⭐ Genya x Reader ⭐

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⭐ Special
Request: storiess123
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: (none)


Genya POV
For a long time, me and (Y/N) had been friends. Ever since we were children, as a matter of fact.

And with time, we soon became lovers.

Now to the problem.

I loved (Y/N) with all my heart. And probably even more than that.

So, I wanted her to be with me forever. You know, till death do us part.

But I was nervous.

No, I was scared. Scared of rejection. Scared that she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment.

I had to get it off my chest in some way. So I decided to ask a good friend of mine.

When (Y/N) left for work, I grabbed my phone and flopped onto the bed. I scrolled through my contacts list, scanning every name with my eyes.

Finally, I found the person I was looking for and clicked on his name.


You there?

I'm here
Did you want to talk or something?

I have a slight problem

What's wrong, Genya?

So, you know (Y/N)?

That girl you're dating?
I know her.
Why do you ask?
Did something happen between you two!?

What? No!

Oh, sorry for assuming!

I want to propose to her.
But I don't know if I should.
Like, what if she isn't ready?

Do you want my opinion or my advice?

I could really use both right now.

Well, my opinion is that you should do it!
She loves and cares for you a lot.


And my advice is that you should listen to your heart.

I don't speak heart.

Well, how does it feel?

It aches... sort of...

Then I think it's telling you to propose to her as well!

I'm gonna do it.
I'll do it tonight. Make her dinner and everything.

That's the spirit!

Thanks Tanjiro.

You're welcome.
Remember to tell me how it goes.

I will
Fingers crossed 🤞


I set the phone down on the side table and went to the kitchen to prepare the scene, feeling more confident.

'The final decision comes down to you, (Y/N)...' I thought in my head.

Work had been difficult. A lot of my colleagues were being annoying and that - but that was most likely due to the fact that they were also agitated.

I opened the door the the apartment that me and my lover, Genya, shared. I hung up my coat and went to the living room.

At first, I was confused. I didn't see Genya anywhere. Usually, he would greet me when I came home or was hanging out in the living room.

"Genya...?" I called out.

"Over here, (Y/N)!" Another voice called.

I went to the kitchen, "Genya, what are you-?"

But I stopped my sentence midway when I saw.

The table was set up with delicious food and Genya was sitting on one end. He gestured for me to sit.

"What's all this?" I asked, eyeing my boyfriend with suspicion.

"Tonight is... special." Genya replied.

"In what way? Is it your birthday? Did I forget it!?" I asked, panicking slightly.

"Wha-? No, it-it's nothing like that!" Genya replied, shaking his head vigorously, calming me down.

"Then... what? Is it my birthday?"

"It's not anyone's birthday. However, I hope that next year, we'll look back on this day and think of it like the birthday of... something really special."

With that, Genya stood up and came to my side. I turned my chair to face my boyfriend, still confused as ever. He reached into his pocket...

Got down on one knee...

I gasped as he opened the little box in his hands to reveal a beautiful ring.

"(Y/N) (L/N). I love you more than anything else in this world. And... I want that chance to make the rest of your life happy. Will you... will you marry me, (Y/N)-chan?"

I was in shock, and I stood up - a bright smile covering my face - and squealed with happiness.



A/N: Just so you know, I haven't forgotten about the Part Three that I need to do for the Tsugikuni Twins x Reader. I've been getting sidetracked lately, but it will be done soon ;)

Word Count: 724

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