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Izuku parked his car in the normal spot before getting out and going to the passenger side. He retrieved his bag and the pizza, then turned to look up at the house. He just stood there pondering what he should do. Will they understand, or will they think I'm a freak? Will Eijiro still want me when he finds out. Maybe I should just not tell them and get rid of the child. NO! I can't do that. It would be wrong to lie to them like that. Even If I lose them I can't lie, that's just not who I am. All these thoughts went through his head as he stared up at the place he now called home. A memory of the day he and his mother told Katsuki and the Bakugo's about it flashed in his head. He remembers how Katsuki didn't seem to care one way or the other, while his mother Mitsuki wanted to call the wedding off and forbid her son from marrying him. She had said he was abnormal, and not good enough for her perfect son. That was until Inko, Izuku's mother explained that they would be able to have biological grandchildren instead of adopted ones.

As he thought about that day so long ago a single tear fell from his eye as he pushed the memory away. Izuku wiped the tear put a smile on his face and went inside. "Guys, I'm back. I got the pizza." Izuku hollered from the door. Within a matter of seconds he was swarmed by a pink haired woman, yellow haired man, and a red haired man. Mina and Denki snatched the food from him and made a B-line to the kitchen, while Eijiro pulled him into a hug, kissing the top of his head. "Welcome home baby. Let's join the heathens in the kitchen and you can tell us what the doctor said." Eijiro said. The red headed male took Izuku's hand in his interlacing there fingers and they walked to where every one else was already stuffing their faces with pizza. Izuku swallowed hard when he was led to the kitchen, he wasn't ready to explain everything. He was ready to have his new family look at him with disgust like his soon to be X-mother in law had.

Once in the kitchen Eijiro made Denki move and sat Izuku in the now vacant chair at the kitchen island counter. "Really man? Bro's before h..." Denk started to say, but cut himself off when he saw the finish off that sentence and I'll break your jaw look on Eijiro's face. Deki gulped and walked to stand at the other end of the counter with his pizza. Eijiro then proceeded to grab the last two plates on the counter. He placed two slices of meat lover pizza on one and two slices of plain cheese pizza on the other. He put the plates on the counter in front of Izuku. "Oh thank you Eiji" Izuku said, but the redhead had stepped away. Eijiro went to the fridge, where he grabbed two bottles of water, the parmesan cheese, and ranch dressing. He brought the items over to where Izuku was sitting, placing them down in front of the green-haired man.

Izuku was so happy in that small moment that all the bad thoughts had vanished from his head. He turned in the chair so he was now facing the redhead. Izuku reached out, pulling Eijiro in between his legs. His hands came up to cup the taller male's face, his eyes closed, and pulled him down into a kiss. Eijiro's eyes closed as well, his arms automatically going around the greenette pulling him closer if that was even possible, as he melted into the kiss. The kiss was filled with affection, care, and love. Yes love. Izuku was falling, falling fast and hard for this wonderful man. The reason you may wonder, well easy, it was this. The little things that Eijiro did that Katsuki never had. Like when Eijiro would go to the kitchen to get something to drink and would return with not just his drink but something for Izuku as well even without asking. Or when Eijiro would finish dinner first then wait until Izuku was finished to take both of their plates to the sink to rinse and load into the dishwasher. Or the rare times that the red head would wake before Izuku and even with his nasty morning breath, bed hair, and eye crusties would tell him he was beautiful. These things that Izuku had neve experienced with Katsuki were the reason he was falling in love with Eijiro Kirishima so fast and so hard. Izuku had come to realize his relationship with Katsuki had been very one sided, now he was being shown what real love was like and he couldn't get enough.

The sounds of Mina, and Himiko squealing and fangirling from just behind him made Izuku pull away from the kiss after about two minutes. "OH MY GOD! You two are so cute!" Mina gushed, reaching out and shaking Izuku. "Yeah like so adorable, it's kinda sickening" Himiko spoke after her girlfriend. Izuku blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Damn right we are." Eijiro replied with a big toothy smile. The two men moved so they weren't so close then turned and began to consume their food. "Hey, so Izuku, are you gonna tell us what happened at your doctors?" Kyoka spoke up, changing the subject. She had grown fond of Izuku and was truly wondering if he was ok or not. Izuku had just taken a bite of his cheese pizza after putting parmesan and ranch on it. He held up a hand for them to wait while he chewed and swallowed his food. "Yeah sorry. So I have a genetic disorder, and its... Er well lets just say it's acting up." Izuku said. This statement had not made the other feel better about their friend's sickness; it actually had worried them more. "A genetic disorder? Is it something serious?" the purple haired woman asked, the concern in her voice was heard by all. "You're gonna be ok right?" Eijiro and Mina asked at the same time, just as worried. "Yeah I'll be fine. I've had it since I was a kid. So It's not like I didn't know about it before, it's just... different now that I'm an adult." Izuku said as little as he could. "So you're gonna get better then?" Denki asked. "I'll be sick for a little while longer, but yeah I'll get better after some time passes, It's nothing to worry about though." Izuku told the yellow blond man. "Could you explain it to us more?" Kyoka asked. She wanted to know why he didn't seem worried and yet he was going to continue to be sick for a while. "I can, but could you guys wait until later at dinner. It's kinda a long story and I'm hungry and kinda tired. Pulse I got a lecture from my doctor about calling my mother more often. I just realized it's been like six week since I talked to her and well she doesn't even know about everything that's been happening." Izuku told them, then took another bite of his Pizza which everyone had seemed to have forgotten. The entire group was surprised that he hadn't told his mother yet, they all remember how close he and his parents had been back in high school. They all agreed to his request and went back to eating their food. Once he was finished eating Izuku kissed Eijiro on the cheek then excused himself to take a small nap then skype with his parents.

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