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After speaking with Eijiro about inviting his friends over he pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a text in his friends group chat.

In the Izu crew Gc

Morning everyone. So I know you're all busy at work, but I have some stuff I need to tell you so I was hoping to invite you over for a BBQ. I was hoping either Monday or Tuesday of next week since I have to work all weekend. Text me back and let me know which day would work best for you. It could even be later in the week if needed. Love you. 💖💖💖 :💚Izzy💚

Izuku was not expecting any of them to text back right away so he was surprised to hear his phone dying just as he was about to put it back in his pocket. He reopened the chat to see a reply from Tsuyu.

💚Tsu💚: Good morning Izuku. How have you been? Fumi is usually home from the museum by five and I'm still on maternity leave so either day works for us. We will need to bring Yami though.

Ohhh yay. Baby Yami cuddles are the best.🥰 Once I here back from the others I'll set everything up and let you all know when. Oh and I've been really great actually Tsu thanks for asking.             :💚Izzy💚

💚Tsu💚: That is wonderful to here. Can't wait. See you. Bye Izuku. 💖💖💖

Bye Tsu. Love you. 💖💖💖:💚Izzy💚

After finishing his exchange with Tsuyu Izuku returned his phone to his pocket. That's when he realized they had made it back to the cars and the others were just watching him and waiting. "Ahhh, heh sorry guys." he said with a sheepish grin. "So what was that about if you don't mind me asking" Kyoka said. "I'll explain once we get home." Izuku retorted before climbing into the car, and the group drove home.

The group of six piled out of the cars and went into the house, all of them looking at Izuku expectantly. "Meet me in the kitchen, I'll be right back." the green bean told them. The others all went into the kitchen taking spots either in the bar stools at the counter or standing and leaning against the wall. Izuku went to his room, grabbing a pen and his green notepad. He made his way back down to the kitchen, stopping for a brief few minutes to look out the sliding glass patio door to the backyard taking note of it's condition. He then headed into the kitchen, where his family awaited him. "Alright Zu, spill," Himiko said as soon as she saw him. Before Izuku could speak he felt arms wrap around his waist, Eijiro had pushed off the wall he had been leaning against and followed behind his boyfriend. The red head wrapped his arms around the greenette, and rested his chin on the shorter's curly mop of hair. Izuku leaned his weight onto Eijiro, feeling completely content at that moment. The others just smiled and silently awed at the couple. "So, here's the thing. I should probably tell my brother and other friends about my condition. Truth is I should have probably told them first but it didn't work out that way. I asked Eijiro if I could invite them all over for a BBQ. He of course said yes so that back there was me texting with Tsu. She was telling me that her Fumikage is available any day after five, and that she would need to bring little Yami with them." Izuku explained to them. Denki and Kyoka didn't seem to be phased by the news, but Mina was getting more excited by the second. Himiko did know any of Izuku's other friends or brother so she was the same as the others. "That means I'll get to see Tsu, and Chaco. Plus Tsu's baby. Hell yes!" Mina said, bouncing around in her chair.

"Yes Meme you will get to see them, but I kinda need you guys help." Izuku said. "What do you need from us Midobro?" Denki asked. "Well from you I need to know if I can borrow your truck." the green eyed male said to the blond man. "My truck? Well sure, but what for?" Denki asked. "Well I am going to have to go get a grill and some other things like tables and chairs for the backyard and well that stuff won't really fit in my car very well." Izuku explained. "Oh right. Well Kiribro knows where the keys are. Go ahead and use the truck whenever." the golden eyed man said to his friends. "Thank Denks, you're the best." Izuku told him with a sweet smile. "I have to be at my shoot all weekend, and I know you guys have to be in the studio Friday and Saturday to cut the tracks for your new album. But I was hoping you guys could help clean up the back yard. I don't know when any of you were out there last but it's a mess." Izuku stated. The riots just looked at each other, they had never been in the backyard. "Ha, I got this." Himiko shouted. The group all looked at her confused. "My older brother and his friend run a garden and landscaping company. I'll call him and see if he can fit us in their schedule." the blond haired woman said. "That great Miko. Tell him I'll pay whatever, if he can get it all cleaned up by sunday." Izuku told her. The blond woman nodded and walked away, putting her phone up to her ear. Izuku then began to write more stuff on his list of things to purchase. He had already decided on a menu for the day, and began making a second list of groceries to pick up on Sunday night.

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