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Deep in the woods of the small town Mystic falls, the supernatural group dealt with yet another crisis

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Deep in the woods of the small town Mystic falls, the supernatural group dealt with yet another crisis. Like all the times before this one, to keep the town and their family safe, someone paid the price.

This time they lost one of the only parental figures any of them had left. The death of Alaric Saltzman left a whole in the group. The Gilbert siblings were losing their only guardian left, a Salvatore lost his best friend, a group of students lost their teacher, and a Jensen lost a father figure.

Even after her death the original witch still ended up hurting them.

Ric chose to keep them all safe, in doing so he won't leave the tomb. By tonight he'd have taken his very last breath.

It was hard for all of them to stay knowing he was doing it for all of them to live, but they stayed anyway. They always stay.

"You know I'd stay if I could, but Nik just lost his mom. He won't admit it, but it still hurts," the Jensen girl told her friends. Although she was grieving too she had to make sure her boyfriend was okay.

She wouldn't be able to move on from anything if she didn't know everyone she cared about was okay. Even if that took weeks, months, or years even. But the group knew that that's who Elara's always been.

Their little burst of sunshine was keeping the group together. She picked up all the pieces and glued them back together whenever something or someone fell apart.

Just as she cared for them, they cared for her.

Her blonde friend nodded understandingly, "Of course. Come by tomorrow."

Elara nodded as the younger Salvatore brother came towards her with a broken smile, "Your guy's here. I'm gonna be with Elena, call if you need anything." He told the girl he saw as his little sister, hoping she'd be okay.

She embraced him, giving him a tight squeeze.

"I'll be fine. I might stop by tomorrow. Tell Damon I said stay away from the demon juice." She pointed her finger at him knowing the habits of the other brother.

He nodded shoving his hands in his pockets as she walked away, "I'm pretty sure he's got some now, but we'll start tomorrow!" He shouted after her, he had already seen his brother halfway through one of the many bottles of bourbon he had.

Elara shook her head knowing Damon and his bourbon would be attached even more so now than before.

They all grieve differently.

She saw the familiar black car in the distance. Klaus leaned against the car waiting for her, his thoughts clouded with thoughts of his mother. She was gone. She was no longer a threat to him or his relationship.

He was finally free of her control. He was free.

He heard footsteps and caught her scent. He couldn't help but look down at his feet trying to conceal the small smile that was forcing its way onto his face as he thought of her.

He won. He had his freedom, and he had his girl...and he had his unborn child.

Elara stumbled over to him offering him a small smile, "Hi." She whispered, wrapping her arms around him in comfort to him and herself. They both lost and gained something that night. They both lost someone they cared about, or in Klaus's case someone he once cared about. And they gained freedom. No more evil witch problems, or anyone trying to kill them.

They could live knowing that they could start over, they could get away knowing they'd be able to have their child together.

She blinked a couple of times pulling away from him, "We should get go- what's wrong?" He noticed a weird look on her face, "Love?" He placed his hand under her chin, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

She stepped away from him in fear, revolting at his touch.

"W-where am I? Get away." She pushed him away looking around frantically.

His heart ached not being able to touch her. He was just as confused as she was, "Sweetheart, breathe." He noticed how erratic her breathing got.

In Elara's head, she could hear her voice and another's both talking at an incredible speed, all at once. It was like every memory she had was playing all at once.

She couldn't focus or make it stop. Along with all of that she was in the presence of a crazy murderous vampire. The same original who tried to kill all of her friends.

The same one that killed her father.

Her eyes followed his movement towards her, alerting her entire body.

"Stay away from me!" She turned running in the opposite direction of him. She knew she was in the cemetery, she knew her way around this place. She continued to run, not able to remember how she got in the woods in the first place.

She saw a group of people standing around and called out.

"Help!" They all turned quickly recognizing her voice and she stopped in relief of the familiar faces, "K-Klaus." She fumbled over her words, her legs getting weak.

Stefan sped over to her before she hit the ground. Klaus stood a few feet behind with a solemn look on his face as he watched her.

Her body gave out in exhaustion, against Stefan's body. The group of supernaturals are all watching in concern and wariness for their pregnant friend.

At that moment Klaus lost everything. He lost his girl, he lost his child, he lost his future, his present, his life, his reason for existing. It was all taken away in a matter of seconds.

The only thing he seemed to think of was his mother.

He should've known.

He could never be truly free of her.

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