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Once finally back at the house Himiko excused herself and went to her and Mina's room. Izuku locked the door and set the alarm before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and heading to his own bedroom. The green eyed male took a quick shower, brushed his teeth then readied himself for sleep. Izuku flopped down on the bed and grabbed his phone and opened Eijiro's contact. He let out a deep sigh, he really needed to get over thinking he wasn't good enough. He was so afraid of being alone, he didn't even know why he always had that feeling. He thought it most likely stemmed from his biological father's abandonment but that was so long ago. "Just do it already." he whispered aloud to himself. Izuku then sent the video of his doctor's visit along with a quick text to his red headed love.

Hey baby, how was your day? Had my appointment with the Doctor today. Himiko recorded it for you. When you have a chance, watch it and give me a call so we can talk. I don't care what time just call please. I miss and love you like there's no tomorrow. 💞💞💞 :💚Izzy💚

*Sent video attachment* :💚Izzy💚

With that done Izuku put his phone on the charging stand on the bed side table, pulled the covers over himself, turned off the lamp and got comfortable. Within a few minutes the greenette was fast asleep.

< -------------------- >

The small, pregnant curly haired man was woken hours later by the sound of his phone ringing. He groaned as he reached over for the device, the light blinding him momentarily when he opened his eyes. Izuku blinked four or five times until his eyes adjusted to the light from the phone, he took note that it was three in the morning. He accepted the call and there he was, the sexy red head he hadn't fallen for so quickly. "Hel..." Izuku started to greet his boy friend but was cut off by said man. "OMG IZZY ARE WE REALLY GOING TO HAVE TWO BABIES!?" Eijiro screamed in excitement through the phone. That one statement from his wonderful boyfriend put his heart at ease. Eijiro hadn't said you're having twins he had said we, which meant he was ok with it. By the tone of his voice he was even happy about it. "Yes babe, there are two. Are... are you sure you still..." Izuku again started but was cut off by Eijiro. "Don't you even finish that question." the red eyed male spoke sternly. "I love you and I'll love both of them as if they were my own. One baby, two babies, hell you could be having half a dozen and I would still be there for you and them." Eijiro explained. Izuku was now laying in his bed, tears soaking his pillow. "I... I'm sorry. You're so good to me, I don't deserve you." Izuku sobbed. "Stop it! You do deserve me, you are the kindest, most generous person, I'm the one who is so damn lucky to have someone as great as you." Eijiro said, his voice and words filled with all the love he held for the little green eyed man. "I'm sorry, damn hormones, I didn't used to be this whiny. I love you." Izuku replied to his love.

"It's ok. I love you to my Zuzu bear. Now wipe your tears and tell me everything." Eijiro demanded. Izuku blushed at the nickname, but it made him smile and that had been Eijiro's intention. Izuku wiped away the remaining tears and sat up in the bed, so he could communicate and see his redhead on the video call better. The two men spent the next hour talking about all the things they had done over the last few days. Eijiro told Izuku about some of the things he saw while traveling to their current locale. While Izuku told Eijiro about the babies and visiting his parents.

"Hey Izzy, I need to tell my parents. Are you ok with that?" Eijiro asked out of the blue. Izuku knew Eijiro's parents, he had met them a few times back in high school, they were lovely women. "You haven't told them yet?" Izuku exclaimed with surprise. "Well, they know I'm dating you. I haven't told them about the other stuff, like what Katsuki did to you or the whole pregnancy thing." Eijiro explained. "Do... do you think they will react badly?" Izuku asked timidly. "Are you kidding? They love you, like me they both loved you from the first time they met you. Who do you think encouraged me to ask you out back then. And after our first date when I told them we were finally together, they both cried. And you know mama Emiri is not a cryer." the red head told his greenette. "Tell them, give them everything if you want. About Katsuki, about how I ended up here. Tell them everything, If we are going to be together, our parents need to know all of it." Izuku told his love. "God I love you." was all the red eyed male could reply. Izuku let out a loud yawn, his small hand covering his wide open mouth. "Hehe, you're tired. You should go back to sleep. We can text tomorrow. I love you, always and forever my Izzy." Eijiro said. Izuku smiled. "I love you forever and always my red riot." Izuku replied, before kissing the phone screen. "Good night baby boy." the redhead said quietly. "Night Ei" Izuku said, his head back on his damp pillow. The two ended the call, Izuku placed his phone back in its charger and was fast asleep almost instantly.

< -------------------- >

As the band traveled to their next destination, Eijiro spent almost three hours on a video call with his two moms. The redhead had told them months ago that he and Izuku had finally come together after all these years, and the two women had been ecstatic about their son's happiness. Now Eijiro had to tell them everything else and so he did. He explained about why Izuku had left Katsuki, and what the blond had put the greenette through over the past year. Easy to say the two women were pissed and if Katsuki ran into them on the street he was in for another ass kicking. The red head then went on to explain about Izuku's condition and his fears about what they would think of him. Lucky Misheru Kirishima was a nurse and understood a bit more than her son and wife Emiri, she even remembered reading about the disorder in a medical magazine. She assured her son that his boyfriend was not a freak but was in fact a miracle. Eijiro went on to explain that Izuku was now pregnant with Bakugo's twins and that he had vowed to stay by his lover's side and help raise the babies. This of course filled the two women with pride that their son had grown into such a great man, but also with worry. Was Izuku taking advantage of their son's love for him? Eijiro could see the conflict in his mom's and reassured him that it was all his doing and that Izuku had intended to break up with him when he found that he was pregnant, as to not be a burden to the red head, but Eijiro would not allow it. The red eyed man then told his mothers that they were not allowed to bother Izuku until he returned from his tour, but hooked them up with Izuku's mother and father, so the four soon to be grandparents could get acquainted with each other.

From Despair to Delight (BakuDeku)-(KiriDeku)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum