmation. "I can't... No I won't let him ruin his career, or you guys because of me. I'll convince him to go, I don't know how exactly but I will. Could you tell Kyoka and Denki for me? I don't think either of them want to talk to me." Izuku asked her. "Thanks Zuzu, you really are awesome." Mina said as she stood taking both of their cups and putting them in the dishwasher. The two then headed up the stairs. Izuku stopped in front of Eijiro's door, while Mina continued on down to her own room. "Goodnight Me me. I'll see you in a few hours." the green bean said with a wave. "Night Zuzu, love you." the pink haired woman said then entered her room.


When three thirty came along Izuku was dressed just as he had been all day and was now in the living room waiting for Eijiro so they could go on their date.

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