You got home after this crazy day and are watching Twilight together in bed.

Arizona: I love you y/n Sloan.
Y/n: I love you too Arizona Robbins.

You kissed her cheek before snuggling more into her.

Arizona: I think I changed my mind about it.
Y/n: About what?
Arizona: About us and our future.
Y/n: Can you maybe be more specific?
Arizona: You know we talked about having kids and that we both didn't really want a kid?
Y/n: I remember that conversation.
Arizona: Maybe I want a baby with you. Not right now, but some day.
Y/n: You want a baby?
Arizona: It's stupid, forget I said something.
Y/n: It's not stupid, I just didn't expected this.
Arizona: I've been thinking about it and I never saw myself being a mom, but now I'm with you that feeling changed. I can see us and our little one, but if you don't want a kid...

You cut her off and pulled her in for a passionate and deep kiss.

Y/n: Lets have a baby someday.
Arizona: Really?
Y/n: Really. I changed my mind, because when I see you with the kids in the hospital it melts my heart.
Arizona: So we both want this?
Y/n: We do. Being with you made me think I can be a great mom, because I have you by my side.
Arizona: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too.

You gave her another passionate kiss and looked deep in her eyes.

Y/n's pov
I spread my legs and Arizona slid her body between them, bringing her mouth to my lips and kissing me deeply. Her tongue slid to my tongue and hotly played with it, then she parted our kiss, keeping her lips barely touching mine, breathing on my mouth. With her still on top of me, I made my way down her body with my hands, slowly but loving. I ended with my hands on her ass.

She pressed her forehead against my shoulder when I slid it down between her ass cheeks. I then used my hand to play with her opening, that sent her mouth to my neck, her tongue sliding on my skin. She whispered very close to my ear to never stop loving her.

I smiled and slid down between her legs, dragging my long hair down her body, her fingers woven through it. I delighted in rubbing my cheeks along her soft inner thighs. I pursed my lips and blew my hot breath on her pussy with my arms under her thighs, my hands holding onto her.

Arizona: Y/n, wait. I have to run and pee first, okay?

This was going to be fun! I had to play with her. She started to scooch away from me, but I gripped her tighter. I touched my tongue-tip to her clit and her entire body jumped. With my tongue on her clit, I looked up into her eyes and smiled.

Arizona: Fuck no! I'll pee right in your face! Now, let me go pee!

She squirmed harder, trying to get her hips free of my hands. I opened my mouth wide on her pussy and sucked all of her into my mouth and purred for her. I giggled into her hot pussy while she wriggled her ass, trying to back her pussy from my mouth. Her body was shaking now. Whether she knew it or not, she was close to cumming! I fucked her hard and deep with my tongue while sucking it all out of her.

I growled into her and, oh my goodness, did she ever cum! I held onto Arizona real tight with her wild, bucking orgasm filling my mouth with every drop of her! I kept sucking her, wanting all of her honey-sweet cum, and she gave it to me, her pussy throbbing and pulsing in my mouth. Right after her orgasm ended, she struggled from my grasp.

Arizona: I really need to pee now.

Off she went, right over the edge of the bed. She quickly rolled to her feet and ran like hell to the bathroom! Upon her return, she found me playing with my pussy. She stood there with her hands on her hips. She climbed on the bed and looked at me.

Arizona: Now it's your turn my love. We will have some fun all night long as it is our day off tomorrow.

A few weeks later
Arizona: So we will ask them both today?
Y/n: Yes, it's officially one month till our wedding.
Arizona: One month until I can call you my wife.
Y/n: And one month until we are officially together for the rest of our lives.
Arizona: Now go and find him, so you can ask him the question.

Arizona kissed your cheek before you walked off.

Y/n: I will and you can find her. I love you Arizona Robbins.
Arizona: I love you too y/n Sloan.

Arizona stopped you from walking away and pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

Y/n: You are even more beautiful today than yesterday.
Arizona: Such a flirt, now come here.

And by surprise she gave you another deep snd loving kiss.

Arizona: One more. Now go before I want more of you.
Y/n: See you at lunch.
Arizona: You walking away is a great view, now I can look at that cute ass of yours.
Y/n: You are lucky I love you so much. I will see you later Zona. Now I'm really walking away.
Arizona: I love you a lot y/n.

You went to find Mark to ask him to be your best man and Arizona asked April to be her maid of honor. You were now on your way to have lunch when you got paged to the pit.

Arizona: You got paged too?
Y/n: Yes, do you know what is going on?

A new Greys lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora