Chapter Forty-One: Heroine Part One

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes I forget you're still thirteen" Riley didn't put her usual heart into the laugh. "Grace, what's up?"

"I'm not going to dinner. It's my choice and I don't want to. I don't want anything to do with Hazel. I'm sorry and all but I don't have any interest in someone like Hazel" I grumbled.

"You really don't get it. Hazel is going to-" Megan started.

"You know, I am a mother" Riley silenced her, scowling "and I know the absolute worst thing to say in teaching that someone doesn't understand. Of course she doesn't know about what happened. Maybe if you told her she could have a little more sympathy for Hazel"

"My sympathy is spent" I grumbled.

"I can't tell her about it! Hazel will never tell her about it! And if Hazel doesn't vent soon she is going to start acting like Alexa to get over it!" Megan had a really scary fire in her eyes. Mostly because it was so concerned. The look of someone drowning in trying to work things out.

"I'm right here! I can hear you" I snapped.

"Grace, you really do deserve to know. And I think we all know it has to be from Hazel. So, Hazel is red zoned until I release her. Tell her to get her act together" Riley rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I need to talk to Megan alone, Grace, please wait outside" Riley sighed. I got up and left, waiting now outside the door.

People passed by every now and then, most of them didn't pay me any mind. Until I felt the hairs on my neck stand and my stomach froze to something slushy and unsettling.

I was being watched.

A small group of three -two male, one female- walked past me, eyes burning into me.

"You must be Hazel's soulmate" the girl said with this snake voice. And a smile to match. "Lucky her"

"Very. She isn't worth being attached to. She isn't a very loving person, you see" one guy answered.

"Quite the opposite. I know you're ignorant, but you have to know what they do in the Academy" the other sneered. "You'd be lucky to never see Hazel again"

"You know, she will never leave you alone. You don't know what she's done. If you knew you would never look at her like that again" I refused to speak. I was burning with curiosity, my intuition was almost literally putting up billboards behind them saying 'run for your damn life, idiot'. I just didn't listen.

"And don't take it personally, but the easiest way to get to Hazel is to get to you" one guy smirked.

"Now that isn't very nice. Unfortunately, Hazel makes you a very easy target. A lot of people want to get back at her" the girl added. My insides were denying everything they also about Hazel, both that she would be hurt if I was, and that she was such a bad person.

"We're really sorry, kid, it's nothing against you" the other guy sighed deeply, more disappointed than guilty "it's just what has to be done" and like lightning I felt two of his fingers connect with my side.

The impact itself didn't hurt much. It was what came after that was unbelievable. Like fire, pain spread out from the place he'd tapped me. A yelp left me as the ache worsened, my muscles beginning to tremble and spasm. You know what it feels like when the arc of your foot cramps? It's really bad. Imagine that feeling in every muscle of your body.

My legs failed and I collapsed onto my arms, but those gave way too.

I felt the ground move under me, my body being tugged along the ground for a good distance before I was let down and continued writhing under the agonizing pain.

The people above me said something I couldn't catch. The pounding of my head was too loud. The shadows shifted over my eyelids, their shades of black and red all I could see with my eyes shut tightly. Forcing them open, I found myself alone. They'd left me as quickly and suddenly as they'd come.

I'm sure that to anyone watching, I was a spastic, crumpled lump on the ground. I was probably making some verbalized expression of the discomfort, and I was probably crying from the knowledge that I had no idea how to stop what was happening to me, and worse, I didn't know what could happen if this kept on.

But it didn't.

It just stopped.

Just like that.


All the agony drained away and I felt something touching my neck. Afraid of another negative reaction, I weakly tried to swat it away.

"Stop it" 'it' growled in a very familiar voice. Fuck me. Fuck my life. I've never been so happy to hear that bitch. "Who did this?" She sighed boredly. Well, throw that last thought out the window. No sympathy from Hazel, that's for sure.

"Mm..." I groaned. My throat hurt. I was sore. No longer in pain, but I could sense that my muscles were going to be stiff come tomorrow.

"Didn't I warn you about this? Don't talk to anyone here" Hazel growled to herself while massaging the pressure point on my neck. I snorted lightly, trying to show Hazel she hadn't warned me.

"Don't talk to anyone here but me, Megan, or Riley unless one of us tells you to. You're lucky they didn't want you dead" she snapped. "If they wanted you dead, I wouldn't have gotten to you in time" I shivered. Torture. That was the world Hazel had signed me up for. "Can you get up?" No, I'm just laying on the ground because it's comfy, I thought. My sides were still heaving while I panted out the stress. "Can you talk?" When I was silent she sighed and say cross-legged beside me. "When you can move, we're leaving"

**Okay! Part two is in the works and is shaping up to be pretty awesome so stay on the edge of your seat ;) anyway, what do we think of themes side of Megan? And Hazel's new act? <3

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