Start from the beginning

This is why Elara and Stefan were friends. They were both emotional little babies, but that also meant when one of them was sad the other immediately attached on.

Basically if one of them was sad, so was the other.

"Graduating is overrated anyway," he tried to calm her down, "you've graduated like 500 times." She had a point. He couldn't say that when he's got over 50 diplomas.

"Exactly so I know."

Elara rolled her eyes and went to say something, but a voice entered both her's and Stefan's room.

"Klaus is gone, wanna sneak out?"

"Damon was bit."

Neither of them heard what was said to the other, but knew they had to go.

The two best friends both turned back to each other with apologetic faces, "hey, smile. It's okay, half the population doesn't graduate. At least you know you don't have a choice." He smiled and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Love you!"

They both ended the call and Elara turned to Hayley, "So, where are we going?"

The girls left the house and took a cab into the city. Elara knew Klaus would be in the quarter somewhere, but she didn't know exactly where.

She texted Sam, and he told them to meet him across the street from Rousseau's. Hayley was a bit unsure, but Elara eased her worries.

"It's fine he's not another psycho vampire." She told Hayley as they approached the street, "Nope, just a werewolf." He said from behind them.

They turned around in a jump and he stood there with a cup of ice cream, the spoon in his mouth.

He pulled it out smiling at them, "I told you." Hayley sang and Elara rolled her eyes, "Again, at least it's not a psycho vampire." She pointed towards him.

"How many vampires do you know anyway?" He walked alongside them eating his ice cream, "A lot." She took the cup from him eating some of the ice cream.

"And you're not dead?" He asked her knowing how vampires were with humans, "yet." Hayley spoke up for her. She didn't like all of the vampires that were just around all of the time like it was so normal.

To Elara it was. She didn't see them any different than humans. They're just humans with a very, very different diet.

Not that much different.

"Shut up. They're not that bad, and you two are werewolves it's just as bad."

Sam gave her a look disagreeing, "No. what's bad is your humanity." He waved his hand over her figure.

She gasped shoving him slightly, "I'm sorry, but I don't plan on killing anyone purposely or accidentally anytime soon." She mocked bumping into someone causing them to fall to the ground.

She stopped immediately going to the person.

"You're not doing so good, but good luck." Sam gave her a thumbs up and Hayley laughed at his humor high-fiving him.

Elara apologized quickly and went back to the two wolves glaring.

"Anytime soon starting now." She continued to walk in front of them. They laughed behind her, catching up before she knocked someone else over.

Sam took them to explore more of the city trying to steer clear of the places he knew the vampires lurked.

He knew all of their hiding and feeding spots, so he knew exactly where not to take them.

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