🔪 Gyutaro x Reader 🔪

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🔪 Yandere
Hello, darling
Request: nezukodademon
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Kidnapping


The job of a demon slayer was certainly not an easy one. And not one for the faint of heart, either.

You had to be strong mentally and physically - whether it was being born that way or hammering it into your skin until it reaches your bones.

At least, that's what I did.

I had learnt the hard way that you can't save everyone. No matter how much you want to.

The best thing you can do for them is to honour them by giving the a proper burial. Even if their corpse is completely mutilated.

But the most important thing is to accept that nothing else could have been done, if it is so. That way, you don't let it weigh you down.

The last thing anyone needs is a demon slaying defect.

Third Person POV
Demon slaying was considered a life commitment for many. Some considered it bad luck.

And then there was people like (Y/N), who had too much free time.

(Y/N)'s family were demon slayers and had been for generations. Due to this, they were good friends with the Rengoku family.

So that meant (Y/N) and the Rengoku brothers were practically siblings. They all got along with each other well enough for that to be an easy mistake.

One day, (Y/N) and Kyojuro planned to go to the city for a while. Unfortunately, Senjuro couldn't come. The two promised to write to him.

Besides, it was only supposed to be a short stay.

Keyword: supposed.

I was a little sad, since Senjuro wasn't coming with us. But I couldn't focus on that and ruin mine and Kyojuro-san's time.

"Do you think we could buy something here for Senjuro?" I asked Kyojuro as we walked through the crowd-ridden streets.

"That's a great idea, (Y/N)!" Kyojuro replied loudly, earning a few stares from passing-byers.

"But... what could I bring back for him??" I asked.

"I don't know! But I'm sure you'll figure it out!" Kyojuro replied with his usual smile and enthusiasm.

Suddenly, I got a strange feeling, "Kyo, do you feel that?" I asked, looking around anxiously.

Kyojuro tilted his head in confusion, "No?" He replied.

I narrowed my eyes towards a small alleyway, and shrugged, "All right then... I think I'm just a little paranoid."

Kyojuro POV
Me and (Y/N) had lots of fun. We ate udon, watched fireworks, and what not.

But it had gotten late, so we booked two rooms in an Inn nearby.


I can't believe I wasn't there. For (Y/N), I mean.

Our rooms were right next door, and I'm not sure how I managed to let her-


I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. Immediately, I reached for my sword and jumped out of the futon.

As soon as I opened the door of my room, I heard screaming from the one next door.

'(Y/N)!' I thought to myself. I rushed to the door and tried to open it.

My heart dropped.

'It's locked!?'

Listening to the screams of my best friend was unbearable - especially without knowing what was happening.

I kept pushing the door, trying to open it. But something was keeping it locked from the other side.

Suddenly, the screaming started to get fainter. And fainter. And fainter.

Until it stopped.

And I still couldn't open the door, "(Y/N)! Answer me!" I pleaded.

But no response.

I struggled and shouted profanities at my kidnapper. From his presence alone, I already knew that he was a demon.

He ignored my insults and cries and continued on. I kicked and punched as much as I could, even if my efforts were worthless.

Eventually, we landed in an alleyway - in which he dropped me on the ground.

I looked up at the demon with hatred. It lowered its hood to reveal its face, and I reeled back in disgust.

The demon's face was like nothing I had ever seen before. His eyes were a sort of yellow-ish colour. I couldn't really tell in the dark.

"Hello, darling..."


A/N: Right, just have to do the other three... or was it four...?

Word Count: 721

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